
The manager of chair of political science and social and economic disciplines of Institute of a magistracy and doctoral studies

PhD of the Kazakh national pedagogical university  named after

Abai, the Doctor of Philosophy, the professor


Political populism is a general-political many-sided concept. Correctly to understand this phenomenon, first of all it is necessary to find out what the concept populism is. Populism is the usage of popular means-forms, receptions, methods in a concrete situation to achieve political ends.

"Populism" in transfer with latin «populus» - the people, populism, struggle for the rights and interests of the people. In a political lexicon the term "populism" has appeared for the first time in the USA in the end of a XIX-th century in connection with wide national movement for creation of the third mass party-populist. The populism was the first large and systematized variant of ideology of populism in Russia-Eurasia. Second half of  ÕÕ century  was marked  by launch of interest to populist tradition. Thus the concept, populism ”is used for a designation of the various sociopolitical and ideological phenomena both left, and the right sense. Sufficient example of populism in modern Russian sociopolitical life is the numerous performances of the leader of LDPR V.V.Zhirinovsky.

Populism is a transitive type of political consciousness. It is necessary to tell that the concept populism is also used as a synonym of  demagogy.

          In this plan it is necessary to distinguish populism and popularity strictly. If the last comprises the positive maintenance and the well-founded trust and people recognition populism means advances with weights more often, aspiration to win popularity for the sake of it and, as a rule, not beginning from a moral estimation of means of its achievement, and even fraudulently for the sake of coming to power or its deduction, achievement of the mercenary purposes etc. should be encouraged in a democratic society to express usually deserved popularity.

Prominent feature of populism-straight line contact, without means of political institutes between the leaders possessing ability to influence minds and feelings of people, and the mass. The populist in the modern policy: the politician turning to populist  to feeling [1], making advances to weights, the population, participating in race for power. From this point of view it is possible to define populism  as an application not true, but popular receptions in a concrete situation for achievement of certain political problems.

Populism is use of dominating sights, moods of the people who have developed under the influence of those or other circumstances by the groups of persons, separate leaders in their own interests. If, for example, governors, constantly speaking about economy stabilization, promise increase of a standard of life, but don't create effective stimulus (in particular, tax privileges) for business in industrial sphere; if proclaim as human rights priority, but don't provide also the 100-th share of these rights, - that such policy is called as populism.

Especially brightly populism was showed in the thirties of the XX-th century. It was time of the so-called great depression which have come after a world economic crisis of 1929-1933. Becoming the long and destructive in the history of capitalism and having caused unprecedented falling of a standard of life of the population, crisis has raised public passions, has led to new lifting of populism. This period was the Golden Age for populist leaders, and  used in many countries of the West. Nazis in Germany applied, in particular, such reception.

After the Second World War various political leaders used and use populism in political life of the western countries if it is necessary. Aren't alien, for example, populist methods were both for M.Thatcher, and for R.Reagan, and for the independent candidate on a post of the US president of R.Pero, and for the republican – the applicant for R.Doula's presidential armchair. It is necessary to notice that M.Gorbachev in the USSR, B.Yeltsin in Russia, G.Kolbin in Kazakhstan also applied these methods.

In this connection it is necessary to tell that in the world there are even populist modes. Populist modes don't give to weights the real possibilities of influence on political processes. In similar modes to people the unenviable role of the "mass meeting" approving and almost supporting actions of the government which ostensibly pursues unique the aim-national blessing is taken away. To support this illusion, populist modes resort to sociopolitical demagogy-populism. Actually populist modes take into consideration interests economically preference  levels of population is more often, and their real support is made by bureaucracy.

It is necessary to underline that political populism as it is known, the demagogical appeal to the people for achievement of own purposes; the game of politics by the rules, allowing to achieve momentary results thanks to a pliability of weights, simple explanations of complicated questions; primitive, but outwardly attractive slogans. Thus features of political populism is the populist phraseology with a view of gaining supporters; advances of leaders of movement with the people; ideological backwardness, absence of theoretical programs; easy change of priorities of a policy and a political line for the sake of popularity; distribution of obviously impracticable promises; guiding on current political problems.

In a modern political lexicon concept, populism ”is often used for a designation of a set of tactical receptions in the political strike, connected with the appeal to public consciousness of weights, with attempts to be arranged under their requirements, to use such lines of public consciousness, as simplified nature of representations about public life, a perception spontaneity, maximalism and propensity to simple and unequivocal political decisions.

Thus, from all aforesaid there is a question what basic signs of political populism is? In my opinion, the basic signs of political populism are:

First, populism as the political phenomenon arises in the states where there are democratic institutes and norms: the general suffrage, equality of citizens as voters act as participants of political process. As it is known, in the USSR "the reorganization" period magnificent color of a weed populism has blossomed. Elections of People's Deputies of the USSR, and then and People's Deputies of KazSSR already passed on a populist wave. For example, it is widely known that people's choices of the USSR have promised to voters during last pre-election company to execute orders, realization which  would manage in the sum more than 3 billion roubles that almost five times more annual at that time the national income of the USSR. This phenomenon was inherent also in elections of People's Deputies in the Supreme body of KazSSR.

Secondly, populism is extended in the greatest measure in the conditions of low level of political and legal culture of a society, in the conditions of the yet not strengthened structures of democracy. Thus inability of weights to distinguish demagogy from real offers, black-and-white vision of the world, readiness to idolize the next idol and to hate competitors – all is symptoms obviously not high political culture that is rather actively used by populist leaders for mobilization of public support.

Thirdly, populism amplifies at the time of crises, conflicts, social and economic and political not stability when it is spent by ruling circles of an unpopular policy when the majority of people test deterioration of living conditions and lose confidence of tomorrow. This time most fertile for populists for during such moments of revaluation of values and exasperation of political strike the people of the greatest degree are disoriented and subject to a policy of promises.

Fourthly, populism frequently serves political radicalism, allowing «a real distance between the purposes and means» to replace simplified, declarative, demagogical. It is possible even to reveal the following law: the the politician is more radical, the in áîëüøåé to a measure he uses populist methods. As an example it is possible to name  bolsheviks, and present radical "democrats" of Eurasia who have added in many respects to the arsenal Neobolshevist methods.

Fifthly, populism acts as the specific simulations, reminds the original sociopolitical drug withdrawing weights from a reality, not satisfying them, in the world of unrealizable expectations of a miracle. Populism is leaving from real available problems. As it is known, populism arises on disappointment "soil", and comes to an end with disappointment.

Therefore populism assumes that the institutional order is called into question by means of creation of such historical agent, as made destitute, - the agent who will be another how affairs are now [2].

Sixthly, populism is guided basically by ordinary consciousness, playing  a role certain trustful the simpleton (aspiring to justice, liquidation preferences which searches simple and universal remedies for the decision of almost all problems etc.). It especially well "develops" in the conditions of uncertainty, ignorance, absence of the adjusted and accessible system of informing of citizens.

Seventhly, populism is a demagogy version and uses means typical for demagogy: in fidelity to the people, promotion of irresponsible programs and the promises, accompanied by slander on those who in practice operates for the sake of original interests of a society etc. In this connection it is necessary to underline that any populism is demagogy which is connected with a dirty policy. Therefore, acting as the original form of display of demagogy, this artificial creation of popularity by means of social demagogy, attraction of weights on the party demagogical receptions and methods, pre-election tricks and etc.

Eighthly, populism differs from popularity with estimated  morals position as the negative phenomenon which doesn't approach, and postpones true democracy. Populism is the original negative political means connected with deceptive technology of attraction of votes, practical distribution of superficial promises, frequently obviously impracticable. Immorality of populism manipulates trust of people, deforming it.

Political populism, establishing frequently not without hypocrisy obviously fictitious mutual obligations (some kind of the transaction made under influences of a deceit), destroys trust of people to politicians and a policy, depreciates even the finest ideas and values. The main social harm of political populism consists in trust – that necessary base on which basis only and any creative policy can be carried out.

Ninthly, considering that elections are original "sale" of the concrete politician to voters, populism represents itself as the specific unfair political advertizing embellishing real abilities and possibilities of the candidate, presidents, etc. As well as any other advertizing in the big business (and the policy frequently and it is understood), populism spends money right and left, is connected with distribution of superficial privileges, awards, etc.

By means of populist methods the politician frequently tries to be pleasant by all means to voters, to prove to be the benefactor, maintaining, as a matter of fact, their valid and illusory expectations. Populism-form of display of one of collateral laws of the policy expressed in that before elections to promise  as much as possible, and to carry out only that is favorable.

Populist leaders find demand especially in transitive conditions of social development. Generated on old installations, they can't seize a moment essence, the objective logic of political development, act with criticism of all and everything, force political passions, search for enemies, and therefore can't reflect national interests.

Thus, world experience testifies that populists become more active during the periods when the countries worry critical stages of the history [3]. At sharp social and economic shifts, especially when old foundations break, and new weren't designated accurately and definitely yet, on political arena there are populist figures.

Populists promise much, try to be pleasant to weights, but in their activity there is no knowledge of a reality, it is a lot of ambition, it is not enough insight. Their programs are washed away, and even are absent at all, and activity is directed on attempts of the decision of current, "fire" problems. As a rule, all it gives rise in weights to social intensity, distempers, contradictions. Apparently, M.Montaigne was right when wrote that distemper fruits never get to the one who has caused it. It only has stirred up and has stirred up water, and others will already fish.

Therefore the society, in my opinion, should learn  to overcome the populist policy effective effectively, to develop concerning its antidote, original system «controls and counterbalances».

Hence, the society should by means of democratic standards and institutes to create conditions for minimization of populist encroachments. If not to make it in time, the last, free extending, will cause finally the big loss to the state as a whole. During the modern period just also it is necessary to struggle with political populism, and it is rather persevering and resolute. It is various, corresponding should be and the measures directed on its minimization and restraint. Mainly the solution of a problem sees in formation of high-grade mechanisms of democracy, stable democratic standards and traditions, in the statement in social practice of high political and legal culture as officials, and citizens.

Possibly need to think and about political responsibility for populism. That unfair politicians "did not get" a voice by breach of confidence, it is important to use all available political-legal means (in particular, impeachment) for restriction of populist democracy.

And the constitutional Council of Republic Kazakhstan in the course of trial of concrete business, in the course of interpretation, etc. can occupy more basic in this question, an active position, stating an estimation to purely populist certificates, legal means, actions etc.

Special role in struggle against political populism can play and control of opposition over execution of the promises given by the authorities to voters during election campaigns.

As one of «the major medicines» from «populist illness», in my opinion, acts the pluralism. After all it represents aspiration to overcome one-dimensionality, to catch as much as possible alternatives of interests, shades of opinions, to open access to influence on a policy for more quantities of people, social and political groups. Ability of the account of variety of objective communications and the tendencies operating in a society is formed as a result. The policy can become reliable and effective only in case of its approach to the high degree of realism which are starting with thorough knowledge of various variants of development, their merits and demerits.

Considering that political populism is the  deformed information to struggle with it possible only by means of the true information. Only the true exposes a deceit, in whatever attractive packings it will dress up, only high-grade and trustworthy information undermines bases for development of political populism.

That is why it is important to create as soon as possible uniform system of informing  citizens, the high-grade information environment for maintenance of effective functioning of democratic institutes which are really carried out only in the conditions of pluralism of sources of the information and qualitatively new structures in sphere of communications.

The science and education should bring the powerful contribution to business of exposure of populist statements and certificates too. After all, comprehensively having investigated the given phenomenon and having studied its laws, it will be easier to struggle with it. The impartial analysis of scientists, independent experts, the public of political actions and production ïðàâîòâîð÷åñòâà, their public estimations will help  to show an inconsistency of populist theses, to open lie and to prove unreality of promises. For these purposes, in my opinion, can be used constant and deep studying of public opinion, sociopolitical forecasting.

In this connection it is necessary to tell that however not so much exposure of political populism, its critic, how many its constructive advancing allowing by means of various democratic structures and mechanisms becomes a leading and most perspective measure nevertheless is high-grade to express interests of the majority of citizens, the population in the program of activity of the government, in a political policy of the state [4]. Here when interests and expectations of citizens, the people will be within the limits of idea of reforms, instead of behind their limits then populists will look rather a pity and pale, then also reforms will earn really and will yield real fruits of a new policy.

Thus, in the conclusion it is possible to draw a conclusion that political populism is a line of political activity, more or less directly and openly guided on mood of broad masses, on a gain of their recognition, support, popularity among them, is frequent by means of primitive arguments, use of stereotypes, myths and, promotions of loud, simplified, really impracticable, demagogical slogans and requirements.




1.     The Concise Oxford Dictionary of  Politics.- OXFORD university press.-

       2003. – S. 427.

2.  Ëàêëàó Ý. Î ïîïóëèçìå // Âåñòíèê Ìîñêîâñêîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà. Ñåðèÿ 12. Ïîëèòè÷åñêèå íàóêè. – 2009, ¹3. – Ñ. 67.

3.  Ìèðîâàÿ èñòîðèÿ è ïîëèòèêà. – ÑÏá, 2010. – Ñ. 251-256.

4.  Ìàëüêî À.Â. Ïðàâîâîé ïîïóëèçì // Ïîëèòèêà è ïðàâî. Ñáîðíèê ñòàòåé. – Ì., 2003. – Ñ. 26-30.