Gruzdeva A. A. *, Kolesnik V. M. **




The state of the vessels of the oral mucosa with leukoplakia of the miners


   At the enterprises of mining industry in Dnepropetrovsk region in unfavorable and hazardous working conditions employs 65% of all workers.

   Hygienic evaluation of working conditions in iron-mining industry showed, that the main unfavorable factors of production are high temperature, noise, vibration, dusting, aerogenesis, physical overload, that determines features of professional diseases flow.

   During medical examination of workers leukoplakia made up 7.99 % among all illnesses the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. This sickness is considered to be as the reaction of mucous membrane of the mouth to chronic exogenous irritation.

   Microangioscopy (Capillaroscopy) is an effective method of estimating the state of microcirculation vessels. We conducted this research in 116 workers aged 21 -60 years diagnosed with leukoplakia of the oral mucosa. We used angioscope M-70-A.

   In 45.45 % of workers with leukoplakia and work experience of 10 years were seen a spastic condition of the vessels. There were narrowing and tortuosity of the capillaries, reducing their visibility, slowing of blood flow, its “granulation”, background turbidity. In 36.36 % of workers with work experience of 10 years was registered atonic condition of the vessels. Part of the capillaries was paralytic broadened with microaneurysms protrusion, other part – desolate.

   Extravesicular changes showed a stagnation in the tissues, because the background was blurred and there was slow blood flow.

   In 54.16 % of workers with work experience of 11-15 years and 83.93 % - 16-20 years was estimated spasticity-atonic state with sings of perivascular edema. At the same time capillaries were deformed, sinuous, increased the number of functioning capillaries, the correlation of the diameter of arterioles and venules was in average 1 : 5. Blood flow was granular, interrupted, background was turbid and red with cyanotic tint.

   The capillaroscopy, wich was undertaken by us, enabled to reveal a disorder of microcirculation of the oral mucosa in the examined miners, violation of the drainage function of the lymph, which aggravate by increasing length of employment.