Zimina Olesya Rushanovna

Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute after M. E. Evsevyev 

Globalization and informatization of the public as the modern factors of stratification.

The modern scientific literature devoted to the problems of philosophical, sociological, culturological studies deals with such concepts as “hyper reality”, “media sphere”, “mediazation” that express attitude to the reality constructed by mass media. The term “media sphere” possesses an inalienable benefit among the others as the given term allows to consider mass media in the context of well-investigated concept as “social sphere”.

P. Sorokin was one of the first scholars who has introduced the concept “social sphere” into a scientific use. Later French sociologist P. Bourdieu has developed classical tradition dealing with social sphere with reference to modern reality. In social sphere he pointed out economic, political, cultural and symbolical spheres paying special attention to the last one. Developing his views at symbolical sphere it is possible to approve that it has become a basis of media sphere. In the process of sociogenesis any society develops system of signs, symbols, codes that are a high-priority basis of the communication. Selection and processing of information by modern electronic media are possible due to basic sociocultural myths that create a semantic field where messages don’t vanish completely but are acquired by the consciousness of a person.

Modern public is characterized by the influence of mass media on the different spheres of sociocultural activity of the person. A lot of permanent scholars examine mass media as a special social institute of an epoch of modernization and informatization and its influence on the person and society. For example, A. Toffler considers “globalism” and “informatization” to be a natural way of expression of domination that must function without taking into consideration state borders. Nevertheless American writer D. Rushkoff is adjusted much more pessimistically towards the globalization of media sphere. In the papers he deals with “info sphere” that has become a new phenomenon of the end of the XX century that includes different means of transferring, processing and modification of information. Moreover he touches upon a number of thorny questions that are actual nowadays. How does the mankind created “info sphere” supervise processes proceeding in it? Whether will an uncontrollable increase of information cause the appearance of dangerous media viruses deforming the perception of information?  Being produced global media sphere makes us think not only on destiny of art in media sphere that has cause the formation of  “the third civilization” (F. Sagasi’s term) but also about authority of media above public.

Media sphere of modern Russia represents complex organism that covers not only policy and economy but also social institutes, public consciousness, spiritual and material cultures that assists socialization and sociogenesis.

Modern media sphere is characterized by the domination of the screen culture consisting of TV, the cinema, video, DVD, e-mail, computer channels and the Internet as “sphere of free communication”. It proves that we have become a society based on the information. Consequently it has determined the generation of new social differentiation and social inequality. Nowadays not only capacity on material benefits is considered to be the criterion of social differentiation but also personal qualities of an individual, and, first of all, his ability to operate with the information and knowledge producing new informational products or even acquiring existing ones. It has caused the differentiation of society into two opposite camps. One of which is represented by the public sticking to traditional mass media and the second one includes interactive users of the Internet.

Thus to step from one public into another one will be difficult despite of expansion of hegemony of the Internet as the computer communication remains the character feature of educated part of population of the most industrialized countries. It should be mentioned that one can observe the difference among adherents of traditional mass media concerning consumption of information. The first group is capable to read “serious newspapers”, has access to the international editions in foreign languages, the second one’s sources of mass media are reduced to the information provided by TV. It has caused stratification shifts in modern society. Therefore one can come to conclusion that mediazation of public based on   the informative-cognitive activity of a person is a permanent factor of social stratification in the XXI century. Some characteristics of the basic process of stratification in the informational society are described in the papers of scholars such as D. Bell,                    P. Bourdieu, A. Giddens, R. Dahrendorf, A. Toffler, A. Touraine,                                           J. Habermas. They analyze sociogenesis of postindustrial society, pointing out its fundamental features that are directly connected with the process of stratification and social mobility.

Sources of cognition of the world, character of perception of social reality, intensity of informational streams in society influence on the definite sides of public differentiation. New information and expansion of cognitive sphere transform preferences and ways of interaction of people. Modern scientific discoveries assist the appearance and development of new branches of manufacture that cause the redistribution of staff between the economic industries, changes of technological basis, occurrence of new trades. Modern tendency that is typical of postindustrial society reflects changes in the social structure that is characterized by the decrease of a fraction of working class and the increase of a fraction of workers in the service industry. Moreover the process of globalization connected with the propagation of transnational economic relations, different kinds of services, informational streams, cultural production causes occurrence of new features of the social order in postindustrial society.

Thus the influence of modern media institutes on the stratification and consciousness of an individual is becoming more actual. Variations of all system of communication are the results of the deep processes of mediazation of public. On the one hand they have determined an aggravation of a socially-psychological problem described on an example of social differentiation of public. On the other hand they assist formation of more open and democratic media sphere allowing the Russian public to master informational sphere of the world.  



1. Bourdieu  P. About TV and journalism. Ì.: Fund “Pragmatics of culture”, 2002. – 159 p.

2. Durkheimn D. About division of social labour. A method of sociology. Ì.: Science, 1991.

3. Rushkoff D. Mediavirus. How the pop culture secretly influences on your consciousness. Ì.: Logos, 2003.