Prof. Dr. N.Sirenko

Mykolayiv State Agrarian University, Ukraine

Current situation of the organic production development in the agrarian sector


Organic food production is a method of intensive agriculture based on the effective use of the whole complex of local conditions and resources. Such form of management may be extremely favourable for developing countries’ stable ecological, social and economic development because it is characterized by the low level of prime cost and high economic effectiveness.

The necessity of organic production for people is proved by many sources such as scientific research and practical results in different countries and on different continents.

As compared to conventionally grown fruit and vegetables, organic ones contain 1,5 – 2 as much minerals and trace elements and 4 times as much iron. Organic meat contains 5 to10 times as little fat and 10 times as much unsaturated fat acids as traditionally grown meat.

Principles of organic food production are universal for all countries, cultures, patterns of ownership and the size of organic food production. They are approved by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and include principles of health, ecological compatibility, justice and care.

The principle of health- the organic agriculture reserves and makes the health of the soil stronger. It makes healthier the plants, animals’ and human beings as indivisible organism which we call – the health of ecological system.

The principle of ecological compatibility – the organic agriculture is based on alive ecological systems and natural cycles. It cooperates with those cycles and follows its rules and help to save their harmony and integrity.

The principle of correctness – the organic agriculture is based on true relations between surrounding and equal abilities of each separate person.

The principle of concerning – the organic agriculture is based on preserving methods of growth and responsible approach to the health protection and prosperity of today and future generation and the surrounding in the whole.

At the beginning of 2010, 270193 hectares of agricultural lands in Ukraine were being used for organic production, which is twice as much as 6-7 years ago. According to this performance, Ukraine occupied the 20th place in the world in 2009. Yet, the majority of certified organic products produced in Ukraine are exported. Consequently, the inner market is not saturated enough with such products.

According to the research results (September, 2010), the majority of Ukrainian people (60%) living in the cities are willing to buy ecologically pure products even if their cost is higher than the cost of standard ones. Also, the Ukrainians may recognize meat and meat products (39%), milk and dairy products (36%), fruit and vegetables (29%), bread and pasta (16%) as the most called-for ecologically pure products.

Researchers admit that the organic products market grows very slowly. In European countries the following reasons of the slow growth are stated: lack of cooperation initiative between farmers willing to grow organic food, insufficient knowledge and information about possibilities of ecologically safe products production, low sales results for such products at supermarkets due to their poor participation, lack of facilities and equipment, insufficient governmental support, poor labeling, poor support from the farms with traditional agriculture as well as research organizations, poor communication between researchers and final consumers of the research results, insufficient information for consumers about possibilities for buying organic products.

Besides of basic raw producing (cereal crop, legumes, oil-plants) fro the producing of the final product in last two years the organic plant growing such as growing of fruits, vegetables and berries.

Processing of organic raw materials is also developing. Another words, we can say about first certified cereals, jam, juices, syrups, dried fruits and meat of Ukrainian production.

The law on organic production had not been passed in Ukraine yet and there are no rules according to which the certification of organic products and its producers can be realized. In connection with this the Certification bodies are oriented on European rules of certification and marking. 

The overfilled Ukrainian home market by the low-qualified products provokes and stimulates the consumers to switch to the goods of “spotless reputation“.  As an alternative to the standard goods the demand for organic products started to emerge.

The data of latest sociological surveys approves the increasing interest to organic products among Ukrainian consumers.

In Ukraine, apart from the listed above reasons, development of organic production in the agrarian sector is held back due to the absence of organic food storage infrastructure, low income level and the state’s disinterest in the organic production development.