Author- Nargiza Buranova, Eurasian National University, 2012

Scientific supervisor: Zhumatayeva Balkiya Kumataevna, Eurasian National University, 2012

Project method of teaching English as an innovative method in modern schools


“Children need frequent changes of activity: they need activities which are exciting and stimulate their curiosity: they need to be involved in something active (they will usually not sit and listen!, and they need to be appreciated by the teacher...” William K. Kilpatrick


       This statement clearly shows the importance of interactive and innovative approaches to teaching English in modern life.  Project approach is one of the most popular approaches among innovative teachers in our country and through the world. Having taught in International School during my pedagogic practice, I was surprised by young pupils’ attitude to English language, and languages in general, and I was thinking of ways of making teaching English language more interesting. I know that there are many interesting methods or approaches which can support English lessons. However, I do not think these suffice. I have discovered that the problem is not only in pupils’ ́ interest in English language but also in using of the language in practice. Even though there are many children who like English, they are afraid of using it. Therefore I came up with preparing some activities or a project which would help them to understand English language more and which would encourage them to use it more often.

       In present practice of teaching foreign languages there are some typical problems forcing the teacher to address to experience of the colleagues, to innovative ideas, to a science.

       Among these problems, difficulties and lacks of a traditional technique of teaching there are the following basic problems:

ü         Low authority of a subject because of shortages of a present technique of teaching.

ü         Low intensity of pupils’ speech activity.

ü         Superficiality in forming of base skills and haste of transition from reproductive to productive kinds of work.

ü         Weakness of existing system of appreciation of pupils’ work.

ü         Spontaneity of a choice and application of evident support, their low didactic efficiency.

Researches of methods of teaching have shown, that all named problems will be effectively solved, if we apply new innovative method of teaching-project work. It can increase essentially quality of teaching foreign (in particular English) language.

The Project method builds on natural curiosity, enabling children to interact, question, connect, problem-solve, communicate, reflect, and more. This kind of authentic learning extends beyond the classroom to each student’s home, community, nation, and the world. It essentially makes learning the stuff of real life and student active participants in and shapers of their worlds.

Recent approaches to language learning and teaching stress the importance of cooperation among learners as a motivating factor. Project approach focuses not only on interpersonal relationships but also on the involvement and development of the individual. The more fully the student is involved in an exercise, the more likely he or she is to see the work through to the end, and to benefit from it.

        Project learning is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges, simultaneously developing cross-curriculum skills while working in small collaborative groups or even alone. Because project-based learning is filled with active and engaged learning, it inspires students to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they're studying. Research also indicates that students are more likely to retain the knowledge gained through this approach far more readily than through traditional textbook-centered learning. In addition, students develop confidence and self-direction as they move through both team-based and independent work.

         Whilst studying in the USA I was honored to make my internship in community Center where I worked with immigrants and refugees from all over the world. It was a marvelous experience for me. I was a teacher assistant. My responsibilities were to teach English to immigrants assist students with different questions and help teacher to prepare all materials for the lessons. Most time I worked with advanced and intermediate students. With one group I organized book club projects. I realized that it would be great opportunity for learners to improve their reading, writing and speaking skills. And American literature would be able to give them information about the way of life and culture in the USA.

First of all I divided the class into teams of three-four students. Every team had right to choose one book from the list. There were 10 books in the list and all of them represented the history, culture and way of life in the USA including such issues as cultural diversity, equality and independence in the USA, national traditions, educational issues and many other crucial points in the life of Americans. It was essential to find books about American life because the immigrants are in the process of becoming Americans.

The students enjoyed the project. They worked cooperatively during five weeks. During that time they read the book with their peers. While reading they discussed crucial points and essential ideas from the book. They improved their reading skills, they met new words, translated them and while reading the text they memorized the meaning and spelling of the new words. They also honed their speaking skills because every time during class time students discussed different question based and the chapters read. They were encouraged to ask each other question therefore they enhanced spoken production and spoken interaction. Every student had to write final reflective essay. Therefore their English writing skills advanced too.

Every student was provided with the handouts with explanation of project work. Students had an opportunity to evaluate and critics their classmates. It is very useful for enhancing the friendly relationship among the students. It is important to be able to learn from peers. Students always strive to share their knowledge with friends and peers. Their social and communicative skills were practiced throughout the project. Majority of them regularly collaborated on their projects and communicated in pairs, mostly personally at school but also through internet. Students discovered the importance of teamwork, mutual trust and responsibility towards their partner. They learned to utilize online file sharing while creating their presentation, and acknowledged convenience of this technique.

Majority of the students responded that they had participated in making presentations before, however mostly not in English. They had no problems understanding the instructions and principles of project work. When questioned what they would change about their work in future, majority mentioned they would start working earlier and improved pair cooperation. As the most serious problem they stated nervousness during their speech, lack of speech preparation and insufficient vocabulary, respectively. Students also appreciated possibility to participate in evaluation.

Students have gained valuable information from the books about American life and became more Americanized. I believe it is essentially important to combine amelioration of English skills with understanding of social issues and cultural values on the USA.

During the project work I, as a teacher, tried to enhance the students’ commitment during the class time. I encouraged active and bright discussions based on the chapters read. My aim was to persuade everyone to participate equally and be part of one team. I tried to activate those pupils who were less active than others by asking different question based on the novel read and by giving them extra interesting tasks (designing posters based on the book or acting out one chapter from the book).

To sum up, despite certain problems met during the project, overall impression was really positive. The students tried out a new, independent style of work, practiced important skills and acquired new knowledge. Besides, they discovered the connection between independent work, responsibility and the resulting reward. Working in a team was another important skill acquired during the project. They also learned the rules of time scheduled work and importance of adhering to deadlines. All this knowledge will certainly prove beneficial to them later on, in the real life.

        An old Chinese proverb states: “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand”. Project method makes student not just hear and see but do and act and consequently understand and realize.