Working out and realization possibilities resource saving up

 technologies, processing of straw for manufacture of biological fuel (a fuel briquette) in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kunelbayev M. M, Auelbekov O. A, Kataev N.S., Dzhumadilaev S.A.

The Kazakh state women pedagogical university

Republic Kazakhstan,

Photosynthesis of green plants allows accumulating the energy received from sun rays, in organic substance which is synthesized from carbonic gas, water and some "biogenic" elements of soil. Annually on the Earth photosynthesis forms about 120 billion ò dry organic substance that is energetically equivalent 40ìlr. ò oil (more than in 10 times exceeds world level of its consumption). The chemical energy reserved by plants, can be used in industrial power. As a whole the biomass gives the seventh part of fuel consumed in the world. The energy received from a biomass, in 4 times surpasses total energy of the atomic power station of the world. Most actively there is a process of photosynthesis of organic substance, in seaweed especially to the smallest - a phytoplankton. Efficiency of formation of organic substance in seaweed reaches 5 kg on square meter of a sea surface a year that in 2-5 times exceeds efficiency of wood. Sea waves cast ashore seaweed which are used as fertilizer and fuel. The dying off phytoplankton (saprobe) leads and to bogging of lakes and water basins. Technologies of extraction, drying, burning of seaweed and saprobe are developed, however have while no industrial application in power.

In Russia, especially in southern areas, straw, a cane is long since used as fuel. After îáìîëîòà stalks and ears of corn, sunflower burn for grain drying. After harvesting the rests of cultures can serve as fuel.

In the strategic program of development of economy of Republic Kazakhstan the important place is given íàíî - and to biotechnologies. In offered work of manufacture of befoul from a waste of the agricultural production, developed we, just also combine these possibilities.

The PROBLEM of full use of an agricultural waste and their transfer in useful products remains to one of the major in agrarian and industrial complex. Projects "Green chemistry", despite world crisis, are objects of intensive investments into the USA and in the countries of Europe, and also in Japan, India, China, Malaysia. In the USA the Strategic program on transfer by 2025 of a quarter of the chemical industry on vegetative raw materials that can transform rural economy to highly profitable business, for example, operates. For 20 years in the USA only budgetary financing on "net energy" will reach 150 billion dollars. It will create preconditions for increase in volumes of cellulose ethanol to huge figure - in 200 billion liters a year. The same strategic problem on increase in manufacture of ethanol not at the expense of food raw materials, and at the expense of a waste of wood, straw, stalks of corn, the whole "power" plants solve and in other countries of the world. It not only will eliminate a competition to food raw materials, but, on the contrary, will promote increase in volumes of foodstuff.

For Republic of Kazakhstan reception of biofuel from vegetative raw materials is possible in a complex with manufacture of fodder products. Wood and agricultural cellulose becomes the basic substratum for many biotechnological processes. At wheat cultivation, for example, straw it turns out in 2 times more than grains. And for 50 percent straw consists of cellulose, 23 percent ãåìèöåëëþëîçû and for 27 percent from ëèãíèíà. The big "sugar" molecules of cellulose and ãåìèöåëëþëîçû can be used for bioethanol and biogasoline manufacture, and ëèãíèí can serve as fuel. But to translate cellulose in the reactionary form, it is necessary to separate ëèãíèí - a difficult task.

It is known technology of Novosibirsk chemists to which managed to transform 97 percent of cellulose in simple sugar. The product received thus, became a basis for manufacture of  biogasoline and fodder additives. Even at increase in power consumption at processing of straw manufacture of ethanol from straw will cost in 2 times more cheaply cost of spirit from grain. And incomes of agricultural productions and farms of straw sale will make in addition 20 percent to cost of the realized grain. And smoky fires on fields when fire destroys useful soil microorganisms and environment becomes soiled, any more will not be. And new workplaces in countryside will be created and incomes of local budgets will grow.

In the countries of the European Union the share of energy of a biomass from the general manufacture ÍÂÈÝ makes 55 %. Most effectively energy of a biomass is used in Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Denmark, Italy. The general resources of a biomass in the Western Europe (in million ò dry weight for a year) make: wood and a wood waste - 150, an agricultural waste - 250, city garbage - 75, a biomass which is grown up specially on power plantations - 250 million ò.

The problem put by the President of Republic Kazakhstan in connection with preparation for occurrence of republic in the WTO-necessity of modernization; to the Law «About power savings» where the special is taken away to measures on involving in a power balance of renewed energy sources (ÂÈÝ); to the Kyoto international report on pure development of 1998; to the Johannesburg world summit of 2002 which dictate to lower emissions in atmosphere of products of combustion òîïëèâ. 

The estimation of total of straw for Republic Kazakhstan can be received by means of agricultural statistics. For definition of an energy potential of straw the received value should be reduced by the size used for a forage of cattle and a laying. Such consumption of straw appreciably depends on conditions of the maintenance of cattle. In Denmark average surplus of straw is estimated in 59 % from which 1/5 part is already used (basically for heat manufacture). If the quantity of straw cannot be defined under the statistical data, it is possible to use statistics for grain yield ÐÊ. There are rough estimations of the relation of quantity of grain and quantity of straw corresponding to it. In the Czech Republic following relations of quantity of straw and grain are accepted:

Wheat - 1,3 tons of straw/ton of grain;

Barley - 0,8 tons of straw/ton of grain;

Rye - 1,4 tons of straw/ton of grain;

Oats - 1,1 tons of straw/ton of grain.

Rough estimates also can be made on the basis of the area of the earths and productivity of straw from 4 to 7 tons/hectares depending on type of soil, weather conditions and type of grain culture.

Technology offered by us drying and crushing processes is executed in one installation, in existing technologies the given processes are carried out separately. Working out causes installations, research of hydrodynamics and êèíåòèêè drying and crushing processes, technological modes of processing of straw and other questions which intensifies technological processes. Difference of ours of technology combination of processes of drying and rough and thin crushing in one installation for the first time is considered.

Priority development in Kazakhstan is demanded by technology of direct burning of wood, first of all for manufacture of warmth and technological steam. It ñâÿçàííî with enough low price for the electric power which exists in Kazakhstan and at the same time - enough high price for fuel and thermal energy. Introduction of manpower stations and mini-Te Ts, burning a firm biomass (wood, straw, ëóçãó), will be profitable in case of a considerable rise in prices for the electric power or in case of subsidizing. Reception of warmth from a biomass is economically profitable already now, even in case of use of the import equipment. Kazakhstan also possesses sufficient technical potential to begin own manufacture and  coppers.

Technologies of burning of straw also are very perspective for Kazakhstan. But the wide circulation of these technologies demands the decision of some question of the organization of gathering, pressing of bales, transportation and straw storage. First of all, the best prospects for introduction at the agricultural enterprises have farmer coppers and coppers for small heating systems capacity 0,1-1 ÌÂò. After demonstration of advantages of these coppers, large stations TST also have good possibilities for commercialization.

Popularity of briquettes as "house" fuel is caused by that such heat is perceived as more pleasant, than warmly, received of coal, easy black oil or natural gas. Demand for fuel granules and briquettes in the countries of Europe constantly high also is not present preconditions to saturation, and the prices for them grow. The briquettes executed by a method of pressing, are more preferable at buyers in comparison with simple pressing.

Hydro carbonic raw materials in Northern areas of Republic Kazakhstan to create independent fuel and energy complexes of local scale on the basis of a waste ðàñòåíèåâîä÷åñêîé production. Bio power resources ÐÊ allow makes export of fuel briquettes.



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