Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named by                Myhajlo Tugan-Baranovski









The Chair of Foreign Languages









For students’ conference on the theme:

«European Research Area»













Student of group


Ryzhykh I.

Scientific supervisor

Filipenko S.L.










Donetsk 2008


“European Research Area”


The EU decided to create the European Research Area (ERA) in 2000.This means creating a unified area all across the Europe, in which Europeans should: enable researchers to move and interact seamlessly, benefit from world-class infrastructures and work with excellent networks of research institutions; share, teach, value and use knowledge effectively for social, business and policy purposes; optimize and open European, national and regional research programmes in order to support the best research throughout Europe and coordinate these programmes to address major challenges together; develop strong links with partners around the world so that Europe benefits from the worldwide progress of knowledge, contributes to global development and takes a leading role in international initiatives to solve global issues.

Seven years on, the creation of ERA has become a central pillar of the EU 'Lisbon Strategy' for growth and jobs, together with the completion of the Single Market, the European 'broad-based innovation strategy' and the creation of a European Higher Education Area.

Many initiatives have been taken by the EU and Member States. But there are still strong national and institutional barriers which prevent ERA from becoming a reality.

For this reason, The European Commission has published a Green Paper on ERA reviewing progress made, where it still needs to be made and raising questions for debate. The Commission sought answers to these questions and solicited further new ideas in a public consultation which lasted from 1 May 2007 until 31 August 2007.

The wide objects of the ERA is achievement of a maximum effective utilization of scientific potential and material resources of the European countries , taking into account the experience, saved by them, and achievements, on the basis of close interrelation of the European and national scientific policies, exchange of knowledge and information, and also free movement scientific in borders of the countries of EU. However European scientific space should not be closed, it should be open for all countries of the world.

For today in many spheres of commercial and scientific activity of the European Union there is no uniform space yet. Many countries - members of EU are similar to separate islands, which see in each other only contenders, but not partners. The integration in scientific - technological area lags behind from financial - European currency union.

The active investment of scientific researches and technologies is necessary, as on the part of state, and private sector, that simultaneously with creation of uniform scientific space gives the large hopes for progress already in the near future.

Such an ERA should inspire the best talents to enter research careers in Europe, incite industry to invest more in European research – contributing to the EU objective to devote 3% of GDP for research, and strongly contribute to the creation of sustainable growth and jobs.

At creation of ERA the special attention will be given to development of the strategically important directions of researches, effective management of personnel resources. Also it is obvious, that the transition to higher economic level is feasible only at presence constantly àðdated of the knowledge base. The participation of the small and average enterprises is considered as one of major sources of innovations and new technologies, therefore policy of EU will be directed on the maximal support of this sector.

The field of activity of uniform scientific space is in the long term very extensive, and there will be a place not only for the countries - members of EU, but also for the candidates in the members of EU, and also states which have signed the agreement on cooperation.

The special role is allocated to the countries with developing and transitive economy. As to Russia and countries of CIS, the double purpose here is pursued: first, to stabilize scientific potential of these states, secondly, to promote the decision of problems representing mutual interest, in the field of power, non-distribution of arms, improvement of public health services and maintenance of ecological safety, including nuclear. In a basis of stabilization of potential research sphere is closer cooperation and activization exchange with scientific communities of EU, first of all with the help INTAS (International association of assistance to cooperation with the scientists from the new independent states of former Soviet Union), ISTC (International scientific and technical centre in Moscow) and USTC (Ukrainian scientific and technical centre in Kiev) lays. The programs and competitions INTAS promote realization of fundamental and applied researches in all scientific directions on the basis of joint activity with more than 40 countries. The programs ISTC and USTC enable to direct scientific researches from defensive sphere in civil on the basis of multilateral cooperation with Europe, USA, Japan and other countries.

The practical creation ERA begins with realization of the Sixth Frame program 2002-2006. Sixth Frame program is revolutionary and radical image differs from previous Fifth Frame program, since all its directions of researches are subordinated overall objectives - association of the European science. The methods of performance Sixth Frame program are developed with the purpose of rendering the maximal support to business, academic circles and research institutes, and also elimination of obstacles limiting mobility of the scientific countries of EU. A maximum favorable scientific - technological climate in Europe thus will be created, that will allow to call it as centre of world scientific researches.

So  European Research Area is a main tool in global scientific sphere which is called to serve for the world welfare, growth and solution of global problems.