K.Meterbaeva, Zh.Idrisova

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University


Walk as means of formation of informative competence of the senior preschool children


Preschool education is one of the main components of system of the general education of Republic of Kazakhstan. Exactly during the preschool period bases of the personality are built up, and this stage of the childhood plays an important role in education of little citizens of the country of new generation. The new model of preschool education is represented by the state obligatory standard of development of children which is directed on development of key competences of the preschool children one of which is - informative competence.

Walks have the big upbringing-educational value: they provide direct dialogue of children with the nature during different seasons of their vigorous activity. The tutor has possibility to show to children subjects and natural phenomena under natural conditions. It helps to develop the sense of inquisitiveness, observation and keenness. Walks make children to feel big pleasure, leaving often indelible trace in their consciousness.

Each preschool child - the small researcher, with pleasure and surprise discovers the world. Process of getting knowledge of the child occurs in emotionally-practical way. The child discovers the world of the nature which meets him by varieties of its sounds, smells, and hundreds riddles and secrets, which force him to look, listen and think. The system which is offered by us works on the organization of walks with children of senior preschool age is represented in the logician of three principles: activity – which induces to action, stability - the tutor is stable, but environment is changeable; comfort – for everybody its convenient.

The basic requirement to the organization of walks for children of the senior preschool age is:

1. Selection of games and exercises taking into consideration a theme of supervision, weather conditions.

2. Usage of various kinds of the walks directed on development of an outlook, thinking, observation, coordination of movements, dexterity, speed of reaction and attention;

3. Application of different ways of the organization of children (individually, frontally, in subgroups)

4. Rational usage of equipments and stock, environmental subjects

5. The duration of supervision in the senior age groups on the average is 20-25 minutes

6. During game activity it is important to create favorable conditions for development of positive emotional and morally-strong-willed qualities of children, activation of children's independence, and stimulation of individual possibilities of each child.

On walks the tutor will organize various outdoor games. For it, it is necessary to have the equipment. Besides, it is widely used various game exercises on a cognizance of trees, bushes, colors, animals (by its sounds and traces etc.), games with the toys which are set in motion by a wind. The child in a yard constantly and variously moves. In a warm season its requirement for active movements are completely satisfied. In the winter this problem is serious enough. It is possible to allocate following structural components of walk: Various supervisions; Didactic tasks; Outdoor games and game exercises; Work on a yard.

All these components allow making walk more sated and interesting. Besides they act not as separate pedagogical actions, but as logical parts of that core that is planned by the adult in concrete walk.

From the organization and methodical receptions which are used by the tutor, depend mastering by children the maintenance of supervision, development of interest to them and desire voluntary to participate in them. Supervision conduction on the walk requires special training of the teacher and we offer to add these moments:

1.                 Organization and content of the supervision. Any object of the nature should be maximally available for perception of each child.

2. Time in the senior group makes supervision carrying out 20-25 minutes. The perception, examining of objects of the nature and the phenomena should be short.

3. Methodical receptions which are expedient for using in the beginning, the basic part and in the end of supervision. It can be in the supervision beginning the verbal and effective receptions causing positive emotions, and in the basic part the receptions providing independent reception by children of the touch information.

In scenarios of walks following moments are reflected: A walk theme; the purpose; questions and the description, supervision; didactic games, the word or experiment; outdoor games; work in the nature.

In order to make the walk more interesting, it is necessary for tutor to use during walk verses, riddles, sayings, proverbs, games, game tasks and receptions.

Thus, observance of the requirements shown to the organization of walks for the senior preschool children, allows carrying out them pedagogically in the expedient way and with the greatest effect for education of children.


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