/10. Economy of enterprise


Lomazov V.A., Trubavin D.S.

Belgorod State Agriculture Academy, Russia

Reengineering of the system of procurement
commodity-material assets


On the modern stage the new approaches are required to reorganizing the production and economic activities of the enterprises. The unstable economic situation in the countries of Europe, changes in the political sphere, as well as the growing competition attach to this issue are of particular relevance. Reorganization of business-processes can be linked with the improvement of the industry, through a gradual lifting of technical solutions to a new level, and with the reengineering - the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in the basic indicators of activity of the enterprises [1,2].

In this work the problem is considered on the example of enterprises of the mining industry. Questions of reengineering previously discussed in many papers (for example, [2-4]), however, these studies do not allow to fully take into account the specifics of mining, requiring an integrated approach. In the work of the task is solved in development of criteria for evaluation preference.

Consider a production-economic scheme of functioning of the enterprise on extraction of mineral resources, with consideration of the subsystems, reflecting the peculiarity of mining and extractive industries [5,6] (figure 1).

As a rule, for ore-mining enterprises of the initial stage of the production-economic process is the delivery of the commodity and material valuables (hereinafter referred to as commodities). Commodities may be subdivided into: equipment involved in the production process (dumpers, conveyors and ball mills), raw materials for the manufacture of the product (e.g., fluxing and binding materials for the production of metal pellets) and other commodities (for example, furniture, equipment, household appliances). Activities on the delivery of the inventory are: determination of the needs and the drafting of the nomenclature of commodities, search of potential suppliers, the delivery of technical and commercial proposals, preparation and approval of the transport schemes.














Fig. 1. The scheme of functioning of the enterprise on extraction of mineral resources


The supply of commodities and materials plays an important role in the production and economic system of the mining industry, and its volumes and nomenclature directly depend on the scale and types of activity of the enterprises. The production activity of mining enterprises include:

- the main manufacturing (i.e., processes associated with the production of basic production;

- auxiliary production (or activities conducive to the production of basic production, for example, the repair of equipment, provision of energy resources);

- product production (activity connected with the manufacture of products from waste raw materials or refurbishment of used auxiliary materials for the needs of production or sales. The kind of production include the production and sale of overburden rocks, for example, chalk, sand clay, shale, which can be used in the production of mineral binders and other materials);

- side production (or activities aimed at the preparation of raw materials for production and packaging for products realization);

- serving facilities (for example, transport, storage);

- scientific-research, experimental-design and technological works aimed at the improvement of the quality of manufactured products.

In addition to the main production activity of mining enterprises may carry out other activities: protection of the environment, consisting of the industrial-ecological and industrial-analytical control, capital construction (for example, the expansion of career, replacement of mining equipment), social activities related to the cultural and domestic service workers, etc.

The final stage of the operation, in General, determining all the stages, is the process of marketing the primary and secondary products. This phase includes the following activities in the exploration of the market, formation of base of preferences of consumers and encourage them to shopping, contacts and the conclusion of contracts with buyers, transport and distribution logistics, and shipping (leave) goods.
For the serious increase in the volume and quality of produced products, restructuring of enterprises and minimize costs in the supply of commodities and materials arises the necessity of application of reengineering. The specificity of mining and extractive industries allows to carry out reengineering of only with realization of all stages of the production-economic process of extraction of mineral resources. Figure 2 shows the scheme of reengineering of business-processes of the enterprises of the mining industry.

Since the reengineering is aimed at reorganization of business-processes "on top", that it is impossible without marketing research of the market of sales of the products. At this stage, the analysis of demand for manufactured products, the price situation, the presence of competitors on the market, and the current structure of shipments of the enterprise. The obtained results serve as a starting point for reorganizing the subsystem of product sales, which in turn should be flexible and adapted to the further behavior of the market. At this stage is the reorientation of the subsystem for the implementation of new types of products, the design of undeveloped marketing channels, as well as the adoption of new strategies and methods of promotion products. In parallel, there is a technological and design preparation of production, which aims to reform the industrial system, and is in development and introduction of technological processes of mining enterprises, calculation of production capacities, standards of consumption of materials and energy resources, development of technical projects, manufacture and introduction of new working products. Such changes are subject to assessment of economic efficiency of production, which is conducted at an early and final stages of the technological and design preparation.

Fig. 2. Reengineering of business-processes of the enterprises of the mining industry.

The final stage of reengineering of business-processes of the enterprises is in reorganizing the subsystem of deliveries of commodities and materials, shown in figure 3.





Fig. 3. Reengineering of the subsystem of deliveries of commodities and materials


Procurement activities of mining and extractive industries are very versatile and has a wide range. Thus, a re-engineering was originally organized by a detailed analysis of the necessary volume and variety of commodities shipped. Then, a reorganization of the Market study of procurement, which aims to develop criteria to select the most favorable preference of suppliers, as well as a method for its implementation. Then the prediction is made and the restructuring of the existing schemes for the supply of commodities uninterrupted, timely, and quality of the production process.



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