Fazleddenov Gabiden, master of Yesenov Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Allakhverdiyeva Leila Madat kyzy, supervisor

Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktau City


Threats to the economic security of the enterprise


All risks, dangers and threats can be grouped in different classification criteria. So, depending on the possibilities of their prediction should highlight the dangers or threats that can be foreseen or predictable, and unpredictable. The first group includes those who tend to occur under certain conditions, are known from the experience of business, promptly identified and summarized the science of economics.

Depending on the source, danger and threat to the economic security of the company are divided into objective and subjective. Objective threats occur without the participation of and against the will of the company or its employees, independent of the decisions, actions of the manager. It can be the state of financial conditions, scientific discoveries, force majeure circumstances etc. They need to recognize and take into consideration in management decisions. Subjective threats generate by intentional or unintentional actions of people, different bodies and organizations, including national and international rival companies. Therefore, to prevent them is largely due to the impact on economic agents.

Depending on the possibility of preventing, danger and threat to the economic security of the company are divided into force majeure and not force majeure factors. The first differ in the impact of invincibility (war, disaster, emergency disaster, which forced to decide, and act contrary to the intent). The second can be prevented with timely and correct actions. In all likelihood of destructive factors (appearance of areas of risk, challenge, danger, threat) can be divided into distinct, i.e. actually existing, visible and latent, i.e. hidden, well camouflaged, it is difficult to be detected. They can appear suddenly. Therefore, they are a reflection of demand urgent action, additional efforts and resources.

Dangers and threats can be classified by object assault: personnel, property, engineering, information, technology, business reputation, etc. By the nature of their occurrence can be identified: political, economic, technological, legal, criminal, environmental, competitive, counterparty and other.

Depending on the magnitude of loss or damage which may result in destructive effect of factors, risks and threats can be classified as causing difficulties, significant and catastrophic. But by the degree of probability – the incredible, improbable, possible, very likely, quite likely. Vasilii Mak-Mak divides the threats because of their remoteness in time: a direct, close (up to 1 year), far (more than 1 year) and in space on the premises, adjacent to the company, in the region, state, and on foreign territory ¹.

Allocation of risks and threats, depending on their area of ​​origin was most common in science. On this basis we can distinguish between internal and external. External dangers and threats arise outside the enterprise. They are not related to its production activities. Typically, this is a change in the environment that may cause damage to the company. Internal factors related to the economic activities of the company and its staff. They are caused by processes that occur during the production and sale of products and can have an impact on business results. The most significant of these are: the quality of planning and decision making, adherence to technology, work organization and work with the staff, the financial policy of the enterprise, discipline, and many others.

Both internal and external risk factors a huge amount. This is primarily due to a variety of connections and relationships, which necessarily comes the enterprise. During the physical, financial, informational, personnel and other links take place exchange, consumption and movement of raw materials, components, machinery, equipment, investment, technology, money, etc. All of these connections and relationships arise in specific political, socio-economic, climatic and other conditions that have been established in the whole country, and at a certain specific region. That particular situation in a particular locality, the region where the company works could have a significant impact on operating results.

Factors affecting results of operations could be classified as: state of the business environment, availability of local raw materials and energy resources, development of transport and other communications, occupancy of the market, the state of competition, availability of labor resources, the level of their professional training, the level of social and political tension and orientation of the population in productive labor, living standards, its solvency, the criminalization of economic life (corruption of officials, racketeering, economic crime), and many others. All the external factors affecting the economic security of the enterprise can be grouped by selecting: political, socio-economic, environmental, scientific and technological, legal, climatic, demographic, forensic and others.

Under the influence of the environment, various factors may have dozens of external dangers and threats to economic security of the enterprise. These include: adverse changes in the political situation, macroeconomic shocks (crises, the violation of industrial relations, inflation, loss of markets, raw materials, energy, commodities, etc.), changes in legislation affecting the business environment (tax, property , contract, etc.), lack of development of market infrastructure; illegal activities of criminal organizations, the use of unfair competition, industrial and economic espionage, moral (psychological) threat, intimidation, blackmail and physical, life-threatening impact on staff and their families (murder, kidnapping , beatings), theft of material resources, illegal actions of competitors, their desire to acquire a controlling stake, infecting the computer programs of various kinds of computer viruses, illegal financial transactions, extreme situations of natural and technical nature, unauthorized access of competitors to confidential information that constitutes trade secrets, theft funds and property; fraud, damage to buildings, facilities, and many others.

Analysis of numerous external dangers and threats, trends and their impact sites, the possible consequences for the business would require a multi-volume studies. Despite this, every business and especially business executives, based on the specific situation in which the entity must determine (predict) the most significant (dangerous) of them and develop a system of measures for their timely detect, prevent or mitigate the impact.

Internal dangers and threats of economic security business arise directly in the field of business enterprise. Thus, the major risk factors include: lack of discipline, illegal actions of staff members, violations of the preservation of confidential information, the choice of unreliable partners and investors, the outflow of skilled personnel, incorrect assessment of skills, their low competence, lack of patent protection, accident, fires, explosions, shortages of energy, water and heat supply, failure of computer technology, the death of leading experts and managers, the dependence of a number of leaders from the criminal world, the low level of education leaders, significant gaps in both tactical and strategic planning, associated primarily with the choice of targets, incorrect assessment of the enterprise features, errors in predicting changes in the environment.

Detection and identification of risk factors, risks and threats - one of the most important tasks of ensuring economic security.





1.         Служба безопасности предприятия, Василий Петрович Мак-Мак. ISBN 5-94896-015-3; 2003 г.