A.Autaeva, A.Suleimenova

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay

Professional competence of university teacher

Today, the quality of specialist training is becoming the main indicators of competitiveness of higher education in a competitive market of educational services. One of the main factors affecting to the quality of the educational process is the level of professional competence of teachers of university.

Skills for the nowadays specialist are not as important as the ability to apply them to resolve specific situations and problems arising in professional work and in life. In this approach, knowledge becomes the basis of the cognitive competence of a specialist.

System of knowledge, skills and abilities that form the basis of professional work as a teacher and scientist is a main part of professional competence of the teacher.

Based on the foregoing, in the structure of professional competence of teachers can be distinguished:

·       the special knowledge and skills taught in the field of science (discipline),

·       psychological and pedagogical competence,

·       communicative competence, social and organizational (managerial) competence,

·       information and computing, creative competence.

Generally special knowledge and skills in the disciplines, describing the scientific qualifications of teachers are located at the proper level.

Currently one of the distinctive features of the general trend of development of the education system can be considered as a transition to the concept of lifelong learning throughout life. Global changes have occurred in recent years in the economy, society, which was the cause of the rapid spread of information technologies require the corresponding adjustment of educational content. Competence approach to the content of education is seen as another step in the natural process of following the requirements of a changing world.

Analysis of psychological and educational research confirms that the efficiency and quality of teaching is closely linked to the duration and methods of teacher professional development. The teacher, who wants to meet the current requirements of the educational process, prefers to continuous learning throughout their career. Continuing education involves a variety and flexibility in the methods of teaching, its humanization, democratization and individualization. An important feature of continuing education are aspirations for the future, the problems of society on the basis of the obtained professional knowledge to obtain higher qualification, retraining and transition to a more challenging and prestigious profession

Generally under the professional competence in the modern practice is determined the ability of staff to successfully solve the problem of professional occupations in accordance with prescribed standards. Accordingly, the components of professional competence is the knowledge, skills, professionally significant qualities of the individual specialist to ensure his ability to perform work in accordance with the requirements of the post

Summing up all the approaches to the understanding of professional competence, we can distinguish two main interpretations of the concept: a person's ability to act in accordance with the norms accepted in society; personality characteristics that enable it to achieve success in their work.

The first approach can be called "functional" because it is based on the description of objectives and expected results, and the second is "personal" as the focus are qualities of a person to ensure the success of the work.

Thus, a teacher of high school is originally the carrier of knowledge and culture. The effectiveness of the implementation and realization of innovations in the education system depends in many respects from those of teachers directly involved in this process. The implementation of specific innovations lies mostly on the shoulders of teachers of higher educational institutions as a key production staff in the university activities. Innovative processes in education cause complexity and diversity of contemporary professional teacher require him to match the requirements for both traditional qualities of his personality and professional competence, as well as the new pedagogical thinking.

It is also noted that only one teacher who respects, first of all, themselves and their profession, can respect their students and, therefore, be to them a teacher and mentor, and model behavior. The teacher who knows and loves his work, carried away by his subject, is the sincere respect from students, provides them with a high level of motivation, not only to the knowledge of the subject, but in many ways helped to change their attitude towards themselves. This occurs both through the development of the discipline and the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills, as well as through the mechanism of sympathy and identification with the student teacher and role model to him.

Thus, the quality of implementation of tasks to obtain the output demanded by employers, professional and knowledgeable person in the first place depends on the professional competence of teachers, who must be a true bearer of these qualities.