Modern information technologies/  2. Computer means and programming

P.I. Sosnin and V.A. Maklaev

Petr Ivanovich Sosnin, head of the computer department of Ulyanovsk State Technical University. [e-mail:].

Vladimir Anatolievich Maklaev, general director of Federal Research-and-Production Center ‘Research-and-Production Association ‘Mars’. [e-mail:].





This paper describes the specialized workflows supporting the interactions of designers with the accessible experience in collaborative designing of the software intensive system. The inclusion of such workflows in the designing contributes to the increasing of its successfulness. Workflows are based on pseudo-code programming of the interactions which are aimed at the designer activity in the computer medium. Means of pseudo-code programming are developed as the question-answer processor (oriented to question-answering).

Key words:



1   Introduction

Nowadays the development of the Software Intensive Systems (SISs) is estimated as the least mastered type of engineering activities. The degree of the success in this engineering area is about 35 % and such state of affairs is not being changed practically almost 20 last year [10].

The named state of affairs leads to the annual losses in hundred billion dollars and these losses demand to analyze the reasons of negatives and to search for the new means to increase the degree of the success. In a set of discovered reasons the human factors (misunderstanding, ambiguity of reasoning and the others) are recognized as the main source of failures.

We are deeply convinced that the essential role of human factors in the successfulness of designing is being defined by the real time interactions of designers with the experience used for designing the current state of the system which should be created. The effectiveness of such interactions principally depends on means supported the access of the designer to the own experience and collective experience with their models presented in computer medium (or shortly to the accessible experience).

The described understanding was used by the author for defining the question-answer approach (QA-approach) to the conceptual solutions of project tasks which are being implemented and registered in the form of question-answer reasoning (QA-reasoning). Such type of solutions is based on the real time access to the appropriate precedents the models of which:

·                    will be found in the accessible experience, adjusted and included to the current state of the solution;

·                    and/or will be built and embedded in the solution and then will be included to the accessible experience.

The approach has been evolved till the workflows named “Interaction with Experience”. The workflows provide generating, registering and processing of QA-reasoning in the instrumental medium named [11] WIQA (Working In Question and Answers). There are different forms of QA-reasoning supported by WIQA. The most effective form for conceptual solutions of tasks is pseudo-code program.

2         Interactions with Experience

2.1.         Working Understanding  of the Human Experience

The life of any person exists and evolves via interactions with naturally artificial world. The human side of interactions consists of behavioral units the most part of which are repeatable. Such repeatable units of the human behavior which were named “precedents”, are the corresponding conditioned reflexes after their intellectual processing. Below we shall count that a system of precedents models is a kernel of the human experience. It will play the role of the working understanding of the human experience in this paper. The chosen understanding will be coordinated with designing as the form of activity in which widely use typical design actions (design precedents).

To specify the used understanding we shall clarify the essence of precedent conceptually and define its structure and content constructively.  Conceptually “precedents are actions or decisions that have already happened in the past and which can be referred to and justified as an example that can be followed when the similar situation arises[8].

As told above, any (project) precedent is being implemented according to its model created by the human (designer) in the result of intellectual processing of the definite unit of the behavior (designing activity). It is possible to consider, that any precedent appears as a result of the corresponding “experiment” executed by a human or a group of persons. Similar “experiment” is being planned and being implemented in the definite conditions for achieving the definite aims of the motivated experimenter(s).

Therefore, in general case the precedent can be presented by the following logical scheme:


This model is a human-oriented scheme the human interaction with which is able to activate the internal logical process on the level of the second signal system in human brains. So the model opens the possibility of the managed checking the fitness of the estimated precedent. The model clearly presents the conditions of the precedent fitness. It also opens the access to “codes” of the corresponding precedent in the human brain. By the other words, the conditioned part of the model is a source of questions the answers on which can be used for checking the fitness of the corresponding precedent. Providing of the access to units of the human experience is the basic kind of activity of consciousness.

The logical model is a result of intellectual processing the corresponding behavioral unit which was built in the result of solving the definite task Z(Pi). It gives the right to bind with any precedent Pi its life cycle which begins from the statement of the corresponding task Z(Pi). The logical model can be interpreted as a formalized statement of this task. To create this model the human should translate the textual form of statement (textual model PT of precedent P ) in the logical formula PL.

In the end of this item we shall note that for any person the mastered precedents exist as the system of their models one part of which is localized in the human brain. The other parts are being placed in the different accessible informational sources. In our opinion the computer medium is the most rational of such sources in designing of SIS.

2.2.          Interaction with Accessible Experience

The logical model of the precedent prompts a way for the use of the model for the access to the “code” of the precedent in the human experience (to the precedent representation in the human brain). This way is similar to the logical programming of precedent conditions described by formulae of PL-type.

The simplest version of PL-formula is the AND-OR-combination of M-, C-, U’- and U’’-components each of which can be expressed by the question about its meaning. Answering on these questions fills the PL-formula by the content which allows computing the value of this formula.

Let us suppose that these questions have been extracted from the model and been prepared for their visualization on the monitor screen. The human can read the questions  from the monitor and compare “answers” from brain with answers ”written” in the model. In this case the question-answer sequence and its content visualized on the screen will manage the search actions of the human.

But in the solving the task Z(Pi) the marked questions were discovered before PL-formula will be built. In the suggested means these questions are formulated (in the natural language) into QA-reasoning aimed at the conceptual solution of any task of Z(Pi)-type. So the definite QA-reasoning can be interpreted as the QA-model of the corresponding task Z(Pi) or the state PQA in the life cycle of the precedent Pi. Interactions with PQA-model are able to activate the “codes” of the necessary precedent in the human brain.

Thus QA-reasoning used in the solution of the task can play the role of the program (QA-program) which will manage the reuse of this solution as the precedent. Such understanding is put in QA-programs below. QA-programs are oriented on their execution by the human (in our case by the designer).

The other way of interactions with the human experience is connected with the algorithmic usage of the natural language when, for example, plans in textual forms manage by the executions of the reaction parts of precedents. In general case of SIS such plans include commands any of which should initiate the actions or humans or computers or instrumental means of the other types. Before executing of any command it is read, recognized, understood, estimated by the human who should prepare all what will be necessary for the corresponding acting.

All named preliminary mental actions are aimed at the use of the human experience. The effectiveness of mental actions depends on the presentation of commands which should help to the human in such actions of consciousness. Thus any written command as the definite language sign includes a question. Presentations of commands should correlate with dialog processes of consciousness.

As told above the accessible experience includes a set of models of experience which is presented in the computer medium. Therefore designers should interact with such models also. In WIQA the models present the precedents the logical scheme of which is described above. Models of precedents are combined in the base of precedents (experience base) the access to which has a question-answer type (will be described below). Thus question-answer form of human-computer interactions (HCI) is used as for the access to the human experience so for the access to the models of such experience.

2.3.         Intellectual Processor

One type of interactions with accessible experience is bound with the designer who interacts with own experience. The basic reason of any task of such interactions is the necessity of the inclusion to the designing the appropriate precedent. The second type is bound with the search of the appropriate precedent in the experience base which has been created in the computer medium.

In WIQA the first type of interactions is being supported by models of reasoning in the real time or reasoning which has been registered for solved tasks the solutions of which were qualified as precedents. Moreover, reasoning should be implemented by designers in the question-answer forms correlated with the dialog nature of consciousness. Thus WIQA supports HCI provided the access of the designer to precedent representations in the human experience and the use of the chosen precedent model for the precedent reusing.

Such type of HCI is better to organize and materialize as means for managing of the named designer activity. The promising kind of means for the similar management is programs oriented on their execution by designers (not computer).

There are two paradigms for programming one of which is declarative programming and the second is imperative programming. WIQA supports both these paradigms. The declarative programming is being implemented by the real time interactions of the designer with QA-reasoning in the form of interactive objects of the following types: “task”, “question” and “answer”. The basic destination of such interaction is aimed at finding the answer for the definite question. Therefore declarative programming will be named below as QA-modeling. The typical extracted answer is the necessary model of the appropriate precedent.

The imperative programming is based on the algorithmic usage of the natural language when, for example, plans (techniques) are described as pseudo-code programs prepared for their execution by a human. 

The instruction for the reset of Outlook Express is an example of such pseudo-code program:

O1. Quit all programs.

O2. Start On the menu Run, click.

O3. Open In the box regedit, type, and then OK the click.

O4. Move to and select the following key:


O5. In the Name list, FirstRunDialog select.

O6. If you want to enable only the Welcome to Microsoft Outlook greeting, on the Edit menu Modify, click the type True in the Value Data box, and then OK the click.


O.10. On the Registry menu, click Exit.

O11.  End.

One can notice that this text indicates the steps of the instruction (pseudo-code program) which human should execute as a “processor” including to the “process” the actions with the own experience. Such processor will be named [12] as an “intellectual processor” (or shortly I-processor) because we understand the interactions of any human with own experience as a kernel of the personal intellectual abilities.

The presented example demonstrates that I-processor collaborates with the computer processor (K-processor) using it as the subordinated computer assistant. In WIQA the collaboration provides by the question-answer means of HCI. From this point of view the WIQA is a specialized processor of the question answer type (QA-processor) supporting interactions between I-processor and K-processor in collaborative designing of SISs.

Combining of processors is schematically presented in Fig. 1 which is inherited and adapted from Figure 1 of the ACM SIGCHI Curriculum for HCI [3].


Figure 1.    Collaboration of processors

In the scheme the question is understood by the author as the natural phenomenon which appears (in human brains) at the definite situation when the human interacts with the own experience. In this case the “question” is a symbolic (sign) model of the appropriate question. Used understanding helps to explain the necessity of fitting the “question” in QA-processes. Implicit questions and answers exist in the reality while “questions” and “answers” present them as sign models. Let us note the task is a type of questions.

3                   Realated Works

The idea of the designer model as I-processor is inherited by the author from publications [2] and [6] where described the model human processor (MH-processor) as an engineering model of the human performance in solving the different tasks in the real time. The especially known application of the MH-processor is Executive Process-Interactive Control (EPIC) described in detail in [6]. Means of EPIC support the programming of the human interaction with the computerized system in the specialized command language named Keystrok Level Model (KLM). A set of basic KLM actions includes the following operators: K ‒ key press and release (keyboard), P ‒ point the mouse to an object on screen, B ‒ button press or release (mouse), H ‒ hand from keyboard to mouse or vice versa and others commands.  MH-processor is defined [6] as a system of specialized processors which solve the common task collaboratively. One of these processors is a cognitive processor providing mental reasoning the type and content of which are not specified.

It is necessary to underline that I-processor is similar to MH-processor and includes the cognitive processor also. But the existence and work of this component of I-processor are revealed through reasoning of the QA- type. This feature is one of the main differences between MH-processor and I-processor. Another important difference is the forms of programming (declarative and imperative) on the base of QA-reasoning. Moreover, a set of basic commands of the imperative programming includes typical commands of the typical pseudo-code algorithmic language [13]. The other group of works related to the suggested QA-approach is connected with Question-Answering as a type of “an information retrieval in which a direct answer is expected in response to a submitted query, rather than a set of references that may contain the answers” [9].

There were many different QA-methods and QA-systems which have been suggested, investigated and developed in practice of the informational retrieval and extraction [4]. Possible ways in the evolution of this subject area were marked in the Roadmap Research [1] which is actual in nowadays. This research has defined the system of concepts, classifications and basic tasks of this subject area.

Applying concepts of the Roadmap Research we can assert that QA-means which are necessary for working with precedents samples should provide the use of “interactive QA” and “advanced reasoning for QA” [4]. In interactive QA “the questioner might want not only to reformulate the question, but (s)he might want to have a dialogue with the system”. The advanced reasoning is used by the questioner who „expects answers which are outside the scope of written texts or structured databases“[4]. From this point of view the useful informational sources for the creation of precedents samples is mental reasoning in dialog forms.

4                   Question Answer Medium

4.1.          Toolkit WIQA

The system WIQA has been developed as the QA-processor for the conceptual designing of the SIS by the method of conceptual solving the project tasks [11]. This method is based on the stepwise refining and QA-reasoning which are being evolved in the frame of incremental designing.

Step by step this system was evolved as the toolkit oriented on modeling of typical project tasks. The role of the basic source of typical tasks fulfilled the Rational Unified Process (RUP) created by corporation IBM [7]. The last version named WIQA.Net has been programmed on C# at the platform of Microsoft.Net 3.5. The structure of WIQA, its functional possibilities and positive effects are described in the publication [11]. The features of WIQA.Net (or shortly WIQA) are reflected by its general components structure presented in Fig. 2.


Figure 2.    Component structure of WIQA

The toolkit is oriented on the collective designing of SISs when tasks are appointed to members of the designer group. Appointments are supported by the special component named “Orgstructure” (Organizational structure of the team).

The basic component of WIQA is the QA-database which supports the real time working of designers with tasks of designing for the current project. All tasks are combined in the tasks tree supported the visual access of designers to its units each of which is interpreted as the definite precedent used in designing or will be executed by the user of the SIS.  The conceptual solution of any task Zi is being built with the help of QA-reasoning which are being registered in the QA-protocol fulfilled the role of the QA-model of the corresponding task. Units of the QA-protocol which are accessible for designers on the monitor screen are presented in Fig. 3.


Figure 3.    QA-model of Task

In more details any unit of the Z-, Q- or A-type is an interactive object the properties of which are being opened when any special plug-ins are used. Thus interactive tasks tree and a set of corresponding interactive QA-models of tasks present the “intermediate” between developers and the current state of the designed SIS existed in the computer environment.

This intermediate link opens opportunities for the realization of new forms HCI which are additional for forms of HCI put into the practice now. New forms are oriented to precedents and have the question-answer type. One of the new forms of HCI is being realized as pseudo-code programs which can be executed by I-processor so by K-processor separately or collaboratively.

4.2.         Quiestion-Answer Data

The definite set of Z-, Q- or A-objects are available (to designers) via their visual “side” the structure of which is presented in Fig. 4. On this side any object is presented by its statement and index label which has unique code in the QA-database and therefore it can be interpreted as an address of this object (QA-object) in the QA-memory (QA-database).  The content of such interactive objects are not limited only their textual and graphical expressions which are accessible to the designer via the main interface form. Other “sides” of any QA-object are accessible via plug-ins of WIQA. Thus any QA-object has a set of features defined by corresponding attributes and corresponding commands. The set of attributes includes, for example, the statement, index label, type, name of responsible person, time of last modifying. Below attributes of this set will be named as “basic attributes”.

Nothing prevents to abstract from the sense appointed originally on QA-objects and their combinations. On this base we define a type of data named “QA-data” for definite abstraction of QA-objects and their combination if it uses their subset of attributes and hierarchical structures for the combined QA-objects. QA-data has been used in WIQA and its application for presentations of organizational structures, catalogs of libraries, systems of characteristics and the others of descriptions for the structured constructs. Let us notice that the name of data and its meaning can be presented rationally by Q-object and A-object correspondingly. Any name includes the question about its meaning. Similar way can be and will be used for the source code of the operator and the result of its execution.

4.3.         Additional Attributes

On one of the previous steps of evolving the system of WIQA the plug-ins named “Additional attributes” has been developed. This plug-ins support the object-relational mapping which opens the possibility to create the program object (C# class) for any chosen QA-object embedded to the QA-database. Moreover, the designer can add the necessary additional attributes and “commands” to the basic attributes and corresponding commands. The general scheme of the object-relational mapping is presented in Fig. 4.

Figure 4.    Generation of additional attributes

After mapping any “line” of declaration of QA-data is existed as an object (class) formed at C#. Such materialization of the “line” inherits all attributes of the appropriate unit (“task” Z, “question” Q, “answer” A or the unit of the others subtypes) in the QA-database. Moreover, this set of attributes can be expanded by additional attributes {AAi} which can be appointed to the “line” with the help plug-ins “Additional Attributes”.

So except the field “description” for writing the “line” of the source code this “line” has a number of useful normative attributes (as told above type of line “N”, unique index name “NJ”, owner of unit, time of last changing and the others) and additional attributes (for example, for the data unit its type and other corresponding characteristics). Models of Precedents

5       Question-Answer Programming

5.1.         Declarative QA-programming

Question-answer models, as well as any other models, are created “for extraction of answers to the questions enclosed in the model”. Moreover, the model is a very important form of the representation of questions, answers on which are generated during interaction with the model. The essence of QA-modeling is interactions of designers with artifacts included to the QA-model of the chosen task in current states of artifacts. For such interaction the designer can use the special set of QA-commands, their sequences and a set of WIQA plug-ins.

As a whole the QA-model can be understood as a specialized SIS the architectural structure of which is presented in Fig. 5.

Figure 5.    Architectural views of QA-model of task

Architecture is presented no more than in demonstration aims to show the rich informational potential of the QA-model. The main source of the chosen views was the set of typical tasks in the RUP-technology.

So any developer can get any programmed positive effect with the help of QA-modeling as “answer” on question actually or potentially included in the QA-model (Fig. 6).


Figure 6.    QA-model as a source of answers.

As it is shown in this scheme any component of the QA-model is the source of answers accessible for the developer as results of interactions with THE QA-model. At the same time the potential of the QA-model is not limited by the questions planned at defining and creating the QA-model. Another source of useful effects of QA-modeling is an additional combinatorial “visual pressure” of questions and answers which is caused by influence on brain processes in their contacts with components of the QA-model.

5.2.         Emulation of Typical Data and Operators

Broadening of the abstract type of QA-data by means of additional attributes helps to emulate any traditional data types such as scalars, arrays, records, lists, stack, queue and the others. An example of keeping the array with elements of integer type is presented in Fig. 7 where a set of additional attributes are used for translating the array declaration to computer codes.


Figure 7.    Emulation of array

Attributes which are assigned for the array are visually accessible for the designer at any time and can be used not only for translating. The designer can add useful attributes to the set of array attributes for example for describing its semantic features which will be checked in creating and executing the QA-program. Any designer can create any necessary type of data as for C#-programming so for pseudo-code programming. 

The second type of pseudo-code lines strings is intended for writing the operators. In other words, the symbol string of the “question” can be used for writing (in this place) the operator in the pseudo-code form.  The fact or the result of the operator execution will be marked or registered in the symbol string of the corresponding “answer”.

 The next step in the emulation of operators is connected with taking into account types of operators. For simulating the basic pseudo-code operators the next constructions were chosen the following of them: Appoint, Goto, If-Then-Else, For, While-Do,  Do-Until, Command, Function and Procedure.  Emulations of QA-data and QA-operators are implemented in WIQA and provide the creation of pseudo-code programs for different tasks.

5.3.         Specimens of QA-programs

As told above QA-programs are oriented to the creation and use of precedents models. Such orientation suggests the programming of the condition part and reaction part of any precedent separately. The condition part should help to solve the task of the precedent choice from the base of precedents. Such work has a service type and it depends on the state of the base which changes during the development of the SIS. Therefore the program of any precedent choice should be easily changeable by the designer who is not the professional programmer usually. QA-programming helps to solve this problem.

The typical scheme of QA-programs for the conditioned parts has the following view:

QA-PROGRAM_1 (condition for the access to the precedent):

N1. Variable V_1 / Comment_1?

V1.Value of V_1.

N2. Variable V_2 / Comment_2?

V2. Value of V_2.


NM. Variable V_M / Comment_M?

VM. Value of V_M.

N0. F = Logical expression (V_1, V_2, …, V_M)?

V0. Value of Expression.


It is necessary to notice that the designer can build or to modify or to fulfill (step by step) the definite example of this program in the real time work with the corresponding precedent which, it may be, designer creates. In the presented typical scheme the logical expression of the choice is programmed as the program function (QA-function).

In this example the strings of the Q-type are marked by the label “N” (Name, Name of Variable) and string of the A-type are marked by the label “V” (Value of Name). Marked index labels are defined as subtypes for Q- and A-types. Additionally subtypes “O” (operator) and “E” (executed) were appointed for marking the Q-lines and A-lines in descriptions of operators. The subtype “O” was used in the pseudo-code program “Reset Outlook” which can be executed by I-processor in the WIQA medium.

The reaction part of the precedent has very often the technique type the possibility of QA-programming of which was described above. If it is not so the designer can create the reaction part in the prototype form as the QA-program. The next typical scheme reflects the work with techniques programmed as QA-procedures:

QA-PROGRAM_2 (technique for the typical task):

O1.K_i, K_j, …, PL_k ?

E1. *

O2.  K_m, QA-P_n,  …, K_q?



ON. K_s, Pl_t,  …, QA-P_v?

EN. #


 The program text includes the symbolic names K_x and Pl-y for the Command and Plug-ins of WIQA and QA-P_z for the QA-program written by means of WIQA. It is necessary to notice that all names of the types K_x, Pl-y and QA-P_z are indicated positions on the monitor screen for initiating the actions by touch of the designer. In such “points” of human-computer interactions the suggested means of HCI are being combined with traditional means of HCI. In the second typical scheme the symbols “*” and “#” (as “yes” and “no”) indicate the facts of the execution for operators. Let us note that in the typical case any string includes only one operator.

To demonstrate some language details in pseudo-code programming we shall present a fragment of one more QA-program:

O 1.11 Procedure &DiscardPriority&

O 1.11.1 &P& := &Pmax&

O 1.11.2 Label &DP1&

O 1.11.3 &Priority& := &P&

O 1.11.4 CALL &GetTaskByPr&

O 1.11.5 &base& -> &TaskPriority& := &base& -> &TaskPriority& + 1

O 1.11.6 CALL &ChangeTask&

O 1.11.7 &P& := &P& - 1

O 1.11.8 IF &P& < &base& -> &Pmin& THEN &base& -> &NewPriority& := &Pmin& ELSE GOTO &DP1&

O 1.11.9 ENDPROC &DiscardPriority&

This procedure is used in plug-ins of WIQA named "System of Interruptions" for the calculation of a priority of the interrupted QA-program. The system of interruptions is created by means of pseudo-code programming. The purpose was to estimate the potential of the created means of pseudo-code programming. In this plug-ins the QA-programs have been translated by the compiler (not by the interpreter) because they are processed by K-processor. Therefore, A-lines of operators are excluded in the source code.

6       Means of Interactions with Experience

6.1.         Precedent Framework

There are three ways for the appearance of the precedent and its model providing the reuse. The first way is connected with the intellectual processing of the definite behavior which was happened in the past but was estimated by the human as a potential precedent for its reuse in the future. The second way is the creation of the precedent in parallel with its first performance and the third way is an extraction of the precedent model from another’s experience and its models. In any of these cases if the precedent sample is being created as fitting the logical framework and filling it by the appropriate content then the human should solve the retrieval and extraction tasks of the necessary information from useful sources.

WIQA supports all of these ways any task of which designers solve with using the uniform data (presented in Fig. 3) and actions. As a result any task (and the task of precedent creation) can be presented by a set of its state in its life cycle [14]. Any useful state is rationally formed as the specialized precedent model helped in its reuse. Models PT, PQA and PL are examples of such states.

Moreover, with any useful state of the task solution the designer can bind the subordinated task.  This approach has helped to define the precedent framework which integrates a system of its models presented in Fig. 8.


Figure 8.    Life cycle of integrated model of precedent

This system includes the following useful precedent models: PT ‒ textual precedent description, PL ‒ logical (predicate) model, PG ‒ graphical (diagrammatic) model, PQA ‒ question-answer model, PI ‒ source program code and PE ‒ executed code. All of these models are included to the typical materialization of the precedent in the precedents base.

The chosen specialized models of precedent correlate with the real time practice of designing the SIS which is more fully reflected in RUP. Additionally the composite structure of the precedent presentation and the specificity of its production units were chosen for their usage by I-processor firstly and for the usage by K-processor secondly.

6.2.         Experience Base

In WIQA the described models of precedents are combined in the experience base which has two parts. The first part includes models for an invariant set of precedents each of which supports the execution by the designer the definite technology action or the typical designing technique. Such models are kept in the specialized library of the pseudo-code programs the access to which provides by the visualized catalog. The informational structure of the catalog is implemented similarly the tasks tree with corresponding QA-protocols. It has sections and subsections (analogical to tasks and subtasks) and models of precedents (in forms of definite tasks with corresponding pseudo-code programs).

The second part named “Base of Precedents” is organized similarly the knowledge base of expert systems [15]. Means of this base support the rough and strict access to the necessary model. The rough access provides the search via the list of keywords formed by the designer. The strict access is being implemented by the computing of the access functions embedded to the model in the form of pseudo-code functions. 

6.3.         Means of QA-programming

Means for QA-programming have been developed and embedded to WIQA as its evolution. The creation and use of QA-programs are being fulfilled in the operational medium which additionally includes the following components:

·                    editor of QA-reasoning (QA-programs) supporting the back object-relational mapping (with saving the appointed additional attributes);

·                    interpreter of QA-programs managing the step by step executing of the program operators by I-processor (by the designer) who has an opportunity to activate the automatic execution for the group of  marked operators;

·                    system of interruption providing the parallel execution of a number of QA-programs by I-processor.

·                    generator of pseudo-code prototypes with the interface linkage;

·                    compiler of the QA-program transforming the source pseudo-code to the code which will be executed by K-processor.

Creating of the definite QA-program is beginning from the choice of the point in the tasks tree and the declaration of the new task for this program. The index name of this task will be used as the initial address for computing the index names for any line of the source code of the QA-program which is written in the working area of the text editor. The indexed copy of the source code is registered in the editor memory and is visualized in the form of the QA-protocol. After saving the current state of the source code its indexed copy transfers to the QA-database.  In any time any QA-program from the database can be loaded to the editor.

Any QA-program in any its state can be load to the interpreter for the execution. Any executed operator of the QA-program is visualized in the special area of the interpreter and in any time the designer can declare the new synonym for the chosen keyword. There are other useful possibilities accessible for the designer in the main interface forms presented tasks tree and QA-models of tasks.

The reality of the designer activity is a parallel work with many tasks at the same time. Therefore, the special system of interruptions is included into WIQA. It gives the possibility to interrupt any executed task or QA-program (if it is necessary) for working with other tasks or QA-programs. The interruption system supports the return to any interrupted task or QA-program to its point of the interruption.

The presented means of HCI open the effective possibilities for aspect-oriented designing the traditional versions of HCI. For all usability metrics, which are defined in the standard ISO/ MEK–9126, corresponding precedents were created. All of them are united in the library of the typical tasks. Any task of this library is programmed with the usage of QA-means so that the corresponding usability metrics is accessible to designers as the definite interface precedent. The created library consists of 73 typical tasks any of which can be used for generating the necessary quantity of copies adjusted to the places of their materializations in the implemented system.

When in current solving of the project task the designer discovers the next “point of human-computer interaction” then the appropriate metrics task is being included to the tasks tree of the designed SIS. Such task has two subtasks one of which is a pseudo-code program of the precedent condition. The second subtask is a pseudo-code technique providing the inclusion of the chosen metrics into the solution of the project task.  In order to simplify the use of the aspect-oriented technique the special plug-ins for the interface prototyping has been developed and included to WIQA.

7                   Conclusion

This paper represents new means of modeling and programming which are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the designer activity. Such means based on QA-reasoning widely used in conceptual solutions of project tasks. Programming of the conceptual activity helps to increase the level of its automation and by that to reduce quantity of semantic faults and defects in designer solutions. The suggested means manage the designer who should fulfill the role of I-processor working under control of QA-programs in decisions of typical project tasks.

The offered means are adapted at understanding of the designer activity as the work based on precedents. Therefore pseudo-code language is defined and built as the object-oriented language the potential of which is sufficient for the expression of the necessary semantics.  QA-programming is being applied as to the precedents already mastered by designer and for the precedents being created during designing.

Possibilities of QA-programming are implemented in the instrumental system WIQA supported the work of designers with the precedent base in the corporate network. Means of QA-programming include the interpreter of QA-programs for their execution by designers and the compiler of QA-programs for the computer execution. The use of QA-programming and the base of precedents are embedded to conceptual designing supported by all means of WIQA.

The offered means have confirmed the practical usefulness in the development of a number of SIS, including “Multi-agent system for simulation of surrounding the sea vessel” and Question-answer expert system for ship collision avoidance”. Means of QA-programming was used for developments plug-ins “System of human-computer interruptions” and about 400 guides embedded to WIQA and also for the creation a set of QA-programs for a number of specialized systems.


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