
Psychologist, teacher

Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University

The first-grader: beginning for school life!

It seems just yesterday pre-school kid of 6-7 years dimly imagined the learning process; he did not see the difference between school lessons and lessons in kindergarten. And now he attends school and called the first-graders. The period of child enrollment to school coincides with the changes taking place in his body. In this age strongly developed and strengthened the skeleton and muscular system, is complicated by the structure of the brain by increasing the size of nerve cells and their differentiation. Life style of the child has been already changed. The development of the child's mind during this period is determined by the restructuring of relations of life, with the appearance of qualitatively new responsibilities. Classes and school life rhythm contribute to the development of thought, speech, concentration, focus, perseverance, labor skills required.

At the beginning of schooling, many children face some difficulties. The program of the first class is not difficult; it takes possession of every healthy child. Every day, attending school the child gradually becomes accustomed to the new schedule, he has the interest in their studies, friendships with his classmates, he is healthy and happy.

But we cannot assume that a child develops if only it has only excellent marks in all subjects. There are qualitative features in the mental development and acquisition of knowledge among students of the same class. In elementary school, some children learn only with great difficulty the school curriculum. They are classified as weak. However, if properly organized teaching and educational work, they are moving in the overall development, which is the basis for the successful assimilation of knowledge and skills. Teachers and parents are very important to promptly begin private lessons with the child. An individual approach should be aimed not only at acquiring knowledge and skills, but also on the physical, intellectual, and emotional development of pupils.

 If elementary school students are persistently underachieving, then they are sent to the psych neurologist and medical-pedagogical commission to determine the causes of failure and the degree of underdevelopment of intellectual or developmental delay, to address the issue of transferring them to a special school.

Most normally developing children during this critical period of life (7 years) is not always smooth. Parents often notice a change in the child's condition: there are irritability, tearfulness, disobedience, lost appetite, disturbed sleep sometimes. Lessons from a fussy baby or performs, quickly or very slowly and passively distracted for any reason. Longer and more difficult to adapt to the school is the regime of children not attending kindergarten preparatory groups. Timid, shy, insecure children become withdrawn; there is the fear of a bad estimate, an oral reply by the board, the punishment for any missteps. Some students formed a negative attitude toward school.

Temporary breach of conduct is the result of schedule changing, and tiredness. What can cause tiredness? First-grader gets in an unfamiliar team, he has come new responsibilities. To him impose numerous requirements. The child should sit at a desk in a certain position 45 minutes and it should not just sit in silence, but also to listen carefully to the teacher, memorize, how to hold the handle and bring more and new letters, learn a lot from what he had not previously encountered. Prior to that, his life took place in the game, and here we must work hard and a little move.

At seven the child motor activity increased. The ability to intentionally inhibit motor activity begins to develop only with the right physical education and mode of the day. Found that the daily activity of children beginning school in comparison with pre-school period drops to 50%. The first time a child can be difficult to keep calm during a lesson. He turns, distracted, talking often can stand among the lessons from their desks. Given the weakness of inhibitory neural processes and individual characteristics of higher nervous activity of each first-grader, the teacher during the lesson holds short breaks.

Although at this age is a marked increase in muscle tissue, increase strength, endurance and elasticity of muscles, the formation of small bones and muscles of the hands has not yet ended. Therefore, thin differentiated work during the time of writing requires a lengthy and ongoing training. Often, on returning from the all-day kid wants to run, jump, play, frolic, sing and play pranks, and parents offer him badly written homework. Seeking beauty and speed of writing, some parents make a child a task to rewrite a few times, not realizing that that they tire of it. The child begins to fidget, poorly written, or refuses to perform the task. These parents are not aware that being tired at school the child and he needs a motor discharge. Parents should not be angry, raise your voice and demand to sit still. Creating an optimum motor mode at school and at home reduces fatigue, increases the adaptation of physiological functions and improves the performance of schoolchildren.

VA Sukhomlinsky wrote: "In the years of training in grades 1-4 - 7 to 11 years - is becoming a man. Of course, this process does not end until the end of primary school, but just for those years have the most intense period of human life. The child in this period must not only prepare for further learning, to accumulate knowledge and skills to successfully learn. He must live a rich spiritual life. Years of teaching in primary school - is a period of moral, intellectual, emotional, physical and aesthetic development, which will be the real thing, not an empty talk only when the child is living a rich life today, not just preparing for the acquisition of knowledge for tomorrow" .

In order to avoid the child health problems, problems with school performance should be rationally organized holiday home and leisure: to create opportunities for the expansion of interests and abilities of children. Indeed, at present, many parents are concerned about more than the material side of life. Consequently, parents and teachers should not miss this very important stage in a child's life - the stage of its development as a person.


1.Rozhdestvenskaya MV Be attentive to the children. Kiev. Rad.shkola, 1999.

2.Suhomlinsky VA I give my heart for children. K.: Rad.shkola, 1981, p. 136-137.