Ozerova T. J., Moiseieva F. A.

Donetsk National University of Economy and Trade named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky




Modern European civilization, during the period of globalization processes, often faces with questions about positive and negative aspects of the further development of technological civilization, which has based on science and its artifacts. In this connection, the issues about purpose and means of development of science itself, its internal contradictions, its value orientations, the relationship between science and other forms of culture and its relationship with religion, raises.

Science - is, first of all, the specific form of culture, it generates a specific, aggressive form of rationality, which is evolving in a complex historical and social context. In the Western European sense, the science is special kind of cognitive activity aimed at the development of objective, systematic and organized based knowledge about the world.

Modern science hasn’t already just driving force of world civilization, means for solving the tasks of humanity but its powerful, not always controlled by the force and separate social paradigm. The results of its development are advances in space, changes in the program of a living organism, a computer technology, a incredible possibilities for communication etc.

 Modern science has created the phenomenon of high technology, meaning the achievements of modern science, embedded in manufacturing, primarily in the information sphere, microelectronics, nanotehnology, bioengineering, etc. The formation of the society of the new technological order, style economy, based on the achievements of the scientific revolution - modern sociogenesis absolutely associated with a change of value paradigms, ethics of science, in the end of the subject. If science - it is the cultural and historical human activities, the analysis of scientific rationality and scientific knowledge will be a complex, multi-disciplinary research, providing for the synthesis of various types and forms of knowledge and spirituality.

Apparently, it’s time is going to look at the science otherwise and clearly aware of the fact that not only certain ways and methods of science involve the selection of appropriate values-based, the very premise of choice is a fundamental value orientation, which is taken as the base in the culture. Understanding and accounting for this will be continue to effectively work within the existing science project. Any other type of reflection is beyond the scope of the project and will leads to the formation of another alternative to the existing type of science and scientific rationality.

Modern science has a many different values. For values-goals should include the benefits and the truth. Values​​-means are informative (novelty and originality, evidence, continuity), aesthetic (beauty) and moral values ​​(democracy, community, disinterestedness and organized skepticism).

Enlightenment worldview has deformed at the end of the twentieth century, based on the recognition of the objectivity and determination of the world, in view of the omnipotence of reason, that the scientific outlook gives a picture of the real world in his condition. Features of development of science have called into question the objectivity of scientific information. Became visible limitations of science in solving important problems. In this case, there is a tendency that science can become a global problem – its not itself able to control their own development.

All of this suggests that science is losing its credibility in the stability of modern life. In the second half of the twentieth century representatives of various philosophical tendencies: critical realism, postmodernism, and others (Popper, P. Feyerabend, Toulmin S., M. Foucault, M. Polanyi, T. Kuhn and others) were subjected to a comprehensive critique of the principle of objectivity of scientific knowledge, which is eliminable subject, claims neutrality or freedom of scientific theories of values ​​and ethics. According to Toulmin S., the ideal of scientific objectivity is questionable, because we are partners in this world, and not outsiders. Therefore, the science and ethical values ​​interact and can’t be completely isolated from each other. But the value of scientific research can not be considered universal, ideal, and distribute them to the ethics of society. Obvious, incompetence and destructiveness to society attempts to remove ethical principles of the science (and this contradicts the very notion of science, scientific method and scientific truth).

Ethics of science is not equal to any individual ethics or the ethics of society. In the research study is an important ethical dimension, but it is only a limited range of values. Ethical values ​​of science can not provide the necessary motivation for a person of ethical choices in the other, the private sphere. Science is not able to provide a self-sufficient basis from which one could deduce ethical principles, but it can show the restrictions on human behavior, human nature. But without science, today it is impossible to form a world in which modern man makes the decisions, which can be more or less reliably assessed using the scientific method.


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