

G. V. Vishnevskaya

Summary. In the article the need of using possibilities of information technologies for education is considered. The question of distance learning a foreign language by students in the information educational environment is discussed. Conceptual justification of an intensification of student’s independent work with using information technologies is offered.

Keywords: information educational environment, independent work of students, distance learning.

I. Introduction

One of the most important tasks which rises before the teacher of a foreign language in non-language higher education institution is the organization of independent work of the students which opens great opportunities for an intensification and individualization of educational process.

In the works of researchers such as E.V. Aleksandrova [1], E.N. Zaytseva [2],                O. V. Ilyina [3], O. P. Kryukovà [4], I. P. Pavlova [5], etc. it is shown that modern information technologies possess high potential for the solution of these problems that allows to consider them as the perspective environment of training of a foreign language.

Information and mediatizatsiya of the international sociocultural environment, professional spheres, science and education lead to that entry into culture foreign is impossible without informational practice of language activity. The urgency of such approach is caused also by need of transition of all system of high school education to so-called open education. Goals are logical for reaching by means of computer means, logically combining their use with traditional techniques of training of foreign languages.

II. Task statement

 To solve the tasks connected with training of a foreign language, it is necessary to approach differentially as many aspects of development of language competence depend on character, the contents and an orientation of preparation of future expert. Despite considerable experience of use of means of new information technologies in education as a whole and in training the foreign language in particular, still has a problem of search of optimum forms of use of computers in educational process, and also uses of various didactic possibilities of the information technologies which are meeting the requirements of modern educational process in higher education institution.

Developed use in training to language of new information technologies demands system development and forecasting as evolution of these technologies goes at the speed considerably advancing rate of methodical judgment of questions in training to languages. Now very pertinently to raise the question about development on the updated scientific basis of basic psychological-pedagogical system of training to the languages, realizing modern ideas and tendencies and capable to receive the further differentiated methodical realization depending on the purposes, conditions and forms of education.

 According to modern Russian and foreign researchers, the understanding of how there should be a turning on of the computer in training process that with the most effective way will provide involvement in processes of knowledge of all identity of the student at level of creative, dialogical thinking and social activity as it takes place in professional activity is key.

 Thus, into the forefront there is a conceptual justification of complete system of educational subject informative activity with use of the information technologies, keeping the main stages of formation of intellectual actions with use of the constructive analysis and modeling of subject environments.

III. Results

Specific property of the environment in which there is an educational process, its saturation educational resources is. Creation, enrichment and distribution of such resources or, in other words, the organization of developing possibilities of the environment, is a key pedagogical task.

 Variety of the information and educational environments which were in development form the information and educational environment of separate higher education institution, group of higher education institutions etc. With development of distance learning, development and implementation of the concept of open educational space of Russia, association and development of educational environments leads to development of the educational space which essence is made by in a special way organized, structured and socialized educational environments which are carrying out functions of translation of social and individual experience and development of culture.

The environment structure, its filling, training and developing functions depend on tasks which are put in the course of teaching of this or that discipline. Active educational process is considered as the interpersonal, dialogical interaction organized in the direction of achievement of uniting subjects of training of the purpose – development of necessary knowledge, formations of theoretical and practical thinking and development of the identity of future professional.

Features of structure, the contents and functions of the information training environment in which training to a foreign language of students of not language specialties is carried out, are defined by a number of factors which follow also modern didactic, methodical and psychological specifics of high school training to a foreign language, and also the specific practical objectives facing a course of a foreign language in not language higher education institution.

IV. Conclusions

Thus, a solving condition of formation of skills of the computer mediated independent work is orientation of educational process as a whole, in all its parts and at all grade levels on active independent informative involvement in the computer environment which should be considered through a prism of the relations and requirements of the personality in the conditions of search creative, educational and informative, communicative and other kinds of activity, in development of internal requirement of the learning of foreign language connected with future profession.


1. Aleksandrova E. V. Improvement of quality of preparation of students of correspondence form of education on the basis of infocommunication technologies in a technical college: Dis. … Cand. of ped. sciences / E.V. Aleksandrova. Samara, 2005. 180 p.

2. Zaytseva E. N. The information training environment as a development tool of independent work of students when training of a foreign language: Author’s abstr. … Cand. of ped.. sciences / E. N. Zaytseva. Yaroslavl, 2003. 23 p.

3. Ilyina O. V. Optimization of independent work of students on mastering by speech activity foreign by means of computer technologies: Dis. … Cand. of ped.  sciences / O. V. Ilyina. Smolensk, 2002. 166 p.

 4. Kryukova O. P. Independent learning of foreign language in the computer environment (on an example of the English language) / O. P. Kryukova. M: Logos, 1998. 128 p.

 5. Pavlova I. P. Training programs in independent work on a foreign language: Author’s abstr. … Cand. of ped.. sciences / I. P. Pavlova. M, 1992. 43 p.