UDC 656.7



The Professor Cherep A.V.

 Zaporozhye national university

The Master Yarmosh V. V.

 Zaporozhye state engineering academy



Initiating. Methodological base of research work were general scientific principles and research methods: the system and structurally functional approaches which have provided revealing of optimum structure of system of the primary account, the analysis of features and the properties causing its behaviors, research of the mechanism of its interaction with Wednesday, the multidimensional characteristic of system. Also have been used such methods and receptions of scientific knowledge, as the analysis, synthesis, abstraction, analogy, an induction and deduction. As methods of empirical research supervision and comparison were applied.

Statement of commitments. The scientific research will be based on studying and the analysis of acts and the standard documents regulating auditor activity both defining legal and methodological bases of the organization and conducting of book keeping in the Ukrainian state.

Scientific novelty of researches will be concluded in a substantiation of necessity of research of system of the organization of the primary account as independent object of audit. Workings out of a methodological basis of research of this system and an order of ranging of works during this research. Definitions of following spheres of application of audit of the primary account: audit SOPU as an integral part at carrying out of auditor check of the enterprise; as independent service or an integral part of services accompanying audit (statement and book keeping restoration, administrative consultation, automation of book keeping, etc.).

Results. As it was marked in the previous articles [1, 2, 3, 6, 7] the primary account represents a high-grade component of the book-keeping and administrative account, and it is necessary to designate it in independent system demanding research with the structure, the purposes, commitments, and also domestic and external relations.

Accordingly probably to draw an expedient conclusion construction research at enterprise SOPU it is the most expedient to begin with the analysis of gathering and registration of the operative facts which are subject to the primary account as this element is a reference point of all system of the primary account.

Gathering and registration of the operative facts in the present work is understood as the organized aggregate of means and acceptances on perception, measurement and initial fixing on various carriers of the initial information on economic operations and other facts of economic activities of the enterprise.

The most optimum variant of the organization of gathering and information registration is automatic registration of the registration information on the operative fact on the data carriers, performed by means of various means of registration and transmission media and information accumulating. However owing to the various reasons (shortage of financial resources, the small sizes of the enterprise, misunderstanding by a management of necessity for introduction of hi-tech means of gathering and information registration and so forth), it is far not each modern enterprise possesses so highly effective methods of gathering and registration of the operative facts of economic activities. And at many current enterprises the manual or semi mechanized ways of gathering and registration of the primary information are applied.

At initial acquaintance with activity of the organization which are subject to auditor check, and in particular, at acquaintance to system of the primary account operating at the enterprise, it will be not in the last instance interesting to auditor to learn, what means are applied at gathering and registration of the operative facts on various sites and stages of registration process.

The following important component SOPU is actually file of the primary registration documentation. Documenting of the information an indispensable condition for its inclusion in information resources is performed in an order established by public authorities, responsible for the clerical duties organization, standardization of documents and their files, safety of the Ukrainian state.

Primary registration documents are classified as follows:

Ø     By quantity of the operations reflected in the document: single, are made separately on each operation; memory, reflect some operations for the certain period;        

Ø     In a drawing up place: domestic, are made in the enterprise; outage, are made out of the enterprise by the foreign organizations.


Despite variety of the operative facts which are subject to reflex ion in system of the account, the basic requirement at creation of primary documents is observance of the uniform approach at their registration. All primary registration documents should maintain the full and authentic data, be created in due time and to correspond to a number of requirements. The basic requirements to registration of primary registration documents are stated in the Ukrainian legislation «About accounting in Ukraine» [2, 4, 5] and in Position on conducting accounting and the book-keeping reporting in Ukraine [2, 3, 7].

The auditor who is carrying out the analysis of the given subsystem of system of the primary account, the information on will interest first of all, whether the primary documentation given to check has a validity which provides observance of the rules established legislatively and requirements.

Wednesday of functioning SOPU - is understood as aggregate of the outage and domestic factors influencing the organization of the primary account. Environment also is difficult system. Environment can be natural and artificial; economic, political, legal and so forth one of ways of the analysis of environment and its influence on system functioning - division of all factors of environment into two parts: direct and indirect influence. Eight will be lower reconciled outage and five domestic factors, influencing on SOPU, degree and which character of influence will be more in detail considered in the further articles.






1.     Main objective of system of the primary account - maintenance of such organization of interaction of all elements of system of the primary account (see structure SOPU) * at which at any moment, on a corresponding site of functioning of system, users had possibility of operative reception of the authentic primary information on a condition status and traffic of all actives and obligations of the enterprise both for the past, and for flowing the periods.

2.     Structure SOPU is presented by aggregate of the following interconnected and interdependent elements (subsystems):

Ø     Gathering and registration of the operative facts which are subject to the primary account;

Ø     A file of the primary registration documentation;

Ø     The environment of functioning SOPU;

Ø     The organization of work with documents.




1.     Курис Ю. В., Ярмош В. В., Грицай В. П., Череп А. В., Ткаченко С. И., Использование первичного учета при проведении аудиторских проверок потребления энергоресурсов // Фаховий журнал “Энергетика и электрификация”. г. Киев, - №12. – 2008. – С. 46-50.

2.     Ярмош В. В., Череп А. В., Усовершенствование первичного учета при проведении аудиторских проверок // Сборник международной научно-практической конференции «Science and technologies: a step to the future», - THE CZECH REPUBLIC «praha». – 2009.

3.     Череп А.В.  Навчальний посiбник для студ. вузiв - Киев : Кондор, 2006. - 397 с.

4.     Безруких П. С. Бухгалтерский учет. - М: Бухгалтерский учет, 1996.-576 с.

5.     Череп А. В.   Управління витратами суб'єктів господарювання / Запорізький національний технічний ун-т. - Х. : ВД "Інжек", 2006. - (Наукове видання). - Бібліогр.: с. 351-362.

6.     Курис Ю. В., Хейфец Р. Г., Носулько В. Д., Хайтун С. Д., Альтернатива и сущность эволюции энергетического будущего человечества. //Фаховий журнал “Промышленная электроэнергетика”. г. Киев, - №5. – 2007. – С. 15-21.

7.     Данилевский Ю. А.г Шапыгузов С. М. и др. Аудит: учебное пособие. - М: ФБК ПРЕСС, 1999,-544 с.;