Usachov V. A., Tishenko M. V.

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhailo Tugan-Baranovsky


International economic activity


Foreign-economic activity of enterprises - is the sphere of economic activity associated with international production and scientific-technical cooperation, exports and imports of goods, the release of the company to the foreign market.

Foreign economic activity is within the scope of foreign economic relations, which, in turn, are a complex system of various forms of international cooperation among states and their stakeholders in all sectors of the economy. Foreign economic relations are a complex system of economic relations, arising from the movement of resources between different countries and economic entities of states.
The subjects of foreign economic activities in Ukraine are:
- Individuals - citizens of Ukraine, foreign citizens and stateless persons who have civil legal capacity and competence in accordance with the laws of Ukraine and reside in the territory of Ukraine;

- Legal persons registered in Ukraine which are situated on the territory of Ukraine (companies, organizations and associations of all kinds)

- Integrating the physical, legal, physical and legal persons who are not legal entities in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, but in the territory of Ukraine and that civil law is not prohibited by the laws of Ukraine to carry out economic activities;
- Structural units of foreign business entities that are not legal entities in accordance with the laws of Ukraine (branch offices, etc.), but in the territory of Ukraine;

- Joint ventures with the participation of economic entities of Ukraine and foreign business entities registered in Ukraine and who have permanent residence in the territory of Ukraine;

- Other business entities, provided laws of Ukraine.

- Ukraine, through its agencies, local government and governance in the face of them created by foreign organizations that are involved in foreign trade activities, as well as other states that participate in economic activities in the territory of Ukraine, acts as a legal entity in accordance with International and Ukrainian legislation.

All subjects of foreign economic activities have an equal right to exercise any of its forms, is not explicitly prohibited by the laws of Ukraine, irrespective of ownership, and other features. Individuals, who have a permanent place of residence in the territory of Ukraine, have this right if they are registered as employers in accordance with the Act. Individuals who do not have permanent residence in the territory of Ukraine, have this right if they are business entities under the law of the state in which they are domiciled or of which they are. Legal persons have the right to carry out foreign trade activities in accordance with their statutory instruments since gaining their legal entity status.

As for the main types of foreign economic activities, their geographical scale can be defined as follows:

export performance, import activities, foreign trade activities, export / import of capital in the form of direct and portfolio investment, scientific-technical cooperation, construction of facilities overseas, engineering and consulting services, barter transactions, transaction-based raw materials, competitive forms of organized trade and transactions associated with the international scientific-technical cooperation, manufacturing and marketing cooperatives, participation in consortia and strategic alliances, the export of capital abroad for the acquisition of industrial and other property, import / export commodities, exports / imports of machinery and goods.

Management of foreign operations (management) - in a market economy requires planning, organization, coordination, control and accounting of foreign economic activity at the firm level.

Most studies have shown that the major influence management of foreign economic activity has a type of corporate management culture, which is largely determined by three major characteristics: the degree of centralization of management, the degree of formalization of the object. Ratio of the degree of centralization and the degree of formalization in management practices in different countries can vary greatly; to the same object of control can vary.

Thus, foreign economic activity is the interactions between economic agents of different countries. The most important feature of this type of activity is the fact of displacement (exchange) of material goods (services) from one state to another. Features of foreign economic activity associated with the fact that any state is characterized not only a certain territory, but also a range of social, economic, social and political indicators. Each state has its own inherent only to it, the economy, obeying national laws.

It should be noted that in the absence of effective regulation of these relations can occur very negative consequences for the national economy. Therefore, the state seeks to establish a mutual exchange of goods and services with other countries, while avoiding discrimination against its own subjects of economic activity, while at the same time respecting the interests of the representatives of economic activity abroad. Therefore, the most important party of foreign economic activity is part of the state in its regulation, carried out by means of foreign policy of the state.