Role of  Kazakh wrestling  in forming patriotisns


J.K.Salikov, N. I.Sabanbayev., A.S.Dandybaeva


Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov, the city of Karaganda



In education and formation of the person we can achieve important and main results through introducing progressive examples connected with cultural wealth, traditions of culture and also through the general human qualities and personal relationship (from the point of view of humanity, ethics and an aesthetics) with the environment.

Peculiar features of our people in relation to the nature.

The young generation gets acquainted with the culture and values by means of national literatures, with types of national sports and games. People know games as means in education of the person.

Kazakh struggle gives a wide outlook of the person, the knowledge, national tradition and values and provides the means of transferring from generation to generation.

We bring up property of our ancestors and we call up for respect and boldness, bravery in the results of respecting precious.

And so motivation to participation in the Kazakh wrestling brings up and brings the contribution to formation above told qualities.

The Kazakh wrestling is a sport which is passed through our ancestors to our descendants. It is the most important art of strong people entitled the Kazakh.

That is why a duty of each citizen of our country is to contribute to the progress of this sport.

Earlier in ancient centuries in a language of Huns passed competition entitled " Yer khuresh ". Also if we begin to peer in history and we can find that there were some types of wrestling in our country.

If we speak about them, they were: barefooted legs, struggle without a belt, having put on dressing gown, struggle against a belt, naked struggle, sitting struggle and others.

 And today there is only one officially type of wrestling. All competitions are passed by this type of sport.

 As a result of research there are some other types of wrestling. And now the problem is how to inform this to all people.

The Kazakh wrestling is the most developing type from all national games because till this day the Kazakh wrestling was held 5 times in Asia, 1 time in the Europe, 2 times in world competitions.

Work of federation of worldwide Kazakh wrestling moves and develops. The countries which have sportsmen of this sport are Greece, Germany, France, Spain, Holland, Sweden. All other countries are interested in this sport.

For example, German sportsman Doring Holger likes the Kazakh wrestling that is why he has opened a group on this sport and train German children on the Kazakh sport. It ennobles our glory and pride.

 In the Kazakh wrestling there is a concept so-called blood. Fighters struggle in competitions on this sport privately.

They do not struggle below a belt and also do not beat a lying. This kind of sport is a very noble art.

The Kazakh wrestling is a national pride and  national happiness.

Our fighters have won to themselves attention of all whole world and ennobles pride of the country owing to this sport. The famous national writer M. Auezov spoke with a definite purpose: “Our people have a lot of interesting in art for the long lived years which they admired. In my opinion, game is not only through which we stimulate our mood, pleasure of our eyes and souls, as well as it has a little others value ".

In struggle activity is considered from two sides: the first – its pecularity in the activity of the child, the second – it’s characteristic in the field of study. Activity can appear in different cases and situations.

Education to patriotism is a structural and important part in formation of the person.

The symbols and norms, the attitude of the country is the most important fact in education to patriotism.

In tradition of Kazakh people duty to the native land in the name of the history, culture, cultural wealth have key role in life.

Only generated person can show the attitude and held the memory of the Native land.

And proceeding from it, we can tell, that patriotism is one of the most important elements in education of the person.

On this basis professor R.B.Absattarov gays: “Kazakh education to patriotism is a formation to patriotic sights, norms, processes. Strength patriotic conducts positions to obvious objective”.

Today the most important problem for us is to transform the Kazakhstan patriotism into the vital satellite of each person.

The national example is an example of education of each people which is passed by centuries and is used in education of the child and consequently national education has very extensive value. Because, it includes all qualities of a nationality. It includes social, household, economic, traditions and other concepts. In general we should involve through national education youth to patriotism, interethnic friendship.

                                                Used literature:

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