Педагогические науки/5. Современные методы преподавания


Преподаватель Кучерявая Т.Л., преподаватель Смагулова А.С.


Костанайский государственный университет имени А.Байтурсынова, Казахстан


 Multimedia presentations in foreign languages teaching.


     The use of computer technologies is one of the basic teaching skills in training process. The use of computer contributes to the formation of individual informational competence, giving each student an access to unlimited amount of information; increases the efficiency of educational process and quality of students’ professional training. One of such efficient programs is Power Point, which is used by a teacher and students in creating multimedia presentation, allowing establishing informational support in preparing and conducting foreign language classes.

     Power Point presentation is one of the most modern ways of presenting information. They provide a direct access to the information: students can see all the content immediately and go to the fact they are interested in, and extracting information does not require much labor and time costs. In contrast to other ways of presenting information multimedia presentations may contain text, numerous drawings, photographs, video, audio, animation and three-dimensional graphics. However even a beginning user is able to develop Power Point presentations. Ease of use, availability and an ability to transfer data from other applications and programs enable teachers to make authoring training programs.

    Pooling some experience in preparing and using of presentations at foreign language lessons, we can single out some suggestions.

All work should not be "tied" to a presentation. Presentation slides can be used during the explanation, practice or making a problem situation in the classroom. The selection of presentation material should correspond to the principles of science, availability, visualization.  

      Presentations can aim:

-  knowledge updating;

- support to a teacher in new material explaining;

- primary practice of new  knowledge;

- generalization and systematization of knowledge.

    Updating of knowledge is often conducted in the form of conversation with a student. Questions of such conversations can be visualized in the slides, but not in the form of a text, they can be represented by video images, photos, drawings, requiring comments, tables, etc.

    It is hard to overestimate the possibilities of the presentation and its design explaining a new material. The sequence of display and forming logic depend on the content of the subject matter, the features of trainees’ perception and   teacher’s personality.

    It is desirable not to overload slides with a text. It is better to place short abstracts, dates, names and terms. The most important material, which requires compulsory learning, should be highlighted and more original for associative visual memory activating. In presentations of summarizing lesson can be included charts, tables, diagrams. Previously used fragments of slides can be rearranged for making a comparison and analysis.            

     We should note a number of a Power Point presentation advantages:

 - a combination of text, audio and video information variety  ;

 - an ability to use the presentation as a kind of  interactive board, which allows to semantize new vocabulary and grammar (and possibly phonetic) material more obviously and   support to train  all kinds of speech activity;

- an ability to use separate slides as handouts (support, tables, charts, graphs,  collages printed on paper);

- an ability to manage students' attention through animation effects and hyperlinks;

- an ability to use various forms of cognitive activity organization (frontal, group, individual);

- focus activating, maintaining students’ cognitive interest, increasing learning motivation and effectiveness of new material perception and memorizing;

 - control of new knowledge and systematizing  of learning   material;

-   training time saving;

-   development of creative abilities in  organization of training activities.

    Preparing and conducting presentations have the following steps:

  - preparing presentation and its design.

  - presentation language.

  - sign language.

   Preparing performance, we should know that this is the most important step. Make sure you have all necessary information and materials.

First of all, you should single out the required information. It will help to calculate the duration of the presentation, which is one of the key points. A report should last at least 5 minutes and not more than 20.

    Then you should work with visual means. Check the correctness of figures, tables or graphs, and correct use of words.  Correct word spelling can be checked with the help of dictionary or electronic translator.

Office PowerPoint lets you add many kinds of audio and video data, including tables, pictures, Smart Art, clips. A clip is a final image, often representing a bitmap or a combination of figures, diagrams, music, movies, sounds and animations. You can also add hyperlinks - colored and underlined text or a graphic object that you click to go to a file or a Web page in intranet or Internet.

  The use of computer presentations at lessons allows us to introduce new vocabulary, grammar, regional geography material in the most exciting forms of implementing of visibility principle, which contributes to more lasting digestion of knowledge. Students while creating computer presentations can improve their active vocabulary, increase interest in foreign language learning. During the process of presentation preparing, students master the skills of making an analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison, generalization.

In the process of multimedia presentations defense, students learn how to make a logically correct speech; it helps to form a monologic utterance. This allows them to learn how to express a complete thought, which has a communicative focus, logical reasoning, comparing, speaking within the program. When using multimedia presentations, there is an effective learning self-control, self correction, and training activities.

    Multimedia presentation realizes a vast amount of material for foreign language speaking, as a basis for monologue speech; it gives a great opportunity to realize the communicative function of language.



1. Http://office.microsoft.com/ru-ru/powerpoint

2. Http://www.nsu.ru/education/powerpoint

3. Manuilov V.G. Multimedia components presentations Power Point, Computer Science and Education № 12, 2004.

4. Govorovsky T. Computer technology in education, Proceedings of the conference social Astrakhan College, 2008

5. Dobrydin S.N. Some aspects of the use of new information technologies in education, Proceedings of the All-Russian conference "Science and Education", Moscow, 2002