Tsay Yelena Nikolayevna

Dosmakhova Dina Sagidolaevna

Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketov

Manifestation of Ethnic Mentality in Language Units

Mentality (Latin word “mens”, “mentis”- spirit, thinking, reasonableness and a way of thinking) is a totality of socially psychological facilities, automatisms and habits of consciousness which forms a way of vision of the world and concept of people. As any other social phenomena the mentality is historically changeable but alteration occurs very slowly in them. Social psychologist sees in mentality interrelated psychological reactions. Social historian considers that mentality is generalized way of perception of the world, the manner of thinking and feeling. Sociolinguist thinks that mentality is semantic matrix predetermined meaningful reactions of cultural subject. From the point of view of linguistics it is important to emphasize the role of language in studying mentality.

The aim of the work is to single out the ethnic mentality of Kazakh and English peoples and to make their description with the help of phraseological units which are considered the mirror of national culture.

General characteristic feature of mentality is its openness, incompleteness, continuance, diffuse nature and ordinary consciousness. The subject of mentality is not individual but social medium. They are shown in verbal language (verbal culture of a society) and a sign language, in behavior, customs, traditions and beliefs.

The term “mentality” was used in XIX century by American philosopher and poet Emerson F. who tried to connect metaphysical and psychological problems of social moods. The notion “collective mentality” was also used by French politician and historian Alexis-Charles-Henri-Clerel de Tocqueville who rushed to find initial cause of prejudices, habits and weakness.

The term “mentality” was introduced by French ethnologist and social anthropologist Lucien Levy-Bruhl studying the prelogical thinking. Philosophic understanding of notion “mentality” connects with the name of German thinker Ernst Cassirer.

So we would like to say about Kazakh and English mentality. Kazakhstan is the ground of an ancient civilization of the Eurasian continent where during centuries powerful empires and countries arose, died and again rose from ashes. There were the major trading ways connecting the East and West. The historical and cultural associations of ancient tribes appear basis of development of the Kazakh ethnos.

The mentality of a person is influenced with different factors like environment, climate, a geographical landscape, a society, religion, customs and traditions, nature as a whole.  The geographical environment influence is the most essential. Kazakh people are Nomads and they moved from one place to another. During long history they have lived in steppes and their life was not easy. The man was a soldier, a herdsman and the head of the family at the same time. That is why there exists a proverb: “It is not enough seventy handicrafts for a Dzhigit”.

One of the leading ethnic traditions of Kazakh people is the knowledge of the family tree. The family tree was always characteristic for nomads in their aspiration to continue a generation and to develop customs and traditions of the community. In Kazakh society exists relics which have been passed from one generation to another, from the father to the son and etc. So reverence and respect for the ancestors and the origin was inspired the child from the early childhood. Kazakh proverbs say: “Ignorance of own family tree till seven generation is the sign of loneliness”, “While known fathers are alive, memory about them is alive too”.

The life of Nomad formed peculiar mentality, the features of which are intellect, philosophy and democracy. Ethnic mentality of the Kazakh nation is based on openness, friendliness, hospitality, forgiveness, etc. «Genetic features of Kazakh people is the openness and kindness of soul, readiness to warm, share that has, with requiring. Never and to anybody did not show feeling of hostility or the superiority, never is a source of interethnic conflicts»  - writes Nazarbayev N. A.

Respect for elders is formed since early childhood. Old people in family or clan are unquestionable authority. Address to old people allowed only to “You” but it did not separate the children from parents.

Hospitality as characteristic feature is soaked with the milk of mother since childhood: “We say ‘come’ to the guest but we don not say ‘go away’ ”.

It is important to emphasize the peacefulness as the characteristic feature of Kazakh people. Kazakh wisdom says that three things make honour to the person. They are: “draw-well which is digged in desert, bridge which is built across the river and tree which is planted on the road”.

Mentality of English people includes tactfulness, politeness, reticence. Also English people are compliant and patient to other people: “Live and let live”; “One cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds”; “A cat may look at a king”; “Love me, love my dog. He that loves the tree, loves the branch”.

Englishmen show their politeness and respect during conversation. The following saying emphasizes the importance of etiquette for them: “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”; “When in Rome, do as Romans do. Don’t carry coals to New castle”.

They make fun of their imperturbability and sluggishness: “Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas”; “Haste makes waste”; “Easy does it”.

The proverb “Don’t change horses in the middle of the stream” says about conservatism of English people. They always keep their tradition and they do not want to change their monarchy.  They like to repeat: “An old dog will learn no new tricks. You cannot teach old dogs new tricks”. An old dog barks not in vain”.

Also they like gardening. Garden always has an important place for houseowner. That is why there are a lot of proverbs and sayings concerning this. “He that loves the tree, loves the branch”. Oaks and roses are traditionally considered by Englishmen as royal symbols and so there are a lot of proverbs with name of these tree and flower. “Oaks may fall when reeds withstand the storm”; “There’s no rose without a horn. No roses without prickles. Wherever there is a rose, there is a thorn”.

The weather is one of the constantly discussed theme and that is why many of events and phenomena of life is compared with it: “One cloud is enough to eclipse the sun.After rain comes fair weather”; “Save it for a rainy day”; “After a storm comes the calm”; “Any port in a storm”; “If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun”; “ It never rains but it pours”; “Rain before seven, fine before eleven. Rain before seven, clear by eleven”.

Therefore culture of various peoples is reflected in actual world surrounding them, conditions of life, their mentality, national character, morals, vision of the world and language. Language has the function to comprise common human values transmitting and carrying peculiarities of ethnic mentality from one generation to another.



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