Doctor of Technical Sciences V.M. Kurganov

Tver State University, Russia

Candidate of Technical Sciences M.V. Gryaznov

Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after of G.I. Nosov, Russia

Terminology in the sphere of providing of transport systems and transportation processes dependability


Communication of the key terms used for the analysis of dependability of transport process is designated. Legitimacy of use concept of dependability, with reference to transport process and transport system is proved. The analysis of terms  “transport process "," transportation process "," process of transportations "," delivery process »in which result it is proved is carried out that from a position of dependability maintenance  they are identical. The contents of the terms "risk", "safety" and "dependability" that allowed to formulate definition of  " management dependability of transport process."


Dependability of transport process, transport system, transportation process, risk, safety, management dependability.  


The guarantee of transport process observance parameters in modern conditions becomes more and more important for all its participants and consequently r dependability more often becomes item of issue at the conclusion of contracts on transportation. The basic economic sense of cargoes or passengers delivery maintenance dependability consists in excluding or at least to minimize losses of transport process participants, owing to default by someone from them treaty obligations.

 The theory of transport process dependability only develops now. Therefore there is no common formulation which would be exhaustively defined what is the of transport process dependability. Has not yet ways of an estimation of transportations dependability and methods management of transportation dependability. The part of conclusions and statements are based on more detailed study of topics in dependability theory, in particular theories of technical systems dependability. Therefore in such conditions a variety and discrepancy of sights on methodical and terminological of the decision this problem is quite natural.

With reference to delivery of cargoes, dependability of transportation process by authors means a complex characteristic which includes observance of the requirements between customer and transporting cargo quantity and condition, compliance schedule of the transport process and the ability of the transport system to the maintenance and restoration of a given level of transport service. Failure in relation to the transport system which is carrying out delivery of cargoes can be defined as failure to comply with the agreed requirements with the customer transporting cargo quantity and(or) condition and(or)  violation of the time parameters of the order (orders) for transportation.

Thereupon there is variety of questions. Some of them may seem at first sight the simple. But answers to these questions aren't so obvious. It is preliminary necessary to consider, how much legitimate to speak about dependability of transport process and whether is dependability property of transport system rather than the process itself ? If we turn to State Standard 51006-96 «Transport services. Terms and definitions» there is given the following definition: «deliability of transport service: ensemble of the executor  transport services characteristics to warrant the provision to their consumers in the set volumes and quality during specific time » [1]. This definition in State Standard  51006-96, unfortunately, is not exhaustive and requires reprocessing. It excludes from the environment to ensure the dependability those factors which depend not on a carrier (the executor of transport service), and from its partners (for example shippers and consignees). For example, cargo damage in transportation and reduce the dependability of delivery can occur not by a carrier, and due to  poor-quality packing of cargo or infringement of requirements on cargo fastening in a vehicle body. According to current regulatory documents, the consignor answers of it.

Shippers, consignees together with carriers and other participants of delivery are elements of transport system. However this transport system seldom has accurate localization, organizational, legal and technological unity of it’s system. Not always possible in each specific case to outline borders of transport system. The stages of transport process realization is always clearly defined technologically and organizationally. To estimate whether this or that system possesses dependability it is possible only in dynamics, in the process of its functioning. It is impossible to define dependability of the system if it is in a static. Dependability of transport system can be shown only at realization of transport process.

Therefore it is legitimacy to speak about dependability of transport system, and about dependability of its functioning process. Using the concept dependability of the system doesn't exclude possibility of using the concept of process dependability. Dependable transport process is such process in which reliability of transport system is shown.

The potential of transport system dependability is realized directly during transportation from what follows that is well-founded to consider and estimate reliability not only the system, but also the process of its functioning. The result of functioning  system process is the made production, one of which categories are services (for example, transportations) that is fixed in State Standard  ISO 9000-2008 [2]. The term  «reliability of transport service»,entered State Standard 51006-96, hence, assumes to estimate is how much dependable « process of providing transport services to consumers, according to the established norms and requirements »[1].

Among experts such terms, as «transport process», «transportation process», «process of transportations», «delivery process» and others are used. Whether it is possible to consider these terms as synonyms, or it is necessary to consider the maintenance of these terms various? Accordingly, how much correctly to speak about reliability in a combination to the specified terms?

State standard  51006-96 «Transport services. Terms and definitions.» doesn't contain definitions of the specified terms. In such standard documents as the Civil code, Rules of cargoes automobile transportations, the Charter of automobile transport and city land electric transport also are absent definitions of these concepts.

With reference to a railway transport there is a concrete definition the standard document that it is necessary to understand as transportation process. The federal law «About the federal railway transportation» provides following definition of transportation process: «ensemble of organizational and technologically interconnected actions and operations which are carried out by the enterprises and other divisions of the railways by preparation, realization and end of passengers, cargoes, cargo-luggage and luggage transportations».

To clear a situation with definition of the specified terms in sphere of automobile transportations it is advisable to address to the academic literature as in statutory acts necessary formulations are absent. In L.L.Afanaseva and S.M.Tsukerberga's classical textbook contains the following definition: « Transport process is a process of cargoes or passengers moving, including all preparatory and final operations: preparation of cargoes, their loading and unloading (landing and disembarkation of passengers), receipt of cargoes, giving of vehicles, etc. As a result of transport process passengers or cargoes are transported on certain distance » [3]. that it is necessary to understand as process of transportations, it is possible to find in the modern textbook « Cargo automobile transportations », written by a team of authors consisting of: A.V.Velmozhin, V.A.Gudkov, L.B.Mirotin, А.V. Kulikov: «Transportation process – ensemble of operations from the moment of cargo preparation to departure till the moment of cargo reception the consignee, connected with cargo moving to space without change of geometrical forms, the sizes and physical and chemical properties of cargo» [4]. The authors include following stages in process of transportations: preparation of cargo for transportation, process of cargo accumulation to the necessary amount, loading process, transportation process, paperwork process, process of unloading and cargo warehousing. Thus, the analysis of available definitions, both transport process and transportation process has shown that by consideration of questions of cargoes delivery dependability it is lawful to use both of these terms.

To concept of dependability concepts of risk and safety are allied. To define the relationship between these concepts it is advisable to apply to the existing normative literature, primarily to domestic and international standards.

The term "risk" is defined as a combination (ratio) of the event probability and its consequences [5, 6]. Since this term usually use only when there is a possibility of negative consequences it is also defined as a combination of the drawing damage probability and severity of this damage [7]. The damage in State Standard 51898-2002 is understood as drawing of physical damage or other harm to health of people, either harm to estate or environment [7]. With reference to safety management of deliveries chains the maintenance of the term "risk" is considerably narrowed. State Standard R 53661-2009 (ISO 28004:2006) defines risk as probability of the illegal intervention certificate realization and its consequence [8].

Safety is the absence of inadmissible risk that is it reach by reducing the risk to the admissible. The admissible risk represents optimum balance between safety and requirements with which should satisfy production, process or service and also such factors as profitability for the user, efficiency of expenses, customs, etc. [7]. When it is a question of deliveries chains in this case the definition of safety has its own peculiarity. It is understood as resistance of the deliberate act of unlawful interference,  calculated on drawing of harm or a damage of deliveries chain or by means of deliveries chain [8, 9].

The concept of dependability began to be used in a science and practice earlier than concepts of risk and safety. If we turn to definition of dependability in the technique the Russian standard of  State Standard 27.002-89 «Dependability technics: Terms and definitions» defines it as «property of the object to keep in time in the established limits value of all parameters characterizing ability to carry out demanded functions in set modes and conditions of application, maintenance operation, repairs, storages and transportations » [10]. Dependability, according to it State Standard is complex property which depending on appointment of the object and conditions of its application can include reliability, durability, maintainability and storability or certain combinations of these properties. Other Russian State Standard modified in relation to international standard IEC 60300-2:2004, provides a slightly other definition: « Dependability: properties of readiness and properties of its reliability, maintainability and availability of maintenance operation and repair ». The term availability is used only to describe the general properties of non-quantitative availabilities [11].

Thus, the analysis of the Russian and international standards has shown that if under risk to understand possibility of the negative phenomena (probability of a damage drawing) in the course of system functioning management of risks can be directed both on safety and on dependability maintenance. In this case it is possible that the operation of the system will not meet the criteria of dependability due to the fact that it is not provided with the given parameters of operation, but it will be safe because it will not pose a threat to human health and damage to property or the environment will be within acceptable limits. Approximately such understanding of the relations between categories of risk, safety and dependability which as a whole doesn't contradict standards in this sphere, has been generated during discussion in a lobby of conference DR-LOG 2011 in Bremen one of the authors of this report with professor А.G. Nekrasov who throughout a number of years specializes on safety issues of deliveries chains [12 – 15].

It is advisable to determine the content and mechanism of management dependability of the transportation process. For this purpose it is possible to consider that in itself includes management dependability of technical objects: «ensemble of the organizational and scientific and technical measures directed on ensuring, maintaining and growth of the objects dependability» [16]. The definition structure «management dependability of technical object» is shown in figure.

Figure – The structure of definition «management dependability of technical object»

By analogy to the definition presented above it is possible to consider that management reliability of transport process provides realization of the measures to ensure dependability of transportation process at established level, its maintenance in the set limits and increase to the level coordinated between the customer and the executor of transport service. For a carrier the purpose of management reliability of transportation process is to maintain its competitiveness.


Библиографический список:

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2.     ГОСТ Р ИСО 9000-2008. Системы менеджмента качества. Основные положения и словарь (ISO 9000:2005 "Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary").

3.     Афанасьев Л.Л., Цукерберг С.М. Автомобильные перевозки, М.: Транспорт, 1973.

4.     Грузовые автомобильные перевозки / А.В.Вельможин, В.А.Гудков, Л.Б.Миротин, А.В.Куликов. М.: Гор линия – Телеком, 2006.

5.     ГОСТ Р 51897 – 2002. Менеджмент риска. Термины и определения. Разработан с учетом положений Руководства ИСО/МЭК 73:2002 «Управление риском. Словарь. Руководящие указания по использованию в стандартах».

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16.  ГОСТ 27.001-95. Надежность в технике. Основные положения.