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N.Krasnogorskaya, T.Fashchevskaya, E.Yangirova, Ts.Volkova

Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russian Federation



The Russia Federation keeps the second place in the world (after the Brazil) in reserve of fresh water resources. However, the fresh water – the most consumed natural treasure. Rivers are the main source of freshwater. Rivers have a great social and economic importance because rivers are a water source for drinking and industrial needs. However, the intensity anthropogenic activities in the rivers basins lead to the degradation of rivers.

The main factors of human activities which affect the water resources on the Bashkortostan territory are runoff regulation (such as water reservoir construction) and agricultural activities (such as irrigation, dewatering, deforestation, the cattle pasturing).

All these factors have a not only significant impact on the natural runoff variations and the freshwater resources condition, but also can cause erosion processes such as coastal destruction, surface slope destruction, the increasing of the gullies, and etc. Therefore, the problem of Republic Bashkortostan water objects restoration and conservation in their natural condition is actual.  

The small rivers restoration activities are engaged in the different regions of Russian Federation and in the world. In relation water objects of the Bashkortostan Republic, these recovery activities can be combined in four groups:

-         restoration and conservation of water quality;

-         conservation of channel morphometric parameters;

-         restoration of coastal areas;

-         restoration and conservation of conditions for the river organisms.

Analysis of economic activities in the Bashkortostan Republic has shown that the water pollution sources of the same water object can be set. Therefore, an acceptable way to conserve a quality of water object natural condition is to use a bioengineering construction (for example, bioplato). These constructions are operated by the natural ability of living organisms to absorb, to decompose and to recycle pollutants. The existing foreign and domestic experience has shown that the introduction of bioplato for water purification in the rivers is advisable in the Bashkortostan Republic [1].

The river morphometric characteristics changes and changes of river inflow can cause negative changes in the surrounding landscape and then to change the natural ecosystem. For example, for the construction of the railway bridge at the end of the XIX century channel the Dema River at the mouth area was changed. The series of lakes with specific animal and plant communities were formed in the place of the old channel [2].

The coastal plants carry erosion-preventive and flood control function. The plants keep the water flow, therefore the big quantity of water can leak out into the soil deep. Vegetation cover prevents water erosion and landslides [3]. The greatest soil destruction is found in the western part of Bashkortostan Republic.  This is due to the fact that the part of agricultural lands in some regions of Bashkortostan consist 80%.

The forests on the Bashkortostan Republic are situated irregularly. Illegal deforestation and forest fires led to decrease of forest areas, which affect the hydrological water regime of rivers systems. Therefore, the coastal areas restoration is important in the restoration of degraded water objects and for the natural water regime conservation.  German scientists was conducted that for the most effective coastal areas restoration necessary use plants which grow nearly the water object territory [4].

In the most ecosystems, which didn’t destroyed by human activities, the community of living organisms is abundant and varied. Each type of river dwellers is needed to ensure the natural flora and fauna. The changes in species composition are continued from small rivers to large rivers. The natural environment changes can lead to changes in number and species characteristics of communities which live on the all river flow [5].

The issue of river ecosystems wildlife conservation is particularly relevant in the Bashkortostan Republic. Thus, in the region have disappeared following types of fish: beluga, Russian sturgeon, Volga herring, Caspian (Volga) salmon. In recent years the brook trout was completely disappeared. The artificial maintenance of quantity is necessary for almost species, such as pike, perch, bream, asp, and etc. In the Red Book of Bashkortostan Republic have been included 19 species of algae, 29 species of invertebrates, 7 species of fish, and 3 species of amphibians. Therefore,

The restoration and conservation of conditions for the river organisms is a necessary condition of the restored ecosystem stability [6].

Thus, the water resources of the Bashkortostan Republic are subjected of strong anthropogenic impact.  Therefore, to conduct the large-scale measures to restore and to maintain the water objects natural conditions are necessary.


1.              Boikova I., Volshanik V., Karpov N., Pechnikov V., Pupyrev E. Exploitation, reconstruction and protection of water objects in the cities: training manual for high schools. – Moscow: ACB Publishing House, 2008, 256p.

2.              Marushin V. Far and close Ufa // Belsky spaces, ¹10, 2004

3.              Smetanin V. Restoration and purification of water objects. – M.: ColossusS, 2003. – 157p.

4.              Rumyantsev I., Chalov R., Cromer R., Nestmann F. Restoration and exploitation of water objects /Ed. Rumyantsev. – M.: 2001. – 271 p.

5.              Suggested methods for restoration of the Moldova Republic small rivers. Access mode:http://www.ecologylife.ru/voda-i-zdorovje-2001/predlagaemyie-metodyi-vosstanovleniya-malyih-rek-respubliki-moldova.html

6.              State report about natural resources and environmental condition of the Bashkortostan Republic in 2010, Ufa, 2011, - 343p.