Nakonechnaya T.V., Nikulin A.V.

Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University

Application of taksonometric method at planning of mathematical preparation for students of higher technical institutes


In the modern terms of integration pedagogical science must be oriented not only on the traditional pedagogical methods of research, but also to lean and on methods, widespread in many areas of knowledge. In particular, based on the methods of cluster analysis, it is possible to create a programmatic cluster and analyze intercommunication between the structural elements of educational programs. Under a programmatic cluster the educational-training program structured as a matrix is understood in the variety of all of its intercommunications.  Research of intercommunications between the different structural elements of educational programs allows lining up the optimum trajectory of the professional becoming of specialist. In obedience to curricula, ratified by the department of education  and science of Ukraine (before 2005 year), the aggregate of disciplines, taught in higher technical educational establishments, is broken up on six cycles (clusters): An is a cycle of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, B is a cycle of fundamental and professionally-oriented disciplines, C — is a cycle of the professionally-oriented disciplines on the list of the program, D is a cycle of disciplines of independent choice of higher school, E is a cycle of disciplines of student free choice, F is a cycle of disciplines on the professional orientation of specialist. Authors considered expedient to add another cluster of G — course and diploma planning. In order that to work out a real plan of continuous mathematical preparation of students of higher technical institutes a successive clusterization (which was carried out in terms of matrix of similarity) was conducted. As a measure of similarity of the indicated clusters descriptions was chosen a size, reflecting that, as far as often educational disciplines from the indicated cluster use the methods of mathematical analysis, theories of differential equations or other sections of mathematics. A research result is presented by dendrogramm (fig. 1).


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Fig. 1


It should be noted that built dendrogramm illustrates the difference of higher education in the west (for example, in the USA) and in Russia, and also other countries of the CIS. Indeed, «western education is arranged so, that on the first courses preparation is not very much high-quality, it grows after, arriving at a maximum on the last courses. The Russian system of higher education is arranged vice versa (from authors also same it can be said and about the Ukrainian system of education). The intensive teaching goes on the first courses. It has been given fundamental classic preparation. Teaching intensity diminishes then, and already at the level magistrates and post-graduate students a teaching process becomes minimal — magistrates and post-graduate students attend little lectures, hand over little examinations. Thus, there are two very opposite points of view on organization of higher education» [1].

However now, in connection with passing to the two-stage system of education, from curricula was exempted the cycle F — cycle of disciplines on the professional orientation of specialist. Because of such simplification of educational process structure there is total reduction of amount of audience hours, taken on teaching of natural sciences and first turn on higher mathematics. It means that the far of programmatic material passes on an independent (but not controlled) study of students (that even if will be studied — that only by units). Thus, by virtue of the folded situation, knowledge, «received less» on junior courses, are not compensated and in subsequent time. Negative changes, conditioned by structures simplification and by the decline of plenitude of education, showed in changed dendrogramm (fig.2).

Text Box: 0,316Text Box: 0,338Text Box: 0,431Text Box: 0,493Text Box: 0,598It is appropriate to quote of L.N.Gumilev, which writes about existence of two ideal types of the systems: hard and corpuscular, or discrete. In spite of the fact that he wrote about ethnic systems, the system of higher education with a complete right it is possible to attribute to the corpuscular systems because «…in corpuscular systems elements cooperate freely. Easily substituted by analogical, thus the system does not stop to operate, and it is possible even the loss of part of elements with a post reduction. If such will not follow, then it will become the simplification of the system, having its elimination in a limit» [3]. Here such «simplification, having in the limit elimination» is showed at comparison of dendrogramms, which are on a fig. 1 and fig 2. Thus the integral index of compendency falls from 1 to 0,6. Thus, it is necessary to continue work on adjustment of curricula of engineering directions to increase the integral coefficient of compendency (to approach him to 1). Otherwise, losing advantage of preparation on junior courses, we will not purchase him and on elders.  



1.      Academic science and education: the past, present and the future // Economy and mathematical methods, 2008, vol. 44, ¹1, p.126-136

2.     Didukh J.P. Modern approach to the classification of biotical objects. — Visn. NAN of Ukraine. – 2005. − ¹1. p.32 – 45.

3.     Gumilev L.N. Etnogenez and biosphere of Earth. - M.: Ayris-press, 2007. — 560 p, ill.