Pedagogical sciences/2. Problems of specialists’ training


Candidate of Philosophy Cutsova E.L., Reader Belay V.I.

South-Russia State University of Economics and Services

t. Shakhty, Russia

Educational Self-management as an Effective Instrument for Shaping Competitive Personality of Modern Specialist


Modern information society is characterized by a sharp increase in the volume of scientific information and the rapid expansion of knowledge used to solve practical problems. Globalization and computerization of all aspects of social life have a significant impact not only on goals, objectives and technology of education activities, but also on the requirements to a modern specialist – a graduate of the university. As noted in the «Concept of Modernization of Russian Education until 2010», … the developing society needs modern educated enterprising people who are able to cooperate and make their own decisions.»

Changing labor market conditions and problems faced by the modern society have accelerated changes in vocational education. At the social level the desire for greater autonomy and self-determination in the workplace increases. Self-management in education and the workplace is becoming an important element in self-promotion of an individual.

Traditional teaching and methodological model no longer allows us to solve the problems facing the entire education system in the 21-st century. Wide erudition and well-developed skills of solving standard tasks cannot be a sufficient criterion of education rights. If recently a university graduate has got quite sufficient knowledge for the entire subsequent career, now everything is changing so rapidly that a specialist has to study all his life long. To do this he needs not only well-developed skills of self-learning but above all the skills of research work, rapid selection of necessary information from the constantly growing volume. The future specialist should possess the experience in continuous replenishment of their professional knowledge, the experience in finding and usage of knowledge necessary for solving specific problems, otherwise he will not be able to cope with the pace of changes around.

The above has led to the formation of a new concept «Education through life» in society which, in its turn, requires changing the paradigm of education, the development of new forms and methods of instruction corresponding the conditions of the information society and economy based on knowledge. Training and adaptation of a future specialist to life in market conditions in order to realize themselves through adequate self-presentation and self-management are important goals of the educational policy. The traditional authoritarian teaching based on the transfer and reproduction of information is no longer able to form skills, flexibility, autonomy, adaptability, etc. in students and even, to some extent, prevents from forming them by maintaining and reinforcing patterns of thought and blocking the creative search. To solve this goal successfully it is necessary to provide the formation of the skills of independent and team work in obtaining new knowledge, the critical evaluation of the given and search for the new information, the experience in making independent decisions if problem arises. To achieve professional success means to develop self-management skills, so-called «management with their own resources», i.e. the ability to acquire, preserve, develop and rationally practise.

Self-management is the science which deals with self-organization and self-governing of an individual which is widely studied and practised abroad in managing staff training. According to foreign studies (Ebelling and others), in contrast to the traditional understanding of management which considers the subject as part of the system, self-management deals with so-called self-organized or in terms of natural sciences collapsing (shrinking, self-liquidating) in time and space systems.

The subject can be both inside and outside the system; with the observed or controlled situation for the external entity being hidden by the event horizons. In this case the essence of self-management is to account and apply goals, methods and peculiarities of individual self-perfecting of everyone (M. Woodcook, D. Francis). It is also manifested according to western scholars in dealing with the phenomena generated by self-movement of the systems: self-privatization of resources, their anti-catastrophic system forming behaviour (anastrophe) and with self-organization as the result of the emergent character in the form of self-privatization and horizontal structurization of dissipative temporary character and origin. Thus, the essence of self-management is hidden in the fundamental laws of society, bios and management in the aggregate. Self-management is an effective method of accounting and implementation of the new realities of the transition processes.

Speaking about the genesis of the concept, it should be emphasized that self-management in its essence is evidently based on numerous theories and technologies of social management and has many of their advantages and disadvantages. Until recently, its domain has been artificially narrowed to self-development of individuals involved in management supposing that even in the conditions of the transition economies concepts governing and management are absolutely identical. However, work in the market conditions and further development of democratization and decentralization techniques require in-depth analysis of the causes and circumstances of the failure of many methods of command governing, detection of methods for work in conditions of uncertainty that is taking into account the essence of self-management.

But domestic scientific papers do not contain system approach to this problem. Some researchers (NLSU named after Dobrolyubov) developed their own concept called «Enriched self-management». Its essence is that principles, concept and approaches used in contemporary management are actively introduced into self-management. As the result, the new discipline with its object, subject and methods of research has come into being.

The main purpose of self-management is to use their own opportunities, to manage the process of self – learning and the course of their life consciously and to overcome the external circumstances both in the educational and professional space. This aim according to L. Zayfert is conditioned by the fact that every person faces the necessity to be able to turn the situation with a disorder of actions caused by external reasons into a situation of designed and achievable objectives.

We can define three stages in the self – management development.

The first stage is connected with the experience of individuals who through trials and errors checked the effectiveness of different methods in the organization of personal activity. Having originated in ancient times it remains actual in our days as well.

The second stage is due to division of labour in this sphere. Specialization as its consequence has led to the development of such abilities as memory training, rational reading and so on. Today the divisions of labour in self-management go on to deepen. In addition to the sections which have become traditional (business phone talk, for instance) such developments as the management of their emotions, the art of listening to the interlocutor and others are offered by researchers. The advances in natural sciences and humanities have greatly influenced this stage of self-management.

The third stage is conditioned by systematization of knowledge in the technology of personal activity (work). It consists in determining the obligatory sections of the science and the construction of the interconnected united whole. Perhaps, the book «Effective Manager» by Peter Drucker, the recognized classic of management, is one of the first books devoted to this problem.

According to V. Tokarev who investigated the theoretical basis of self-management the opportunities of the third stage deserve more attention because they have been disclosed insufficiently. He proposes to construct a conditional «model» of a man. «Relying on the system approach it is necessary to single out major subsystems which can explain their behavior (to reveal the main functions). With this in mind the given (simplified) mode of a human being will include five components: physical, moral, psychological, rational and creative. Self-management is the ability to manage each of the five listed subsystems and their integral – the personality» [Tokarev V. 2007].

From the perspective of the situational approach it is possible to manage themselves in many ways using different methods or, otherwise, control systems. Tokarev V. names five system of self-management: self-control, analysis, adaptation, rationalization and personal development.

The practice shows that by using contemporary approaches self-management provides significant progress towards mastering themselves and their actions but to some extent facilitates the acquisition of the theory foundation. Thus, self – management is management practices in their daily and education activities in order to use their time optimally. It is often presented as a model consisting of seven requirements to manager qualities:

-        the ability to formulate and implement life goals;

-        personal good organization;

-        self-discipline;

-        knowledge of techniques of personal work;

-        the ability to make themselves healthy;

-        emotional and volitional control;

-        self-control.

According to the researchers (L. Zayfert, J. Morgenstern) making decisions on all sorts of challenges and problems in the professional space can be represented in a number of functions that are in a certain interdependence and are carried out sequentially. In the process of educational self-management with taking into account the sequence of specific functions we can point out six phases:

-        goal setting that means the analysis and the formation of personal goals;

-        planning that is the development of plans and alternative variants for their educational  and professional activities;

-        making decisions on specific issues;

-        organization and implementation that envisage preparation of the daily routine and organization of the personal education (job) process in order to accomplish goals;

-        monitoring that is self-control and total control (if necessary correction of goals);

-        information and communication is the phase characteristic to some extent to all the functions because both the communication and information exchanges are necessary at all phases of self-management.

Speaking about the advantages of practising self-management technologies it should be pointed out that a future specialist gets the possibility to perform learning activity or solve professional goals in a shorter period of time with the better organization of learning process, self-learning and work; less haste and stress; more satisfaction from both training and self-education activities and from work; active motivation of the learning process, increased skills; reduction of performance errors; the achievement of professional and life goals in the shortest possible way.

To put things together, we may say that the above aspects of self-management contain the rationalistic approach developing the abilities and strength of mind. Mastering and practising self-management technology help achieve educational and professional goals in the best possible way.

Thus, a modern specialist, a graduate of the university, is considered to be the bearer of the innovative organizational culture who explores self-management technology that allows him to master professionalism, the important feature of the modern specialist, and to remain competitive in the professional space and in the labor market as a whole.


1.     Morgenstern, Julia. Time Management. The Art of Planning and Managing their Time and their Lives. [Text] / Julia Morgenstern // M.:PLC “Good Book”,2001. -264 p.

2.     Maslow, A. Motivation and Personality. [Text] / A. Maslow/ SPb.: Peter, 2003.-352 p.

3.      Velikanova, A.V. and others. The Technology of Development of Critical Thinking through Reading and Writing. Debates. Portfolio. [Text] / A.V. Velikanova and others.//Series “The Competent and Oriented Approach to Education: Educational Technology.” Issue2. - Samara, Publishing House “Profi”, 2002.-92 p.

4.     Poberezhny, A. Constructivism in Theory and Practice of Education. [Text]/ A. Poberezhny// Higher Education in Russia, ¹5, 2007-142 ð.