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Å.N.Harytonova, doctor of biological sciences M.A.Safonov

Orenburg state pedagogical university, Russia




The poplar (Populus L., Salicaceae) is one of woody plants genuses wide spread in different nature-climatic zones. As a rule, their settling is connected with streams of a different type, that determines their confinement to large rivers flood plains, where they form clean or blended tree stands. In Southern Preurals tree stands, consisting of Populus alba L., P. nigra L. occupy 15 % of common wood cover area of region, conceding only to oukerys [Woods of the Orenburg region, 2000]. The second place poplar stands occupy and on stores of wood - 10,56 million m3 [Woods of the Orenburg region, 2000]. On the occupied area and common stores of wood poplar stands in large rivers flood plains are in the lead; their lobe makes 35,6 % of the areas of bottomland forests of region [Shatalov et al., 1984]. Let's note, that in the given context, analyzing poplar stands, we do not consider an aspen - Populus tremulae L..

The fast growth, longevity and tolerance to the attitude of unfavorable environmental factors, makes poplars a perspective objects for use in green building. So, in the majority of the occupied points of region in gardening Populus balsamifera L., P.canadiensis Moench., P. italica (Du Roi) Moench are used.

So wide spread occurance of poplars in region causes interest to study of state and features of functioning of these wood ecosystems and, in particular, to study of all their components - from producers up to reducers, to which concern xylotrophic (wood destroying) fungi - macromycetes.

The perennial researches which have been carried out in poplar stands of region have shown, that on poplar wood 43 species of xylotrophic fungi concerning 25 genuses and 18 families largest of which are Polyporaceae Fr. and Ñoriolaceae (Imazeki) Singer. The largest genuses are Pholiota, Pleurotus, Trametes.

The analysis of species allocation to phylums of substrates has shown, that the majority of fungi is dated to dead wood (large and shallow fallen fulcrums, dieing off medium-sized branches); 29,2 % of species are marked on dead standing poplars; 13,8 % of species are marked on growing trees. The least substrate settling by fungi is shallow dead branches; here Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers.:Fr) Pouzar.,. Schizophyllum commune Fr.: Fr., Stereum subtomentosum Pouzar are meet more often. Probably the cause of that can be find in biotope specificity of the majority of poplar stands - flood areas, where the annual high water carries away the most part of dead wood material of this dimension and it is possible to reveal only species, capable quickly to generate fruit bodies. On larger branches and fallen medium-sized fulcrums Bjerkandera adusta (Willd.: Fr.) P.Karst., Cerrena unicolor (Bull.:Fr). Murrill, Trametes hirsuta (Wulfen: Fr.) Pilat, T. ochracea (Pers)) Gilb.& Ryvarden, T. trogii Berk., T. versicolor (L.: Fr.) Pilat. are meet frequently. On large fallen fulcrums, on dry and growing trees such species as Fomes fomentarius (L.: Fr.) Fr., Phellinus igniarius Niemela, Polyporus squamosus Huds.:Fr., species of Lentinus, Pholiota, Pleurotus, Pluteus genuses are marked.

It is interesting to note finds on black poplars series of species, which can be considered to rare in region and in the long term will be brought in the regional Red data book, in particular, concerns Hericium coralloides (Scop.:Fr). Pers., brought in the Red data book of RSFSR [1988]; mountain-taiga relict Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.: Fr.) Murrill [Ìurashkynskyi, 1939]. Lenzites warnieri Dur. & Mont – termophilous species, whose diffusion is determined by climatic conditions. In Southern Preurals it is a northern limit of diffusion of a species [Safonov, 2003]. Spongipellis spumeus (Sowerby: Fr.) Pat. is a nemoral species - relict of conifer-broadleaf woods [Stepanova-Kartavenko, 1967; Mukhin, 1993]; it is considered rare species in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway [Kotiranta, T.Niemelä, 1996; Rødeliste…, 1998]. Volvariella bombycina (Schaeff.: Fr.) Sing. - multiregional species; its addition into the European list of rare and endangered species of fungi is offered [Ing, 1993].

The comparison of poplar stands mykobiota species composition of the Orenburg region with other formation mykobiotas shows its quality originality. Thus, the study of poplar stands mykobiota species composition and other characteristics should be continued with the purpose of revealing its structural features and development of adequate measures on its conservation.



1. Woods of the Orenburg region. - Orenburg: Orenburg Publ. House, 2000. - 244 p.

2. Shatalov V.G., Treschevskyi I.V., Yakimov I.V. Bottomland forests. - M.: “Lesnaya promyshlennost”, 1984. - 160 p.

3. Red data book: (plants) /A.L.Takhtadjan ed.. - Moskow: Rosagropromizdat, 1988. - 590 p.

4. Ìurashkynskyi Ê.Å. Mountain-taiga timber fungi // Works of Omsk agrarian institute. - 1939. - Ò.17. - P.75-108.

5. Safonov M.A. Rare species of fungi of the Orenburg region: problems of revealing, studying and preservation. - Orenburg: OSPU Publ. House, 2003. - 100 p.

6. Stepanova-Kartavenko N.T. Aphyllophoroid fungi of Urals. - Sverdlovsk, 1967. - 293 p.

7. Mukhin V.A. Biota of xylotrophic basidiomycetes of the West- -Siberian plain. - Ekaterinburg: “Nauka”, 1993. - 231 p.

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10. Ing, B. Towards a Red List of Endangered European Macrofungy / B.Ing // Fungi of Europe: investigations, recording and conservation. - GB; Kew, 1993. - P.231-237.