Usachev V. A., Nazarova J.P.

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhailo


Human intuition

         At this stage of development, people are finally no longer dismiss the intuition, and began to actively use it in life and business. After all, intuition is sometimes able to work miracles. In most case it is necessary to grasp the idea, the kernel, the main idea and then to prove it and develop it. And this is precisely the most difficult thing in cognition.

         In obtaining new knowledge play an important role logical thinking, methods and techniques of concept formation, the laws of logic. But the experience of cognitive functions suggests that the usual logic in many cases is insufficient to solve scientific problems, the process of production of new information can not be reduced neither to induction nor deductive reasoning deployed. An important role in this process is the intuition that tells the knowledge of a new impetus and direction.

         Intuition - a unique human cognitive capacity, which can not be attributed either to the senses, nor to the abstract-logical knowledge. This is a very special ability that allows you to receive knowledge directly. Define intuition and rational means to study  is difficult, because it is inherently irrational.

Most often, intuition is defined as the ability to direct appreciation of the truth, or direct knowledge. Immediacy is one of the main features of intuition, while the sensuous imagery and rational cognition are mediated. "Intermediaries" between the object and the knowing subject in the first case are the senses, while the second - the abstract logical abilities. It senses and mind and bring the process information, which the owner is a person. In the case of obtaining an intuitive knowledge of this process is carried out directly. How is this possible? After all the senses and the mind work almost constantly. To make them "not to interfere with" intuition, they must be "disabled." This trip to the East sought by meditation.In the same way the release of "direct knowledge" used by the ancient Greeks (think: Pythagoras and his students spent most of the time, engaged in meditation). Apparently, because of its immediacy intuition has a high degree of integrity. The object of knowledge is grasped in intuition as a whole, while the mind is first shared object on the side, knows each one separately, and then tries to make the synthesis procedure, but it is not always possible. Thus, the main features of intuitive knowledge are integrity and immediacy.

The presence of this ability in humans recognize many outstanding scientists of our time. Louis de Broglie, for example, noted that the theory developed and oftenchanging radically, and it would be impossible if the foundations of science were purely rational. He was convinced, he said, the inevitable impact on the scientific study of individual characteristics of thinking scientist, having not only a rationalnature.

The history of human culture is replete with cases in which scientists, designers, artists and musicians reached an essentially new in their field, as it were by "insight"

One curious incident occurred with the inventor Nikolai Tesla. One day while walking to the idea of ​​an electric motor lit up with alternating current, he tried to explain his vision to a friend. The images brought before Tesla mind's eye, weredistinct and palpable, as metal or stone. The principle of rotating magnetic fieldhas become quite clear to him.

The action related to intuition and the major achievements of theoretical science.A. Einstein said that the idea of ​​the relativity of simultaneity, appeared as a result of a sudden intuitive guesses. One morning he woke up and suddenly realized that the events that occur simultaneously for one observer, may be not simultaneous for another.

         Intuition is divided into several types, mainly depending on the specific activity of the subject. Features forms of material practice and cultural production and determine the characteristics of intuition agronomist, doctor, biologist of the experimenter. There are such kinds of intuition as technical, scientific, everyday, medical, artistic, etc.

         By the nature of innovation is a standardized intuition and heuristic. Standardized call intuition - reduction. Example: medical intuition, S.P. Botkin. It is known that while the patient is passed from door to chair S.P.Botkin mentally put the preliminary diagnosis. Most of his intuitive diagnoses are correct.

         Heuristic (creative) intuition is very different from standardized: it is associated with the formation of a fundamentally new knowledge, new epistemological images, sensory or conceptual. The same S.P. Botkin, speaking as a scientist, clinician, and developing a theory of medicine, not just relied on this insight in his scientific work. She helped him, for example, in proposing the hypothesis of an infectious nature of catarrhal jaundice (Botkin's disease).

         The heuristic intuition has its own subspecies. It is important to its epistemological base unit, the nature of the result. The interest is the point of view that the essence of creative intuition is a kind of interaction between visual images and abstract concepts, and heuristic intuition itself appears in two forms: conceptual and eidetic.

         Creative Intuition is defined as a specific cognitive process, which consists in the interaction of sensory images and abstract concepts and lead to the creation of fundamentally new images and concepts, contents of which are not derived by a simple synthesis of previous perceptions, or by manipulating available only logical concepts.

         We can conclude specific study of the mechanism of interaction of consciousness with the unconscious and the subconscious can give into the hands of real scholars to control the process of intuition and a significant effect on their creative ability.

         Hopefully in the future this problem will be given due attention, the phenomen on of intuition, will be explored to the end and will be more actively used in various spheres of human activity. I am convinced that the lion's share of discoveries that have already been made and are yet to be done, based on the symbiosis of intuition and knowledge management.