M.D.Abikayeva, M.Sc.; A. Abdrassilov

Kazakh-British Technical University, Kazakhstan.

Modernization of public administration means

Improving the competitiveness of the country


At the present time, the problem of reforming the system of governance has become a priority for many countries, including Kazakhstan. Much attention is paid to her different specialists, political scientists. Reforming the public administration system designed to find answers to the challenges of post-industrial and high-tech information society that is the reality in the leading Western countries and the prospect of development in Kazakhstan. Reforming the public administration system in Kazakhstan is intended to solve some specific problems associated with the task of building a new, capable, democratic state and a state corresponding to effective system of governance, which requires significantly new scientific understanding of the conditions and ways of functioning of public administration, predetermining the choice of model reform.

The administrative reforms held in the country to modernize the political system become especially important because the major factor in the competitiveness of Kazakhstan is good governance. In order to implement the Kazakhstan's Strategy of entrance in 50 most competitive countries in the world increases the importance of reforming the public administration. It is important because the stability and efficiency of public administration is the basis and condition for which can be successfully carried out all other economic and social reforms. A key focus on the basis of which made ​​the rest of the reform is, above all, the reform of public administration. [1,2]

Administrative Reform of the Republic of Kazakhstan is aimed to the following objectives:

·     To improve the efficiency of state agencies to develop the performance of their functions, the ability of the administrative system to recognize and solve current and future problems in society.

·     The modernization of public service and improving the competence of managers and employees, creating the conditions for their professional development and training.

·     To improve management of public authorities to provide the public with better services and improving the mechanism of their distribution.

·     To establish the balance of power and a better distribution of powers between the legislative and executive branches of government, as well as within the system of executive power, including the optimization of the system of relations between state and local authorities, government agencies, citizens and businesses. [3,4]

The executive branch is a relatively independent branch in a government of Republic of Kazakhstan. The executive branch is represented by a system of external government, which include: The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ministries, state committees and departments, local executive bodies, the administration of state institutions and enterprises. Executive power is universal in time and space by operating wherever there are human groups. Executive authorities are developing the basic directions of social and economic policy, his defense, security, management of state property, develop measures for the conduct of foreign policy and perform other functions assigned by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Executive authorities exercise executive and administrative activities. They have a public authority, including the publication of legislation and their implementation. A significant feature of the executive branch - the presence in its possession of huge resources - legal, informational, economic, technological, ideological, organizational, or, in other words, its objective character. [4,5]

The central government bodies include the following types of structures: ministries, agencies and committees (picture 1).


Picture 1. The dynamics of public bodies included in the structure of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (compiled by author).


The recommendations to the managers of public service, using the methods of strategic management and planning include:

1. At the stage of strategic planning must necessarily take into account the influence of organizational culture;

2. At the stage of the process of staff selection must take into account the value orientations of the candidate, i.e., important condition is the inclusion of screening tests section (or a series of questions) related to the value orientation of the candidate. Practice proves that, ultimately, it is advantageous to employ «a person» in charge of all the above requirements, rather than for a long time trying to «reeducate» the appropriate professional qualifications.

3. At the stage of career guidance needs help in taking the process of identifying the employee with the organization. Full identification of employees with key corporate values ​​to help them make peace with the inevitable loss of life, which they offer in order to become members of the organization. They are beginning to accept, and then share the values ​​of the organization. The organization, in turn, tries to justify these costs, creating their own corporate values, in accordance with the highest human values.

4. At all stages of the strategy requires constant monitoring of the changing culture of the organization.

As our understanding of the organizational culture of state authority - a system of collectively shared values, symbols, beliefs, behavior and communication patterns of members of state authority, which have stood the test of time. Moreover culture of the state body may be regarded as an expression of values ​​that are embodied in the organizational structure and personnel policy. [5]

Considering this definition, and using it for the Kazakhstani system of government, it may be noted that all the values, norms must be respected by all members of society. To date, there are norms that are shared by all employees of state agencies.

The modernization of the state apparatus are as follows:

·     political and administrative control as a function of the executive;

·     new management theory;

·     improving the efficiency of public administration on the basis of «objective processes» and not on a «target-funds»;

·     moral dimension of management and production process of political decision. [6,2]

Thus, the process of globalization taking place at this stage requires a fundamentally new traits and skills of the professional civil servants and managers. They have to know modern methods and means of reforming the public administration, has the ability to manage innovation processes, to overcome the inertia of social and organizational bureaucracy. This involves in-depth knowledge of the theory of politics, governance, conflict studies, policy analysis, decision theory, political forecasting.








1. «О мерах по дальнейшему совершенствованию системы государственного управления Республики Казахстан» Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 10 августа 2011 года № 136, «Казахстанская правда» от 12.08.2011 г., № 253-257;

2. Назарбаев Н.А. Послание Президента республики Казахстан «Социально-экономическая модернизация – главный вектор развития Казахстана».  – 27.01.2012 г. http://www.akorda.kz

3. Государственная служба в Республике Казахстан: административная реформа: Выступление Председателя Агентства Республики Казахстан по делам государственной службы от 14 марта 2007 г - http://www.kyzmet.kz

4. Закон Республики Казахстан «О государственной службе» от 23 июля 1999 года № 453. - http://www.kyzmet.kz/?lang=ru&id_1=2&id_2=1&id_3=3

5. «О дальнейших мерах по реализации Стратегии развития Казахстана до 2030 года»

    Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 15 августа 2003 года N 1165, САПП Республики Казахстан, 2003 г., N 32, ст. 318; «Казахстанская правда» от 19 августа 2003 года N 239, стр. 5-7, 10-19;

6. О внесении изменения и дополнений в некоторые законодательные акты Республики Казахстан по вопросам совершенствования административных процедур:  Закон Республики Казахстан от 18 июня 2007 года N 262 - http://www.kyzmet.kz