Narikbaeva L.M.,

doctor of pedagogical sciences,

professor of the Kazakh National

Pedagogical University named after Abay

Republic Kazakhstan, Almaty city


Question of what still distinguishes people more successful in solving occupational and other problems, from those who are less fortunate, have been worried researchers and ordinary people for a long time. The relentless search for answers to this question does not cease to generate new theoretical constructs that are based on rigorous scientific methods. Thus, in the latest psychological theories are not so one-sided estimated potential identity as the concept of "intellectual giftedness" or "creative gifts" that were popular throughout the XX century.

A number of studies have shown that many children and adults, has shown high levels on tests of intelligence, creativity or academic success, but showed good results on the parameters of social, emotional development and practical skills to solve problems in unexpected situations, are very successful in life and work . And their advantages in achieving success in life are often so large that they are able to provide them not only to social status, but also lead to the rank of a talented, outstanding, and even genius. In this regard, in recent years, interest of researchers have been increased in non-academic forms of intelligence: social intelligence, emotional intelligence, practical intelligence, which, according to scientists, ensure maximum realization of the personality and success in life and career, gives a more accurate picture of the potential of individuals.

From the perspective of these approaches, foreign researchers proposed a number of bright ¬ wives, although still controversial, even somewhat repetitive the tractor ¬ work these types of intelligence. The similarity of these different concepts of intelligence due to their practical value, because the basis of the concepts of social, emotional and practical intelligence are descriptive and procedural knowledge, the ability to recovery ¬  knowledge and ability to solve problems [1, p.78].  In other words, we can assume that the first sign of a gifted man relates to its interaction with the real world, i.e. the ability to effectively apply the cognitive and meta-cognitive knowledge in real life and activities. Many would agree that this aspect is today an important component of modern society as the key to the successful functioning of a person in today's changing circumstances is the development of behavioral scenarios that meet the new social reality and the expected actions in the real world.

Despite the fact that the said parties of intelligence tend to differentiate their study is not difficult to understand from the title that all of them - private, overlapping properties of the same complex system constructs - intelligence. However, to clarify and set the context for the perception put forward our position on the review of them as important; however, as a single factor in the development of professional talented person, we turn to the relevant works to identify, first of all, the internal connections between these kinds of intelligence.

As the analysis of literature, researchers in the framework of these approaches (social, emotional and practical intelligence) face several challenges, which require consideration to determine the nature of each, and the relationship between them. In particular, this applies to the following questions: -

-                     Is this or that investigated intelligence actually kind of intelligence or whether it represents an independent personal constructs? -

-                     What is the relationship with the general - academic intelligence, i.e. cognitive side of human psyche, and hence to knowledge? -

-                     What is the role of affective and behavioral sides of human study of an intelligence? -

-                     What is the relationship of each with the other similar kind of intelligence (social, emotional or practical)? -

-                     What are the criteria and structure study of intelligence? -

-                     How does this or that kind of intelligence with such a concept as "competence"? -

-                     What are the possibilities of measuring procedures and methods of diagnosing this type of intelligence?

Based on a preliminary analysis of relevant studies, we have attempted to answer these questions for each of these types of intelligence. In the course of our analysis of the literature, the fact is clearly seen the relationship between all three considered types of intelligence that gave us the following conclusions: -

-                     virtually all researchers of social, emotional and practical forms of intelligence to recognize the intersection of the various parties with the intellect (thinking) in the traditional understanding of its (both general and special mental abilities), which gives grounds to assert that each of them is one or another kind of intelligence; -

-                     all three types of intelligence find correlations with academic intelligence, i.e., with the cognitive side of mental (knowledge), but the main difference between each of them is the greatest regard to personal characteristics, rather than with academic intelligence, which gives the right to designate them as separate constructs for the study as a form of non-academic intelligence;

-                     -social, emotional and practical intelligence manifest as one or another behavioral ability of a person, i.e., they are bound, in contrast to the academic with the activity-party rights in collaboration with the social reality; -

-                     the study of each of these forms of intelligence to identify those or other parties due to the characteristics of the opposite species (social, emotional or practical), i.e. they are closely linked, the study of the mechanism of these linkages and the nature of their relationship requires further research;

-                     -the structure as a social and emotional and practical intelligence reveals mainly two levels of components: cognitive (a knowledge) and behavioral (operational), but the composition of these components or that intelligence is characterized by its specific differences, in particular: the social is associated with communication, emotional - with emotions, practical - with the experience (tacit knowledge);

-                     -each kind of intelligence is closely related to one or another aspect of the concept of competence in a broad sense, therefore, they are components of integrative competence specialist; -

-                     all three types of intelligence (social, emotional and practical) have a practical orientation in terms of interaction with reality, and this gives grounds to assert that they are all practical forms of intelligence, based on "not verbal knowledge»; -

-                     all three types of intelligence have a recent history of intense study (the last decade ) as a direct forms of intelligence, so the diagnostic techniques for measuring them is not enough and in the process of further developments;

-                     -social, emotional and practical intelligence discovered determining with the success, both in training and in professional activities, as well as the prognostic potential of at least than academic intelligence, which makes it possible to speak of them as "intelligence, leading to professional success.

In the context of our subject of study - the development of professional talent of the future specialist in high school, all of this, in our view, requires a combination of an integrated concept of intelligence leading to the success of professional activities as a system concept for all these aspects in the study of intelligence, although in practical terms, it is expedient to identify and measure differentially. So, on the basis of the foregoing, under the "Intelligence leading to professional success" we mean "acquired the ability of social, emotional and practical human interaction with reality, to ensure success in their professional activities". The content side of the structure of this factor, we generally give the table (see the table below).





The structure of the intelligence leading to professional success


         Levels/ Types of intellect



Emotional intellect







Cognitive -(knowledge  contented)


- social knowledge - knowledge about people, social knowledge of the rules, etiquette, morality, understanding of events, situations and other people; - social memory - memory for names, faces; - critical evaluation - the verbal decoding of nonverbal information: feelings, moods, motives actions of people whose behavior in the social context of; - social forecasting - the ability to foresee the consequences of behavior, based on available information, formulation of plans of intrinsic action, predict behavior;

-recognition of emotions - the ability to establish the fact of varying emotions, both at home and in other people; - identifying emotions - the ability to establish what kind of emotion experienced by himself or another person (in words); - understanding of emotions - the ability to understand the reasons and the factors that caused the emotion, as well as to determine the consequences to which it may lead;

- Basic knowledge -applied knowledge (applied, methodological, technological - personal (tacit knowledge)

Behavioural (activity - procedural)


- social perception - the ability to judge people, the ability to perceive social situations adequate social knowledge, ability to listen to the interlocutor, an understanding of humor; - social interaction - an adequate adaptation to the interpersonal interaction, the ability to communicate with people, willingness for joint business, creativity, ability to collective interaction and, as the highest type of this interaction - a collective of creative  honors; - social adaptation - openness in relations with others, the ability to get along with and easy to meet with other people, the ability to explain and convince others, self-esteem - the ability to judge themselves reflection and monitoring their development, assessment of unused alternative possibility  opportunities.

-controlling emotion and its intensity - self-regulation and excessive regulation of other emotions; - controlling the external manifestations of emotions; - the use of emotions for problem solving - the ability to cause one or another emotion.

skills of education-cognitive activity of students, allowing them successfully to master scientific and personal (implicit) knowledge; the skills of evaluative-oriented activity, allowing the students is realized to form and to formulate purposes, motifs of its activity, to correct their value orientations, both in theoretical level, and at the level of ordinary awareness; the skills of transformation activity, allowing the students successfully to carry out design and the technological actions, both in reproductive, and on creative level; the skills of communicative activity, allowing the students to get hold of the forms, methods, methods of professional communication; skills a.esthetic activity, allowing the students to obtain the creative satisfaction from professional creativity.



We believe that, using these basic criteria, it is possible to develop procedures to identify and quantify each of the designated parameters of intelligence leading to professional success. It is particularly important that such an integrated model of a specific kind of intelligence more fully reflects his constituents. Using this model, in our opinion, it is also convenient to develop special programs for the development of intelligence leading to professional success in secondary school and in high school.




1. Practical Intelligence / R. Sternberg, J. Forsyth, J. Hadland, J.A. Horvard, RK Wagner, V.M. Williams, S.A. Snook, E.L. Grigorenko. - St.: Peter, 2002. - 272.

 2. Social Intelligence: Theory, measurement, research / edited by D.V. Lyusin, D.V. Ushakov - M.: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2004. - 176.