Ñîâðåìåííûå èíôîðìàöèîííûå òåõíîëîãèè/1. Êîìïüþòåðíàÿ èíæåíåðèÿ

cand. tech. sci. Semakhin A.M.

Kurgan State University, Russia



Creation of corporate information system demands performance of great volumes of works with high probability of observance of the set terms of realization and precise coordination of interaction of executors/1/.

Effective way of representation and management of a complex of the interconnected works are methods of network planning/2/.

The analysis of network model is carried out for revealing reserves of time. Reserves of time have noncritical ways of the network schedule. The reserve of time shows on how many duration of all noncritical works/3/can be increased.

Reserves of time are subdivided into following kinds: a full reserve, a private reserve of the first kind, the free reserve, an independent reserve.

The full reserve shows on how many it is possible to increase duration of noncritical work provided that term of performance of the project will not change. The full reserve of an operating time (i, j) pays off under the formula


,                                          (1)

where  - late term of fulfilment j events;

 - early term of fulfilment i events;

 - duration of performance of work i - j;

i - the previous event;

j - the subsequent event.

The private reserve of the first kind is a part of a full reserve on which it is possible to increase operation time, not having changed late term of initial event. The private reserve of the first kind pays off under the formula


,                                         (2)

where  - late term of fulfilment j events;

 - late term of fulfilment i events.

Free reserve - a part of a full reserve by which it is possible to increase operation time, not having changed early term of final event. The free reserve of an operating time (i, j) pays off under the formula


,                                         (3)

where  - early term of fulfilment j events;

 - early term of fulfilment i events.

The independent reserve of time is a part of a full reserve which remains if all previous works come to an end in late terms, and the subsequent works begin in early terms. The independent reserve of an operating time (i, j) pays off under the formula


,                                         (4)

where  - early term of fulfilment j events;

 - late term of fulfilment i events;

The degree of complexity of performance of work of a noncritical way to the set term is defined by factor of intensity under the formula



where  - a full reserve of an operating time (i, j);

 - length of a critical way;

 - duration of a part of the maximal full way containing work i-j which coincides with critical by.

The more close the factor of intensity to unit, the is more complex to perform the given work in target dates /2, 3/.

The network model of creation of corporate information system of the District Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of Kurgan region is developed. The network schedule of performance of works, length of a critical way and topology are certain. Factors of intensity and reserves of time are calculated. Optimization of the network schedule and forecasting of performance of works with a high degree of probability is lead. Network modelling has allowed to plan and execute effectively a complex of works on creation of corporate information system with the least expenses and in the set terms.

Presence of reserves of time allows to carry out optimization of the network schedule, flexibly to operate a complex of works by means of redistribution of resources.




1. Broydo V.L. Computing system, networks and telecommunications: the Textbook for high schools. - SP.: Peter, 2005. - 703 p.

2. Formin G. P.. Mathematical Methods And Models In Commercial Activities.: Textbook – M.: Finansy I Statistika, 2001. – 544 p.

3. Kochkina E.M., Radkovskaya E.V. Methods Of Research And Modelling Of National Economy. - Ekaterinburg, Publishing house Ural State Economic University, 2001. - 93 p.