Master student Izvekov N.Y.

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia

Analysis of properties of optimization pricing models


The aim of this work is the research of properties of the original models of determination of optimal consumer prices using the price elasticity of goods.

N.Y. Izvekov and T.V. Kalashnikova derived several models of optimal pricing in their article «Using the price elasticity in the procedures of optimization of financial indicators for a retail chain» [1]. Now it is proposed to develop that approach and research properties of those models.


 – optimal changes of the consumer price,  – price elasticity coefficient,  – last consumer price, $;  – quantity of sales at the last consumer price,  – optimal consumer price, $;  – trade margin at the last consumer price.

The maximum turnover is achieved at the point  [1].

Thus, the turnover at the optimal point is defined as:

According to the accepted limits the price elasticity coefficient  takes the following values: .

The limit of the function  is calculated:


So, the horizontal asymptote passes through the point . It follows when the value of the price elasticity coefficient  decreases, the graph of this function converges to the horizontal asymptote at the point . This points to the fact that when the models of turnover maximization is used, the optimal consumer price  can not be less than the half of the last «closed» consumer price (price preceded the current one).

The maximum gross margin is achieved at the point  [1].

The gross margin at the optimal point is defined as:

Further transformations can be made:

The optimal price in both models is defined as follows:

Thus, the determinants of optimal prices are found:

·      from the point of view of maximizing turnover:

1)  the last consumer price;

2)  price elasticity coefficient.

·     From the point of view of maximizing gross margin:

1)  the last consumer price;

2)  price elasticity coefficient;

3)  current purchasing price (or trading margin).

The expression for the optimal changes in a consumer prices is converted for further investigations of properties of the obtained gross margin function:


In such a way, optimal changes in a consumer price from the point of view of maximizing the gross margin is defined as follows:

where  – optimal change in a consumer price in relation of maximizing the gross margin;  – optimal change in a consumer price from the point of view of maximizing the turnover;   coefficient of difference between optimal changes in a consumer price in relation of maximizing the gross margin and turnover.

Hereafter, it is possible to allocate two cases depending on the value of the purchasing price:

With increasing the trade margin  the value of the difference coefficient decreases. This means it is easier to find a compromise between often conflicting requirements of increasing the turnover on the one hand and raising the marginal profit on the other in determining consumer prices of high-margin products. The reason lies in the fact that, under other equal conditions, increase of the trade margin on the product leads to convergence of optimal prices in terms of the turnover and marginal profit with each other.

The limit of the function  is needed to be calculated:


So, one could argue that the considerable growth of the trading margin leads to deleting difference between the two types of optimal prices.

The range of trade margin values  generates a field of values of the function of the coefficient of difference between optimal price changes on the gross margin and the turnover .

As the value  is positive, if the purchasing price is not equal to zero (this condition is always done in the trading practice), . It means that the price, at which the maximum value of the gross margin is reached, is always higher than the price, at which the maximum value of the turnover is achieved, by the amount :


Hence it follows:


where  – price, at which the maximum value of the gross margin is achieved, $;  – price, at which the maximum value of the turnover is reached, $;  – current purchasing price, $.

Thus, the determinants of the optimal consumer price are received and the correlation between the two types of the optimal price (in the terms of the turnover and the gross margin) is defined as a result of the research.



1.   Èçâåêîâ Í.Þ., Êàëàøíèêîâà Ò.Â. Èñïîëüçîâàíèå öåíîâîé ýëàñòè÷íîñòè â ïðîöåäóðàõ îïòèìèçàöèè ôèíàíñîâûõ ïîêàçàòåëåé ñåòè ðîçíè÷íîé òîðãîâëè // Àíàëèòè÷åñêèé æóðíàë «ÐÈÑÊ: ðåñóðñû, èíôîðìàöèÿ, ñíàáæåíèå, êîíêóðåíöèÿ». – 2011. – ¹3. – Ñ. 384-389.

2.   Catherine Cazals, Frederique Feve, Patrick Feve, Jean-Pierre Florens. Simple structural econometrics of price elasticity // Economics Letters. – Elsevier, 2005. – Vol. 86(1). – P. 1-6.

3.   Joseph G. Eisenhauer, Kristine E. Principe. Price knowledge and elasticity // Journal of empirical generalisations in marketing science. – 2009. – Vol 12, ¹2. – P. 31-52.

4.   Martijn Brons, Peter Nijkamp, Eric Pels, Piet Rietveld. A meta-analysis of the price elasticity. A system of equations approach // Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper. – 2006. – ¹106/3.