sorokman T.V., Palamar L.G., Sokolnyk S.V.

Bukovinian state medical university



            From data of researches of epidemiologys, in the last years among children the amount of those somatic diseases in pathogeny of which large part is acted by emotional factors and which name psychosomatic was considerably multiplied, or by illnesses of adaptation. Among them more frequent in all there are illnesses of organs digestions prevalence of which for children in the last few years grew from 85 to 130%.

The main factor of pathogenesis of disease at emotional stress is an accumulation in fabrics of free radicals, that results in lipid peroxidation of membranes of different cages, especially neurons of cerebrum. Thus in central nervous system especially in the structures of limbic-reticular complex, there are changes of sensitiveness of neurons to neuromediator and oligopeptidis. It, in the turn, leads to forming of «stagnant» emotional excitation in central nervous system, which results in proof violation of mechanisms of self-regulation of arterial pressure, update of shells of mucous tunic gastrointestinal tracts and increase of penetrating of connective-tissue membranes in different organs. Emotional stress results in generalized distribution of sympathetic and parasympathetic excitations of, which shows up in one the violation of activity of the cardiac-vascular system, in other - gastrointestinal tracts.

Psychovegetative relations are adjusted and appropriately function for a healthy child. Subject to the condition illness a pathological psychovegetative syndrome into which mutual relations are saved between the broken motivational emotional system and inadequate vegetative accompaniment is formed already. Any negative emotion (alarm, depression) is certainly accompanied changes in the vegetative nervous system: arterial pressure,  breathing frequency, rises, tone of urinary bladder, secretion of glands of skin, secretory and agile activity of gastrointestinal tracts, tension of skeletal muscles, changes, speed  of rolling up of blood rises.

In the conducted researchesit is shown that a those organ or system, which, after imagination of patient, is most impressionable and most essential for vital functions, suffers under act of the protracted stress. Opinion is expressed also that the choice of organ-target depends on the structures of crusts, which determine an optimum efferent way for the output of emotions, caused stress, on periphery. In the turn, the origin of stress is explained disparity between the requirements of environment and ability of individual to the adequate reacting on them. Thus, a stress reaction is violation of equilibrium of interrelation of personality with an environment.

To research psychological features of childrens personality with duodenal ulcer and estimate herb correction effectiveness in detected abnormalities.

30 children 10-18 years of age are inspected. The program of medical inspection included: interview with specially developed questionnaires, genealogy research, research of psychological type of personality by the test of Ayzenko and inspection of character using A.E.Lychko pathological characteristic questionnaire.

A complex klinico-anamnesis, laboratory and instrumental inspection was carried out after general methods. Basic and concomitant diagnoses verification after ICI-10. With the purpose of determination of endoskopic and functional changes from the side of overhead departments of digestive fiberscope was executed by fiberscope of “Pentax FG - 24P” with determination of endoskopics criteria of presence of gelikobakter infection and shield biopsy of mucus shell of stomach and duodenum by generally accepted rules of taking with next preparation of impression smear, staining and bacterioscopy. Simultaneously with fiberscope conducted intragastric acidity analysis with the study of secretory and alkalescence functions of stomach after the difference of values of acidity in a body and antrum (V.M Chernobroviy, 1990).

By the help of questionnaire data was established that family’s psycho-traumatic situations had 65% of children. A genealogical analysis revealed that 75% of children are burdened with inherited inclination. Emotional deprivation is aftereffect of child alienation from emotionally meaningful people in a responsible personality formation period that predetermines the deficit of intercourse skills. The broken emotional connection in babyhood leads to developing of duodenal ulcer before time, burdened with inherited anamnesis and differs with heavier, frequently relapsing clinical course, complications and severe pain syndrome. When emotional copulas were broken before pubertal period than clinical course of duodenal ulcer was sparer.

In a severe period of illnesses prevailed psychasthenia and labile accentuation of character, introvertive mode of behavior, emotional instability and expressed anxiety state. More frequently among sick children with duodenal ulcer were the following typological personalities: extreme introvert (boys 16%, girls 27%), median introvert (boys 34%, girls 55%), median extrovert (boys 45%, girls 26%), extreme extrovert (boys 5%, girls 2%). Discovered psychosomatic features of duodenal ulcer clinical course dictate the necessity in development of differentiated treatment programs and prophylaxis of this pathology.

Clinical approbation research was done of herbal drug for children with duodenal ulcer: Helarium hypericum (herbal drug, Touch-and-Heal, (Hypericum perforatum) „Bionorica AG”, Germany). 1 drop (255-285 mg of Touch-and-Heal extract, 0,9 mg of hypercinum) of herbal remedy was taken during 4 weeks. The increase of mood, feeling of cheerfulness, considerable decline of asthenia, anxiety state and hypochondriac symptoms, was observed at the beginning of the second week of treatment. By the third week of treatment was registered expressed clinical effect. Application of herbal remedy of Helarium hypericum was not accompanied by any side effects, including cases of individual hypersensitiveness.

Thus, application of herbal remedy of Helarium hypericum affects decreasing of psycho-emotional children’s stress symptoms with duodenal ulcer that results in breaking of pathogenetic formation of chain of with proof functional and structural changes in a gastroduodenal area. Offered herbal remedy is highly effective and safe for both inpatient  and out-patient treatment.