Baltabaeva Z.K.

Senior lecturer, Doctor of Pedagogical sciences

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay


Cognitive training of parts of speech

The person learns the world represented by universal and national socio-historical practice, by means of language. Social-historical practice defines features of language in consciousness of the carrier of this language the language picture of the world is represented. Therefore, the language picture of the world at children corresponds to correct national traditions and education which promotes its transformation to the person, to the patriot of the nation. In the course of time the child doesn't lose the informative interest to disclosing of secrets of the world, the effective remedy of its further development promotes not only conscious training of children, but education of their outlook. Formation of national mentality in children is realized at lessons of the Kazakh language by studying adjectives by means of didactic materials.

G.N.Smagulova who studied cultural aspect of language considers: «In linguistics in studying world outlook, artistry and figurativeness of the Kazakh nation the pivotal problem which is faced by young and future generation who are on the threshold of a new millenium, is studying the features of national culture by means of the language» [1, 5]. By means of words it is possible to give education according to national features; it is enough to remember educational value, for example, folklore which our children hear from us since small years. For example, all know that hospitality of the Kazakhs became the original national distinction of these people as at the heart of it the wide soul of Kazakhs lies. For example, for Kazakhs the horse is a sacred animal, symbol of nation. A swan – also a sacred bird for Kazakhs. In the Kazakh proverb «don't shoot swans, don't betray the friend» symbolical value is also underlined. On the basis of the given part of a picture of the world the belief of totemism is laid, and it is obvious. For Kazakhs a swan is totem (a sacred bird). About such national cognism, designating a symbol, A.Amirbekova says:« The basis of symbol – an image. But the image receives the national status and by means of only one property keep symbolical value. In due course additional means become hardly appreciable, the image generated on similarity, passes in a symbol, and then also loses figurativeness. The symbol refers to value, but can't transfer this value. And the image forces to understand the validity more deeply. The symbol defines its form, model »[2,36]. Thus, through training of schoolboys of initial classes to the words-symbols, expressed by an adjective, and also deep and substantial conceptual structure it is possible to develop their character.

Nowadays it is paid particular attention to training of language as knowledge means as the pupil seizing language laws, it is brought up on values of a native language. And this is the most important thing. Therefore the cognitive linguistics which has appeared rather recently, investigates language in consciousness of the person, by means of its expression, a parity of personal character and language speech of the individual that is language knowledge of the person. Words in our language explain an image of environment, but in cognitive science they are considered not only in visible actions, but also from positions of their mental representation (internally knowledge), the internal phenomena, models, symbolical kinds, the human approach in quality of cognitive language models, that means that the cognitive world of the person is defined by its cogitative activity and practice. The person learns the world by means of language which is represented on the basis of universal and national socio-historical practice. Then national practice defines features of language on the basis of what in consciousness of the carrier of this language the language picture of the world is represented. Thus, at school the basis national world outlook starts and language knowledge to be formed, therefore the technique of cognitive training is some kind of the base. Training to the ability to understand the qualitative signs designating national knowledge, to allocate their cognitive signs promotes education of pupils in national spirit. Therefore the cognitive training of adjectives promotes formation at them the national character, outlook.

Thus, after the adjectives concerning a word the person, will be pronounced by pupils in the form of words, word combinations, sentences, it is possible to suggest making the text with the given adjectives. Such application of language units in creativity will promote perfection of their cogitative activity.

At training of adjectives it is not necessary to be limited only with the research of adjectives in the sentence, statement of questions, but it is important to apply system of the tasks, capable to expand national knowledge of pupils, to raise their cogitative activity. For example, the adjectives characterizing the person could be classified as follows:                               

• the Adjectives concerning character of the person:

Quick-tempered, kind, obedient etc.

• the Adjectives concerning related communications:

Jealously treated relatives, sympathetic etc.

• the Adjectives designating the relation of the person to any subject, the phenomenon:

The fan of drinking tea, the fan of eating the meat etc.

• the Adjectives designating strength of the person:

Strong, mighty, courageous etc.

Applying the given adjectives in word combinations, sentences, proverbs and sayings, in fragments from poems, pupils will learn to expand the informative knowledge concerning the use of adjectives in speech.

Summing up, it is possible to tell with confidence that training of adjectives on a basis of the world outlook of pupils of elementary grades promotes increase of speech activity, lexicon development, and expansion of an outlook of pupils.


1.                 G. Smagulova. National-cultural aspects of related phraseologies. - Almaty. 1998. – 196.

2.                 A.B. Amirbekova. Peculiarities of verbalization of conceptual structures in poetical text. – Almaty, 2006 – 122.