Esenov Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering



The present stage formation of information society imposes requirements to graduates associated with the ability to navigate the vast flow of information, apply new information technologies, use the information obtained from various information sources with the maximum effect. It becomes necessary to include a component in the education system, ensuring the formation of personality, able to correctly orient in conditions of constant growth of information and apply it to resolve emerging issues and continuous self-education. That should be a component of informational competence.

In recent years, has become evident interest of scientists to the formation of the different competencies of graduates of vocational schools. For example, the formation of competencies related to social, seen in the works A.N.Kuzminskaya, O.A.Panova to multicultural - RB Deriglazova, N.V.Pomortseva, V.V.Pogachev, to the language - E.A.Bugreeva to the subject - activity - A.L.Busygina, A.A.Mayer, L.V.Panfilova.

Great deal of research is devoted to fostering the emergence of information expertise, the problems of increasing the information culture of specialist, on student mastering of information technologies, the role of information in human cognitive activity (E.F.Morkovina, N.G.Vitkovskaya, N.V.Kisel).

Competence is a sufficient set of requirements for the individual, so that it could successfully solve the problem in a certain area, and is characterized by a degree of competence of the individual willingness to resolve the problems. Significant role in the expression of competence are the context and specific situation: in different circumstances, but in the same field of activity a person can show or demonstrate their competence. According to Shishova SE, Kal'nei VA not shown potential competence is not competence, but a hidden opportunity.

According to Morkovina EF Information competence is regarded as the basis of professional competence, as it is, on the one hand, ensures the implementation of professional knowledge and skills of the student, on the other hand, is itself a condition of its functioning.

The activity has an informational basis, as it is connected with the receipt, storage, processing and transmitting information, which represents kind of information processes. Receiving and transmitting information by communicative means. Information competence involves a person's ability to participate in various information processes, involves an active influence on this process and even the initiation of new processes.

The development of student information competence implies the development of knowledge about the sources, form, structure information, building skills to use the methods of working with information, valuable attitude to the information and evaluate their own activities. The development of information competence can be assessed by the quantity and quality of information processes in which a person participates.

On the formation, development and change of information competence is influenced by both external (family, culture, the medium of communication, media, etc.) and internal factors (motivation, emotion, reflection, etc.). The basis for the development of information competency of the student is an educational and cognitive activity as an active, professionally directed the formation of expertise (knowledge, skills and creative abilities), motivation, needs, interests, consisting in the perception, comprehension, storage and playback of educational information in solving cognitive tasks.

In the structure of educational-cognitive activity of E.F.Morkovina were identified the following components:

- The activity of the individual;

- Learning situation (content, procedures for assimilation of the content, the transition from one level to another, the system of interactions between teacher and students, the dynamics of the relationship of these variables);

- Technology.

Interacting on these components can be carried out management of the development of information competency of the student.

In order to effectively develop information competencies necessary to implement the following pedagogical conditions:

- Updating of the information component of the educational-cognitive activity in all stages of education;

- The inclusion of students in a specially organized, evolving, increasingly complex learning-cognitive activity associated with the receipt, storage, processing and transmitting information;

- Ensuring the subjective position of the student in the information space of educational-cognitive activity.

Changes in the level of formation of information competence may be due to the following factors:

- Taking on a personal level, the value of information;

- formation of skills to competently navigate in the information environment, apply the scientific organization of labor at work with sources of information;

- The novelty of the content of education, etc.

The problem of student information competence is relevant, since the aim of modern education is not only the assimilation of knowledge and development skills, but also the formation of certain personal qualities required for effective work in the information space, including its philosophical, ethical and value orientation, responsibility for the education establishment, use and transfer of information.



1.  Kisel, NV Information competence of teachers as a condition of effective management of the educational process. PhD Thesis

2.  Trishina S. Information competence as a pedagogical category / / Internet journal "Eidos", 2005.

3.  Vitkovskaya N. Formation of informational competence of university students. PhD Thesis

4.  Morkovina EF The development of information competency of the student in the educational process. PhD Thesis