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Òàsmaganbetov À.B.

PhD student, University of  International  Business

Almaty, Kazakhstan


The theoretical approach to a definition of concept and specificity of tourist industry


Tourism had come into the XXI century as the most stably developing sector of economy seriously influencing on socially - economic development of many countries in the world. For 38 % of the states the tourism is the main source of income, and for 83 % of the countries it is one of five basic sources of income. In many respects it is promoted by the governments of these countries, and also the business societies actively developing the corresponding policy and the programs of various types of service development in tourist activity. High rates of its development, great volumes of currency receipts actively influence various sectors of economy that promotes formation of own tourist industry.

The rates of increase twice exceeding rates of increase of a total internal product were characteristic for the last 30 years for the world industry of tourism. Today the tourist industry has captured not only Europe which is the traditional tourist center, but also the countries of America, Africa, Asia and Australia.

The tourism is the branch of economy including activity of the tourist industry, the tourist organizations and intermediaries who need to be operated with. The economic process proceeding in the branch of tourism is industrial-serving process. From these positions the tourism represents the tourist industry. The tourism industry is many-sided and includes set of the services created for attraction of clients.

The tourism industry is a branch of economy which has a noble purpose - culture and education development, communication and rest organization, restoration of person’s forces.

There are a lot of definitions of the tourism industry. One of the first and the most successful had been given by the Conference of the United Nations on trade and development in 1971. According to it the tourist industry is a set of industrial and non-productive kinds of the activity directed on creation of goods and services for travelling persons.

The followed attempts to concretize the maintenance of the tourist industry concept and to describe the structure of tourist sector have encountered some difficulties. They appeared because of the tourism industry is closely interconnected with other branches of economy. The industry and agriculture, the building and trade participate in satisfaction of diverse complex of tourist demand. According to the Ministry of Trade of the USA, 24 branches of national economy are involved in sphere of visitors service. Thereupon to isolate a tourist component and to spend a clear boundary of tourist sector is extremely difficult [1].

Nowadays any of operating qualifiers has no the comprehensive list of kinds of tourist activity. Their widest coverage and a sufficient detail the Standard international classification of kinds of activity in tourism sphere differ, developed by the WTO and accepted by the Statistical commission of the United Nations in 1993 as time classification [2].

In the Republic of Kazakhstan law «About tourist activity in RÊ» following definition of the tourist industry is made. The tourist industry is a set of means of the tourists placing, transport, objects of public catering, objects and means of entertainment, objects of informative, improving, business, sports and other appointment, the organizations which are carrying out the tourist activity, and also the organizations, rendering excursion services and services of guides [3].

To be more detailed the tourist industry can be defined as the inter-branch complex including:

a) Passenger transport, with its branched out network of technical services;

b) various specialized tourist enterprises and the enterprises of branches which do not have strongly obvious tourist character;

c) wide sphere of services which the tourist uses [4].

The most total characteristic of the tourism industry is presented in V.Freier's work which has been added by G.B.Uakhitova, includes following types of service.

I. The Tourist's industry in the true sense words (the typical tourist enterprises):

1. The enterprises of placing of tourists.

2. Transport.

3. Tour operators.

4. Travel agencies.

5. Associations and state structures of regulation of tourism development.

6. The congresses organization.

7. Companies, organizing realization of exhibitions and fairs.

II. The Additional tourist's industry (the enterprises specializing on tourism):

1. Manufacture: - souvenirs; - the goods for rest; - mechanical engineering (cars, motorcycles, etc.); - the literature edition on tourism.

2. Service sphere: - excursion service, guides, hotel animation; - journalists; - porters of luggage; - credit institutes; - the insurance companies; - hire of tourist equipment; - educational institutions on a professional training for tourism; - institutes of marketing researches in the field of tourism; - diplomatic representatives (issue of visas).

III. "Suburbs" tourist's industry (the enterprises, in a varying degree are dependent on tourism):

1. Manufacture: - the sport goods; - clothes for rest and tourism; - the photo goods; - cosmetic means; - medical products.

2. Service sphere: - public catering establishments; - hairdressing salons; - trainer's services; - cultural and educational establishments; - medical services; - bath-and-laundry services; - telecommunication network; - mail; - external entertainment business.

Besides these enterprises those organizations which can exist and without tourists but which activity extends at a finding in places of tourists stay are engaged in service of tourists also. It is scientific tourism infrastructure - the research organizations which are engaged in gathering and processing of the statistical data on tourism, drawing up of scientific forecasts and scientific researches in the field of economy and sociology of tourism.

All segments of the tourism industry are interconnected and depend from each other, therefore full and all-round satisfactions of tourist requirements demands the coordinated work of all set of means, objects and the organizations of the tourism industry [5]. Proving the necessity of allocation of tourism for independent branch, it is necessary to understand that an objective basis of branches classification of any national economy makes public division of labor and degree of its differentiation.

At a substantiation of a reference question of the tourism industry to independent branch it is necessary to take into consideration some major factors of formation of its industrial features, conformity to their certain classification signs on which the organizations are a part of corresponding branch of national economy, their dependence on character of primary activity. Besides, it is expedient to consider the reached results, and also prospects of their development. The set of organizations, forming separate branch, is characterized by following basic features:

> Sufficient number of independent in economical sense organizations with a homogeneous kind of activity;

> Steady economic relations with other branches of national economy;

> Certain body of an economic management [6].

Thus, the current state of the tourism industry fully answers the listed characteristics. And accordingly it is characterized by presence of variety of separate elements including various branches of service and differentiated enough and gives various possibilities for specialized travel.

The tourism industry is one of most dynamically developing sectors of economy, attracting not only positive, but also negative consequences of its development.

Economic efficiency of the tourism industry consists in the high degree of development autonomy in comparison with other sectors of economy. The tourism industry possesses the stronger effect of the animator and makes more considerable positive collateral impact, than the majority of other economic sectors. Therefore the majority of countries of distant and the near abroad have chosen tourism as a mean for generating and acceleration of economic development, improvement of currency position of the country, tourism infrastructure strengthening.

Being one of the most profitable and intensively developing branches, it has important social and economic value. Namely: increases the local income, creates new workplaces, develops all branches connected with manufacture of tourist services, develops a social and industrial infrastructure in the tourist centers, makes active the centers of national crafts and culture development, provides growth of a standard of living of local population, increases currency receipts. Along with positive consequences of the tourist's industry development you shouldn’t forget about negative influence of branch. Disadvantages of tourism development are shown that tourism:

- influences a rise in prices for the local goods and services, on ground and other natural resources and real estate;

- promotes outflow of money abroad at tourist import; causes ecological and social problems;

- can cause the damage to development of other branches.

As a whole the tourist industry leans against base of natural resources. Such base should be attractive for people who have a rest, preferably possessing untouched nature. Natural territories should be:

a) the corresponding sizes for avoidance of refilling by tourists;

b) are protected from various risks, such, as pollution, a plants poisoning, presence of dangerous animals, insects

The tourism development should pass in districts, free from natural disasters (flooding, a drought, landslips, earthquakes) [6]. Development of the tourist industry at level of region and improvement of quality of tourist service are an additional source of formation of a profitable part of the territorial budget.

Creation of the enterprises of the tourist industry in remote sparsely populated and industrially bad-developed regions, but of interest for tourists (because of the beautiful landscape, rich hunting grounds, the places convenient for playing sports, etc.) promotes development of such regions [7]. Quality of workplaces in the tourist industry has the features which concern:

- Seasonal nature of employment in tourist service of the population;

- Considerable relative density of the workers, occupied the incomplete working day;

- The big relative density of low qualified physical work;

- The limited possibilities of automation in a computerization of workplaces in the tourist industry (especially in hotel and restaurant economy).

Thus, the tourist industry has the unique structure, including set of kinds of activity. In turn, all segments of the tourism industry are interconnected and depend from each other.




1. Recommendations according to tourism. Statistical documents  / UNWTO, New York, 1994.

2. Àleksandrova À. International tourism: Textbook. – Ì.: Àspect Press, 2002. – 470 pg.

3. The law of Republic Kazahstan from 13/06/2001 «About tourist activity in RÊ».

4. Balabanov E.Ò., Balabanov À.E. Economy of tourism: Textbook. – Ì.: Finance and statistics, 2003. – 176 pg.

5. Kvartalnov V.À. Tourism: Textbook. – Ì.: Finance and statistics, 2000. – 320 pg.

6. Tazhieva S.Ê. Tourism - as economic branch // ÑÀßÑÀÒ-POLICY. – 2009. - ¹11. –23-26 pg.

7. Koizhena G.Ê. Economic efficiency from tourist activity // ÑÀßÑÀÒ-POLICY. – 2010. - ¹2. – 16-18 pg.