Doctor pedagogical sciences Horbatiuk R. M.,

candidate pedagogical sciences Havryshchak H. R.

Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after V. Hnatiyk



The influence of computer sciences in the pedagogical system discovers new approaches to the training future specialists but at the same time the computer technologies’ application in the process of engineering grounding causes the deficiency of educational time for the basic graphical subjects’ studying. The subject «Engineering graphics» in the pedagogical university is a very important component of the general engineering grounding. It is a principal point of the basic technical and professional education of the computer profile’s future engineer-teachers. The applied type of this subject allows to form the graphic activity’s components during all its stages. The students will get knowledge which can be applicated in the course and qualification projects and also in their future professional job. The graphic grounding of the computer profile’s future engineer-teachers consists of the three structurally and methodically coordinated courses: «Descriptive geometry», «Engineering graphics», «Computer graphics». The evolution of computer machines causes the development of computer graphics. So, graphic grounding contains in its content the computer graphic aspects.

The analysis of the theory and practice of the graduating students’ graphic grounding suffers that the real level of their schooling and the functional level of a modern technologies are quite different things. So, in order to increase the graphic training’s lever it’s necessary to be able to use the graphic information for the dimensional mentation’s growthing. It is especially actually in the situation concerning future engineer-teachers of computer profile, because these people have direct attitude to the teaching of graphical subjects.

So, the aim of this article is the substantiating of the graphic training of the computer profile’s future engineer-teachers. This process will be based with help of the modern educational technologies.

The main modern tend of the projecting activity is a transition from two- to three-dimensional projection and simulation. Such process is very consequential but it must be concerned by fundamental technical knowledge. Students, first of all, have to understand each engineering draughts, draw different images, plans, schemes, drafts with help of special instruments and also without them («by eye») and never the less with help of the computer. Computer is used as the technical mean of increasing possibities of the future engineer-designer but nevertheless it helps to realize his creative potential. The grave principle of graphic training is the combination of traditional and modern teaching technologies. This aspect, to our mind, must determine the context of the graphic training. It’s necessary to be admitted that such peculiarities as the continuity and consistency are needed to be taken into consideration in the process of changing over one profile studying subject to another.

The process of receiving of new graphic knowledge, abilities and skills deals with such individual prevalent peculiarities of the graphic activity as: the level of educating; the level of general and special capabilities; the level of dimensional mentation’s growth and the level of cognitive interest. These aspects must be taken into consideration in the graphic training process especially have to be supported by schooling study course «Descriptive geometry» which is the principal point of engineering graphics. Taking for attention the drawing basis which are based on projecting method and they are the studying objects of this subject, it would be better to teach «Descriptive geometry» in the fist term. We should use regular individual tasks. Because of the inadequate amount of the studying time (only four credits) which is apportioned for this subject’s teaching, the special attention must be concentrated on practical tasks’ content: the detailing of partial points, the designing of the different geometrical objects. Also it is useful to put into the practice the individual calculations of the graphic objects concerning such topics as: the position and metric tasks, designing and setting of the surfaces etc.

We have some teaching experience in the Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after V. Hnatiyk concerning students which obtain the speciality «Professional education. Engineering and computer graphics». As a result of this, we may affirm that the traditional graphic training in the higher school is the based element in order to mastering the modern computer graphic technologies.

The training-methodical complex (TMC) according the graphic teaching is developed using the educational-professional and the scientific student’s activity. It consists of three components: TMC of the descriptive geometry, TMC of the engineering graphics, TMC of the computer graphics. This complex is represented in the electronic version. With help of the applied programmed supply the animational presentation of descriptive geometry’s process and methods is elaborated as well as the functional mechanisms’ presentation that are grounded in the course of the engineering graphics.

The realization process of training-methodical complexes facilitates the practical experiences and abilities. The student’s graphic training that consists of the traditional methods and the virtual presentational models is a very progressive aspects in the whole system of the professional education’s computerization. It’s necessary for those models to have the creative peculiarities and to be as the components of the effective pedagogic methodics which is developed. Our teaching experience concerning students’ graphic activity is based on the integration of the traditional graphic subjects, the basis of the traditional automatic projection and the diligent coordination of schooling-cognitive activity’s different types. The progressive approaches of the organization of the lectures and student’s individual work mean a lot in the aspects of their labour with tutors or without them. The teaching succession of the descriptive geometry and the engineering graphics is based also on the computer technologies.

It is understandable and interesting for students, so they perceive the graphic subjects’ meaning in their professional activity.

The base of the training-methodical complex of the descriptive geometry is illustrated by lectures and task complex that consists of the decided example of the positional, metric and integrated geometric instructions. The two- and three-dimensional colorful graphic illustrations are made by means of the automatic projection system, so it gives an explanation to the educational subject. With help of three-dimensional graphics’ media the dynamical geometric models can be represented in order to thorough studying of the object. The using of the different types of the colour becomes more interesting for student’s education.

The TMC of the engineering graphics consists of the studying manuals which are made by means of the automatic projection system and they include all the schooling themes. The methodic complex of the graphics tasks embraces different instructions for its fulfillment. Among them there are tasks concerning crosscuts, profiles, draughts, plans, schemes and so on.

The TMC of the computer graphics is originated by students which toil in the scientific cluster «Innovation educational technologies».

It’s also necessary for teacher to instruct the study material in very interesting and at the same time simply form. This fact will be useful for students in order to perceive and understand subject. The managed three- or two-dimensional models of the geometrical and technical objects illustrated the grounding aspects. Also they incite to decision’s ways of the geometrical and constructional graphic tasks. The training with help of computer is a motive means that individualizes the teaching process and emphasizes its personal direction.

Conclusions. The automatism training systems are needed to be used in the course of engineering graphics. It’s necessary to provide the time for individual student’s work in the computer halls. But, take for attention that the graphic subjects’ grounding is only primary stage of the engineering-pedagogical process of the future computer profile’s specialists’ training. The obtained skills need to be developed and extended in the courses of the common technical or special disciplines, the qualification projects.

The represented thesis is an essay to explain the fundamental approaches to the graphic training of future computer profile’s specialists in the modern conditions.