
The senior lecturer of Kazakh National Pedagogical University

named after Abay, Kazakhstan, Almaty


Modern system of preparation of teachers on preschool education in Republic Kazakhstan


The solution of problems of updating of an educational system in Republic of Kazakhstan causes necessity of search of reserves of new ideas, concepts thanks to which the exit on the international level of preparation of pedagogical shots is possible. In standard-legal documents in the sphere of education it is underlined that in modern conditions the society needs the experts who are able initiatively, independently to solve difficult professional and vital problems, owning achievements of the science, able to practice, apply and increase the received knowledge and the ability, possessing flexibility of thinking, the creative approach and resource in quickly changing situations, bearing responsibility for results of own activity and focused on effective self-education.

So, in a governmental program of a development of education of Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2020 necessity of updating of the maintenance and structure of pedagogical education taking into account traditions, world experience and principles of a sustainable development [1] are marked.

The modern system of preparation of pedagogical shots is characterized by increase attention to problems of sphere of preschool education. The quality of public preschool education is caused first of all by structure and competence of teachers, level of their psychological-pedagogical and special preparation as they are the conductors in practice of training and education of preschool children of modern scientific achievements.

One of the ways of the solution of this question is perfection of system of preparation of experts in the preschool education, called at high level to carry out educational activity.

Pedagogical activity in the preschool organizations represents the difficult phenomenon including object and subject of activity, target, substantial, operational-active and evaluative-productive components [2].

Preparation of pedagogical staff on preschool education in Republic of Kazakhstan is under construction on the national model of formation focused on result, assuming the preparation of the expert of the new formation owning European multiculturalism, communicativeness, capable to solve creatively and professionally on modern scientific and practical levels with advantage for a problem society in a pedagogical field of activity.

There are researches who worked out of theoretical and practical problems of teachers’ preparation on preschool education. Including works of such scientists as:K.T. Sheryazdanova, K.Mendajahova, A.Amirova, T.Levchenko, B.Arzanbaeva, G.Taubaeva, A.Iskakova, etc.

The operating state general educational standard «Preschool education and training» of education of Republic of Kazakhstan provides reception by students of common cultural level and professional training [3].

The basic attention is given to fundamental psychological-pedagogical preparation on basis of which students seize modern pedagogical technologies. So, in a cycle of basic disciplines are included: the pedagogics, preschool pedagogics, history (the general and preschool) pedagogics, ethnic pedagogics, the general psychology, children's psychology, the age psychology, etc. teaching of which is carried out on 1-2 courses.

Basic types of the lesson are lectures, seminars, teamwork of students with teachers. Modern means of media and mass communications can't replace lecture, but it is spent more flexibly, differentially, considering features of studied discipline, specificity of audience, psychological laws of knowledge, processing of heard material, its influence on formation of estimations, relations, sights, feelings and belief of the student.

At reform of curricula republic’s high schools are not limited with "additives" in curriculums, but new courses of ideas of multiculturalism are entered. Didactic installation of such courses as, "Wellbeing", «Formation of communicative competence of children of preschool age», «Arts and crafts of the people of Kazakhstan», «the Organization of cultural-leisure activity» is directed on moral-spiritual education of students etc.

For the future teachers of the preschool organizations the problem it is vital important to learn to perceive ideas, values, traditions, customs, culture of the various people. The known Kazakh poet-educator of last times Abay Kunanbayev wrote: «It is necessary to study in order to learn what other people know, to become equal among them, to become protection and a support for the people». [4].

In spite of the fact that in republic the wide experience on preparation of experts of preschool education is saved up, high schools still have variety serious problems:

- Perfection of scientifically-methodical bases of preparation of pedagogical staffs on preschool education;

- Working out of monitoring of level of competence of the future expert in preschool education;

- Working out of computer training programs and electronic textbooks;

- Increase of level of research and design activity of students.


1. A government program of a development of education of Republic of  Kazakhstan for 2011-2020. – Astana, 2010.

2. The program on maintenance of children with preschool education and training of "Balapan" for 2010-2014. – Astana, 2010

3. The state obligatory standard of formation of Republic Kazakhstan. Preschool education and training. – Astana, 2009.

4. A government program of Republic of Kazakhstan "Cultural heritage". – Astana, 2004.