Using a «case study» on the practical lessons on human anatomy


Zholdybayeva A.A., Iskindirova A.M., Iskakova L.A.


Kazakh national medical university

Almaty, Kazakhstan


The method of training activities may be different Depending on the aims and objectives. The method must act as some way related activities of the teacher and student to achieve the educational goals and should include the job student in active learning and cognitive activity of students. One method of organizing students' independent work is a "Case study ".

Using a contingency approach in training to reduce the gap between theory and practice and to generate in students the following skills:

- Assess the situation

- Select and organize basic information

- Properly generate queries

- Identify problems and opportunities

- Predict the development of the situation

- Making decisions under uncertainty and constructively to respond to criticism.

Thus, the teacher's task is to:

- Identify what practical exercises carried out using the method;

- Choose a suitable material;

- Think through the direction of the conversation or discussion in the classroom;

- Put the problem to the students on the organization of work briefcase;

- Synthesis, an explanation and a reminder of the theoretical aspects of the discipline.

The task the students will:

- Allow the task set before them;

- See reaction to their decisions, their optimality;

- Understand that the hasty decision to increase the degree of risk issues organization of the enterprise.
All work on the method of "Case Studies" can be divided into three phases:

- Before class;

- During the class;

- After the class.

Before class teacher selects materials for the case study, determine what materials are basic, and what further, developing a plan or script classes.  The student receives a briefcase and a list of relevant literature, works with the case and preparing for the practical lesson. During the class the teacher organizes a preliminary discussion of case study, divides the group at the micro groups and selects the highest in small groups, if necessary, provides additional information to groups, directs and supervises the work of the briefcase.

The actions of students during the lesson: the development of solutions for the assignment and analysis of proposed solutions, analysis of other solutions and suggestions on them; a final decision.

After the lesson the teacher assesses the work groups, analyzes and evaluates the decisions made. Students complete the final report on the occupation.

Based on what has been said earlier it may be noted that the students develop
ability to analyze situations, evaluate and select the best option execution.

Examples of possible educational goals of the method "Case - study" can be
be such aims:

- To acquire knowledge;

- To develop a general idea;

- To understand the methods;

- Acquire the skills to use methods, concepts and knowledge;

- Acquire the skills to analyze complex and unstructured the problem;

- Acquire the skills development activities and their implementation;

- Develop skills in the ability to listen;

- Develop skills in the ability to establish reliable communication;

- To develop a certain relationship (accountable for their decisions, for results, a critical look at yourself, confidence - "I do ");

- Develop the ability to communicate - in short, to effectively and convincingly;

- To develop certain qualities of mind;

- Distinguish between expectations, opinions, assumptions, facts;

- To develop judgment and common sense (to predict the value of the results; consider the situation in the long term);

- To summarize - the specific details to the realization of the prospects and development successful concepts.

The script works with the "case" can be represented as follows:
Stage 1: Students' work begins with an introduction to the situational problem.
As a result, each student should have a holistic impression of the content of the case. Meet with case concludes with a discussion.
Stage 2: The teacher assesses the degree of development of the material leads the discussion and announce the program of work. Distribution to be be a teacher, taking into account the desires of each subgroup.
Stage 3: final.

The main objective of professional development and personal development future specialist depends on the mastery of their basic foundations of their profession. Teachers should strive to encourage educational and cognitive activities of the student. It is not necessary teacher to explain the material itself, it can offer to students and
by the sense of new material through independent study.

To better prepare students for practical skills work in this committee cycle method is used, "Case Studies" in individual practical work and discipline issues.

The technology "Case studies" - learning technique that uses a description of real-world situations. Students should analyze the practical situation to understand the essence of the problems and suggest possible solutions select the best of them.

Training sessions using the "Case Studies" is an interactive form, involves individual work, work in role-playing groups competitive form simulations. The teacher acts as a consultant to find solutions. The main task of the teacher is paramount to determine what practical exercises can be performed by this method.

Working with the briefcase can be organized in two ways:
Each group has only one theme throughout his work with briefcase. In this case, the study group is a group, divided into subgroups. Each subgroup has its own task is placed, which is associated with a common topic and the outcome of which depends on the overall result. Each subgroup should be clear, for any decision, it is responsible to the other subgroups. As a result of work between the two groups should be exchanged information in the course of employment, and decision-making.

All subgroups are working simultaneously on a single subject case study in competition each other in finding the optimal solution. This requires a considerable amount of classroom practical training, to consistently address all the themes case. Subgroups are given different tasks, but based on a single educational material and subgroups in this case, how would compete is the correct, optimal decision making.
In order for training were more effective it is necessary that Students were able to work in a group and were able to make quick decisions in the conditions of limited information and lack of time. 

The use of "case study" means a good enough teacher training.