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A sustainability report is an organizational report that gives information about economic, environmental, social and governance performance[1].

Corporate sustainability reporting has a long history going back to environmental reporting. The first environmental reports were published in the late 1980s by companies in the chemical industry which had serious image problems.

Many companies now produce an annual sustainability report and there are a wide array of ratings and standards around.

Stakeholders want information on an organization’s economic, environment and social performance. Further, as society's awareness of the importance of sustainability issues has increased, especially around climate change, so too has the importance of reporting. There are various names given to such reporting - the most commonly used are sustainability reporting, non-financial reporting, corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting and triple bottom line reporting[2].

Companies produce corporate sustainability report (CSR) for many reasons. There is seldom a single reason and the rationale for producing the report can change over time.

Motivating factors include:

·       Providing information about challenges and achievements to shareholders, employees, the public and other stakeholders;

·       An internal commitment to environmental and social responsibility;

·       As a marketing tool, associating the company with sound environmental management and sustainable activities;

·       Tracking progress on integration of sustainability principles into company planning and programs;

·       Taking first steps towards doing things in a more sustainable way;

·       A successful pilot project persuaded decision-makers to take the initiative company-wide; and

·       A commitment to remaining competitive while becoming a world leader in sustainability[3].

Preparation of sustainability report in the context of globalization, the integration of Kazakhstan into the international community and with the growth of foreign capital become an important place in the financial sector of the economy. Examples of Kazakh companies who have successfully practiced preparation of sustainability reports are as follows:


- Karachaganak Petroleum

- Chevron Kazakhstan

Preparation of sustainability report is an indicator of sustainable, socially responsible business, based not only on maximizing profits and meeting the needs of shareholders, but also is an indicator of the fulfillment of obligations towards environment and society.

At the moment, one of the important questions are – «Whether local companies need the sustainability report? Whether our local companies are ready to prepare sustainability report?

After analyzing economic growth rate, particularly in sectors such as oil and gas, mining, ferrous and heavy metals, it can be concluded that Kazakhstan companies need sustainability report. Advantageous geographical location and rich mineral resources of our country strongly attracts foreign investors and capital. Appearance in Kazakhstan market of such international giants of the industry as ENRC, KEGOC, Karachaganak Petroleum, Kazakhmys B.V., Procter & Gamble, Coca-cola was the reason for the application of sustainability report.

Preservation of nature and the interior takes not the last place in the economy. Each entity’s understanding the extent of its responsibility in preserving the environment, harmonization of business not only with the laws of the market, but also the nature, shows the readiness of companies to prepare sustainability report.

After making analysis of current situation, I can say that local Kazakhstan companies are ready for making sustainability report. The government creates a conducive and favorable business environment and prosperity of the domestic company. As shows foreign countries’ practice it is necessary for Kazakhstan companies to come to the preparation of sustainability reports by their own . Many African countries like South Africa, successfully practices and implements the sustainability report. There should not be coercion, and legislative approval to require local companies to make on an annual basis sustainability report.

Examples: Sustainability report in ENRC

ENRC has committed to improving sustainability performance over the long term.

They already operate to the standards consistent with the best practice in Kazakhstan and as they develop their international presence, they strive to achieve the best practice of international standards across all of their operations, including safety, health and environment.

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ENRC has interests in Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Brazil and Africa (the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Mozambique and South Africa). The Group’s strategy is to build on its long-established Kazakhstani operations to become a diversified natural resources group with world class assets.

ENRC’s five key sustainable development priorities are:

1.     To consume less, to produce more;

2.     To integrate sustainable development into investment decision-making;

3.     To make reputation and brand one of the Group’s principal assets;

4.     To build key stakeholder relationships in all countries in which we operate; and

5.     To create leadership and embed the behaviours of sustainable development values across the Group [4].

Coca Cola’s New Sustainability Report: Commitment 2020 and the Carbon Footprint of a Diet Coke

Coca-Cola has released its fourth company-wide Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CRS) Report, titled “Our CRS Journey…Delivering on Our Commitments.” The 48-page report announces an initiative the company is calling “Commitment 2020,” a new set of goals for its five strategic CRS focus areas.


Coca-Cola’s Commitment 2020 goals include:

v   Energy Conservation/Climate Change

Reduce the overall carbon footprint of the company’s business operations by 15% by 2020, as compared to a 2007 baseline.

v   Water Stewardship

Establish a water-sustainable operation to minimize the company’s water use and have a water-neutral impact on the local communities in which the company operates, by safely returning the amount of water equivalent to what is used in the company’s beverages and their production to these communities and their environment.

v   Sustainable Packaging/Recycling

Reduce the impact of packaging, maximize use of renewable, reusable, and recyclable resources, and recover the equivalent of 100% of the company’s packaging.

v   Product Portfolio/Well-Being

Provide refreshing beverages for every lifestyle and occasion, while helping consumers make informed beverage choices.

v   Diverse and Inclusive Culture

Create a culture where diversity is valued, every employee is a respected member of the team, and the company’s workforce is a reflection of the communities in which it operates.

From the report, I also learned that in 2008, Coca-Cola made a big effort to get a handle on its carbon footprint. The company analyzed the emissions of operations in each country where it does business, as well as for the corporation, as a whole. Coca-Cola’s overall footprint was approximately 6.1 million metric tons of CO2 emissions in 2007. 71% of that total is Scope 3 emissions that derive mostly from sales and marketing equipment[5].

Coca-Cola also partnered with the Carbon Trust to calculate the first-ever certified carbon footprint of a sparkling beverage in Great Britain. As a result, we now know that a 500mL plastic bottle of Coca-Cola has a carbon footprint of just under 250g of CO2. Interestingly, the carbon footprint of Diet Coke is slightly less because there are fewer emissions associated with the production of sugar than with artificial sweeteners. (See the full report for a chart that has other comparisons, as well: glass v. plastic bottle, Coke Zero v. Diet Coke, e.g.)

Based on personal observation I can assume the main factors that are prerequisites for the preparation of sustainability report are the following:

1.     Kazakhstan is one of the most rapidly developing countries of the former Soviet Union, which has attracted more 136 billion U.S. dollars direct investment over the years of independence. In particular, for the further successful attraction of potential investors, local companies must have a competitive advantage and be more attractive to other countries[6].

2.     The favorable geographical location and rich natural resources that attract large investors. Further, these investors are potential users of sustainability report and can create necessary conditions and transfer of experience and knowledge of Kazakhstan companies in the preparation sustainability report

3.     Stable economic indicators and position

4.     Political factors. For example, stable government and situation in the country designed for international standards and appropriate legislation.

5.     All over the growing number of Kazakhstan companies that are entering not only domestic markets but also international.

6.     Environmental degradation, depletion of mineral resources, which adversely affects the ecological appearance of the state.

Taking into account that in the near future Kazakhstan is going to increase its production of mineral resources like oil, gas, coal, copper, nonferrous metals, and etc will arise a need for constant control and environmental monitoring of natural resources, as well as timely monitoring of large companies whose business activity strongly influences economics, politics, environment and quality of life in the whole country and the importance of preparation and application of sustainability report will only increase.

Based on the SWOT analysis, I identified some advantages and disadvantages of making sustainability report by Kazakhstan companies and tried to answer the following questions: «Will be there any demand for sustainability reports in Kazakhstan?», «Are the local companies ready to use and preparation  sustainability reports?




SWOT analysis



·       This report provides a qualitative assessment of the business and the impact on the environment, and vice versa

·       Sustainability report prepared on the basis of IFRS and is a clear indicator of effective management of the company, the implementation of its strategic objectives

·       Strengthening of the role and image of Kazakhstan companies both domestically and in world markets

·       The emergence of competitive advantage over other companies, in terms of openness and transparency in business

·       Increased confidence in the company

·       Improved communication between companies, government agencies, environmental organizations and society

·       Not understanding the importance of this report in the implementation of strategic, tactical view of the company

·       Lack of professional training and little experience in the preparation of sustainability reports

·       Imperfect accounting and financial system

·       Not complete transfer of Kazakhstan companies to IFRS

·       Neglect and lack of respect for nature, ignoring environmental regulations




·       Allows the company to identify the weaknesses of your business and improve the company's strategy

·       Improving social and environmental responsibility of business before the state, the environment

·       The company by identifying its weaknesses, will build its business with a smaller damage on the environment

·       Possible provision of more favorable tax and other benefits by state and inspection bodies

·       Increase the attractiveness of Kazakhstan in the face of potential foreign investors and the public

·       The impact of political and economic factors

·       High level of corruption in the financial and legislative sphere

·       Not correct the disclosure and description of the event due to lack of experience and knowledge in the preparation of sustainability reports

·       Lack of qualified personnel, which will prepare sustainability report

·       Lack of competence of top managers, managers of Kazakhstan companies when using information from the report

·       Failure to apply the recommendations of the report in the life and remove the comments and deficiencies identified during the inspection and preparation of sustainability report

·       The mentality and the dismissive attitude to nature, to resources.


In summary, I would like to note that Kazakhstan formed quite favorable environment for preparing sustainability report. Demand for sustainability reports by Kazakhstan companies is quite possible, as evidenced by the rapid development and globalization of the economy, accounting based on IFRS and compliance with international standards of business, disclosure and transparent business practices, the establishment of public and open company, focused on cooperation with the environment.

In conclusion, I would like to give some recommendations in terms of transition and preparation of  sustainability report by Kazakhstan companies:

·       Bring in compliance the legislative in accordance with international financial reporting standards.

·       Increase the interest and value of making this kind of reporting along with the financial statements.

·       Create an environment where local companies can make decisions connected with the preparation of sustainability reports, eliminate the "voluntary-compulsory" principle of the report.

·       Create local independent companies, which only will prepare sustainability reports and explain the procedure, methods of preparation of this report

·       To encourage local companies to prepare sustainability report through fiscal, financial and legal instruments, incentives and mechanisms.




1.      www.wikipedia.org

2.      «A Roadmap for Sustainable Consumption» By Lawrence Hutter > Peter Capozucca and Sarita Nayyar

3.      Sustainability: A New Era for Enterprise Value?,” Deloitte Dbriefs webcast, September 24, 2008.

4.      www.enrc.com

5.      www.coca-cola.com

6.      www.skc.kz – website of JSC «Samruk-Kazina»

7.      www.sustainabilitysa.org



[1] www.wikipedia.org


[2] «A Roadmap for Sustainable Consumption» By Lawrence Hutter > Peter Capozucca and Sarita Nayyar


[3] Sustainability: A New Era for Enterprise Value?,” Deloitte Dbriefs webcast, September 24, 2008.


[4]  www.enrc.com


[5]  www.coca-cola.com


[6]  www.skc.kz