Creation of discipline methodical complex for distance learning

Zholdybaeva A.A., Iskakova L.A., Iskindirova A.M.
Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty

The development of information technology and the increasingly widespread adoption of them in the learning process led to a number of specific requirements for methodical complex (MC).

DMC - is the most traditional form of educational and methodical complex, provides a study of the discipline of educational programs. Such a package usually includes a work program of discipline, training and methodological support of lectures, providing the practical part of the course materials for the control of learning material.
The use of distance learning technologies, and particularly networking technologies, leads to a change in the structure and content DMC.

For students enrolled in distance technology, because of the specific organization of the educational process, the scheme for the construction of the course is often similar to the scheme used for part-time students. First, we study the theoretical unit, then hands, then - the final control. Application of this scheme is dictated by the nature of the session learning the material. As a rule, such a scheme of construction of the course is not provided a sufficient level of knowledge and skills. Best results are achieved with a combination of teaching learning theoretical material and practical work.

If you are using network technology is not necessary in an intensive study of the material in a short period of time, you can make a regular job during the semester. For this course material is divided not only by type of activity, but also in terms of development.

The material of lectures, practical and laboratory classes is divided into modules, each containing different types and classes taught in a relatively short period of time eg a week. Each module ends with the control measures that can monitor the effectiveness of the weekly student. And the main objective of such monitoring - to check the rhythm of work, the motivation for further study, so the job should be fairly simple, almost certainly correctly performed. Topics and disciplines may last several weeks, studied in several modules. For students of distance education technology is preferable to lower-division scheme for constructing such a rate that allows you to organize systematic work during the semester.

When implementing a network undergoes a change of the course content of DMC. Requires a deep study of methods of studying the course. As in the case with technology, students of the course remotely, requires a detailed, often step by step, guidance. The manual should include a calendar and plan to study the theme of discipline, guidance on the implementation of practical and laboratory work, instructions for dealing with the theoretical material. Availability of additional methodological and educational material for students with weak basic training.

In addition, students are provided with guidance on working in the educational environment. During a session organized by the mounting face to face workshops for elementary skills in the educational environment.

Control of formation of knowledge and skills test for a network implementation of the course can be arranged in various forms. This traditional form - the answers to theoretical questions, solving problems, including the execution of test items. Effectively use the forms characteristic of the network interactions - forum, chat, video conferencing.

In implementing the network technology training must meet certain requirements to electronic resources that make up DMC. A specific list of requirements largely depends on the educational environment. Attention should be paid to the ergonomic requirements, the unity of style and demands solutions to minimize the amount multimedia.
Thus, the use of networked learning technologies requires appropriate training of educational and methodological materials, the choice of teaching methods and effective means of control. In order to achieve a positive result should be additional training for teachers working in the educational environment, and students who use these technologies.

Hence the importance of conceptual teaching positions those are supposed to build a modern distance learning course.

Briefly they can be summarized as follows:

1. In the center of the learning process is an independent learner cognitive activity (teaching, not teaching).

2. It is important that the student has learned:
• acquire knowledge independently, using different sources of information;
• able to work with this information, using different methods of cognitive activity;
• had the opportunity to work with at a convenient time.

3. Independent acquisition of knowledge should not be passive. The learner must be actively involved in cognitive activity. Activities will certainly providing their application for solving various problems.

4. Self-organization (individual or group) of students in the network. Involves the use of new teaching technologies that are appropriate to the specifics of this form of learning that encourage the disclosure of internal resources of each student and at the same time contributing to the formation of social personality traits. The most fortunate in this respect, cooperative learning (to enhance the cognitive performance of each student in the networks), the project method, laboratory research.

5. Distance learning involves active interaction with both teacher - coordinator of the course, and with other partners, co-operation in various cognitive and creative activities. Issues of socialization are highly relevant for distance education.

6. The control system must be systematic and based both on the basis of operational feedback (provided in the structure of the training material, operational, refer to the teacher or counselor at any rate to the learner time), automatic control (via the test system) and the delayed control (eg, at internal testing).

For distance education course must take into account the following requirements:
Motivation. Motivation - a clearly defined goal, which is placed before the student. Motivation decreases rapidly when the level of tasks does not meet the level of training of the student.

Statement of educational aims. Learning objectives must be clearly stated in the program.

Creating the preconditions for the perception of educational material. This support materials (manuals for students) that came with the package ready or prepared by the teacher. Perhaps a pre-test.

Supply of educational material. An important issue is the design of training, applied to the display screen. You must use a well-known principles of readability.

Feedback. This criterion is crucial for the student, less - in the testing program, and more - in the gym.

Evaluation. During the work with a computer, students should know how they cope with the material. Preferably, however, did not specify the number of incorrect answers to the final tabulation.
Currently, as a rule, the following structure distance learning courses:

• Introduction (Course Information). A brief description of course goals and objectives of the course, you need to know and be able to successfully mastering, annotation of the course, the required literature, the organization of the course, the order of training schedule, how to work with this course, location and relationship to other disciplines.

• The main text in the form of modules, with illustrations, highlighted keywords (for the future of the glossary), and definitions, links to other pages of the course, and other sources of information on the Internet, as well as key findings section. You may specify a list of questions relating to this section but not included in the text indicating the sources where you can find them optional.

• Questions for self-test after each section, reference works and topics for discussion at the forum of the course. Problems with the responses to training.
• Reference materials on the subject area courses (Glossary) associated with hyperlinks to the main text. List of abbreviations and acronyms.

• References - a list of recommended core and supplementary literature addresses of Web-sites on the Internet with the information necessary for teaching the annotation of each resource.

• Electronic Library - e-books on the subject of the course, links to digital libraries. Each link is accompanied by an abstract.

• Means of cooperation with the student's teacher and other learners (e-mail, newsgroups (forums), chat).

• Practical and laboratory work required for high-quality learning course. Pre-test knowledge of the theoretical material and get access to this type of training.

• Lectures and assignments (term papers, essays, tasks, situations, etc.) aimed at the independent application of learned knowledge, skills, implementation of projects, individually and in groups of co-operation.

• The power of problem situations (texts set to reveal the depth of understanding).

• A database of abstracts, settlement and term papers, projects, papers of other students, and presentations.

• Web-work of the students (or presentation files are hosted on the Internet).

• Block files (presentations, reports, ....)

• FAQ Frequently asked questions and answers are posted in the Web-site and available for students.

• Final test. Examination materials and proficiency requirements for materials.

• Power monitoring of academic work.

• The package of questionnaires. The complete course includes a package of questionnaires to explore the potential students and a package of tests to determine their baseline knowledge on the subject, topic, and a final questionnaire to assess the course and the tutor.

• Workshop to develop the skills of application of theoretical knowledge with examples of assignments and the analysis of the most common errors.

• A virtual laboratory practice.

Based on the above provisions, the structure of materials has been developed, which are introduced as integral parts of a system created in the "Globe" Circuitry of the course:

• Program of study subjects, the program provides a brief description of the course, to whom it is intended, you need to know and be able to successfully mastering, schedule, goals and objectives of the course, annotation of the course, the organization of the course, the required literature, the order of learning how to work with this course, location and relationship with other disciplines of the program in the specialty;

• Lecture notes, hypertext links provided between the different parts of the material;

• Provide practical training, consists of the subsections provide the estimated exchange rate work and laboratory practice;

• Tests for self-control and intermediate control;

• Output control of knowledge, and examination materials, the requirements for the level of ownership of the materials;

• Additional material, e-books on the subject of the course, links to digital libraries, e-books with the information necessary to the student