Kushchak O.O., Nikiforova L.O.

Vinnitsa National Technical University, Ukraine



Flow of information, increasingly now requires the introduction of teaching methods that allow for a fairly short time to transfer a substantial amount of knowledge to ensure a high level of mastery students the material being studied, and fixing it in practice. It should be noted that the problem of training highly skilled managers in Ukraine have not been investigated. Therefore it is necessary to continue research to identify factors of increasing management training based on modern training methods for modern industrial enterprises.

In modern practice, leadership training in Ukraine and abroad the most common are the following active methods of training: training, programmable, computer training, educational group discussions, case-study (analysis of specific, practical situations), business games [1].

Consider the primary focus and content of each of these teaching methods used in practice, improve the management personnel.

In the training study focuses on the practical aspect, when the modeling process specifically defined situations students can develop and secure the necessary knowledge and skills to change their attitude to their own experience and applied approaches.

Training - a planned process modifications, attitude, knowledge or behavioral skills listener through the acquisition of educational experience to achieve effective performance in one type of activity or in a particular industry. The advantage of learning as a factor in training are:

 effective instructional techniques of motivation, interactive presentation of information, game fixing skills [2].

The basis of the method of training on the following stages [1]:

Stage I - a needs analysis.

Stage II - Planning and design of all aspects of training.

III stage - implementation.

Stage IV - control the results of training. [3]

The method of case-study method or specific situations (from the English case - case situation) - the method of active problem-situation analysis, based on learning by solving specific problems - situations (resolving cases).

Case-studies, specific situations, which are specially developed on the basis of factual material for further analysis in educational classes, embodying these ideas [2]:

A. The method is designed to gain knowledge of the disciplines in which pluralistic truth, that no clear answer to that question.

2. Accent training is transferred not to possess ready knowledge and its development, the cooperation of the student and coach, here is a fundamental difference method case-study of traditional methods - democracy in the process of gaining knowledge as a student in essence is equal to other students and coaches in discussing the problem.

3. The result of applying the method is not only knowledge but skills and professional activities.

4. Technology method is as follows: subject to certain rules developed model of a particular situation that occurs in real life, and reflects the range of knowledge and practical skills that students need to get, with the teacher acting as host, which generates questions, records answers supports the discussion is the role of mediator in the process of cooperation.

5. In the case-study method overcome traditional teaching classic defect associated with "dry", not emotional presentation - properly organized discussion of case study may resemble theater performance.

Role play aims to simulating real management situations with "real" and not "educational" role, to ensure the formation of skills and pavychok necessary for the efficient solution of management situations. Input for use as a display function of the real officials involved in solving specific problems ("plant director", "company president", "laboratory supervisor", etc.). Type of professional activity in the course of which there are management problems, determine the type of business games (business, education, educational, military and PI). [3].

The effectiveness of the business game is achieved, subject to the principle of change of roles, direct on learning all the participants play different roles and functions and the principle of role-playing perspective, providing a gradual mastery of the participants role play more complex roles and vidpovidalpishymy and therefore pavychkamy necessary for the prevention and solution 'Liabilities conflicts.

Interactive teaching methods is a lever that helps employees improve skills and develop professional skills. The system of these methods allows to reduce future errors as to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of certain behaviors. The main advantage of the interactive methods as the factor staff development is that a relatively short period of time can not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but also fix it in practice.



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2.    Л. О. Нікіфорова Особливості застосування тренінгів в якості чиннику підвищення кваліфікації кадрів на промислових підприємствах / Нікіфорова Л.О., Кущак О. О., Крилов В. О. // Вісник хмельницького національного університету. – 2011. - №5 . – с.190-192

3.    Лефтеров В. Ефективність тренінгу з професійно-психологічної підготовки/ В. Лефтеров // Соціальна психологія. – 2008. - № 3. – С. 144-150