Экономические науки/7. Учёт и аудит

Новикова О.Н.

Донецкий национальный университет экономики и торговли имени Михаила Туган-Барановского

The audit of the basic means

The basic means form the main component of material and technical base of organizations and play the important role in realization of the leading directions of their activity. During development of the market relations there were essential changes in the account of the basic means. These changes have concerned: the structure of the basic means; amortization of their cost; the account of long-term investments; the account of the operations connected with leasing and rent of property; revaluations of cost of the basic means; the account and financing of expenses for repair of the basic means; the account of realization. Thus, a specific goal of audit of the basic means is checking of correctness of formation of structure, completeness and a reality of the account of the basic means and reliability of amortization of their cost. The purposes of audit are:

- Confirmation of reliability of financial statements;

- Determination of completeness and reality of the data provided in the report;

- Definition of degree of compliance to the current legislation;

- Determination of compliance to requirements shown to conducting accounting.

Auditor procedures should be directed on studying of system of the account. The review of internal control and system of the account of the basic means is necessary for carrying out at a considerable quantity of operations. The list of the basic means, in the checked organization can be small, but operations on their movement can appear numerous and the risk of an inefficiency of control can be high.

  At carrying out of auditor check of the account of the basic means first of all it is necessary to check up, how the analytical account of the basic means is conducted, to establish quality of a condition of internal control of the enterprise, to reveal the most weak spots in system of the accounting of fixed assets. It is also necessary for auditor to study such questions:

- Existence, safety of fixed assets;

- Receipts of fixed assets;

- Ways of charge of amortization;

- The accounting of the rented fixed assets and leased;

- The accounting of expenses on restoration of fixed assets;

- Leavings of fixed assets.

Such account is usually organized on separate objects, to each of which accession number for all period of its exploitation. The accounting on objects is conducted in inventory cards or books. It is necessary for auditor to check up all cards or books, and also correctness of assignment of the code number of depreciation charges and presence of all help data.

It is necessary to check up: whether there are no objects of the basic means on which inventory cards aren't conducted, and to suggest restoring on such means inventory cards.

 It is also necessary to check up a condition of the account of the basic means in places of their placing. For this purpose auditors should establish the correctness of conducting the inventory list of the basic means, conformity of the data of the analytical account to records on account 10 “Basic means”, a regularity of mutual verification of the data of accounting.

The basic sources of the information about the basic means serve such primary documents as: delivery-acceptance certificates in operation of the basic means, waybills on internally moving, etc.

During check of control inventory or, at least, survey of separate objects of the basic means (in places of their constant or time storage), especially rented basic means as in practice often use fictitious contracts for charge of a rent for the purpose of increase in the cost price of production and assignment of means is recommended.

Auditor check of the basic means comes to the end with the analysis of efficiency of their use. Efficiency of use of the basic means characterizes an indicator of capital productivity. Factors are defined: updating, deterioration, the validity of the basic means. At the final stage the auditor should generalize results of check, draw conclusions and prepare well-founded offers on elimination of lacks and use of the revealed reserves.

So, we can make a conclusion that nowadays it is necessary to systematize a technique of performance of auditor checks. Productivity of information and methodical ensuring auditor works is promoted by dynamic nature of its creation and adjustment in process of development of the standard and legal base defining an order of commission, the taxation and accounting of financial and economic activities. Formation of the auditor program is preceded by definition of structure of auditor works. As sets of the auditor procedures providing check of economic operations with objects of financial and economic activity for achievement of the purposes of audit, it is possible to classify auditor works on such signs as: objects, economic operations and the audit purposes. The role of fixed assets is defined by the set they form technological base and define production power of the enterprise.