Upbringing of the preschool age children to the civic bases

Elkeeva A. candidate of pedagogical science

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay


The presence of civil society is a key indicator and a condition for the existence of a democratic state, the construction of which is the main task of modern Kazakhstan. The essence of the concept of "civic ism" in its high personal sense, is reduced mainly to the ability to confidently and responsibly aware of their rights and responsibilities, and guided them to act in favor of the home nation. Civicism - is the highest level of moral consciousness of the individual. Teachers have expressed concern about this: it is forbidden to raise a child "detached" from the life and interests of the state, people without a Homeland. 

Self-consciousness of the child begins to develop in the preschool years. His view of himself, along with personal qualities that include characteristics that are associated with an adult with knowledge of their belonging to different social groups: a particular gender, family, nation state. "Assignment" of native culture - the most important task of child development, but it also is the component processes of patriotic and civic education. The other component is the education of the citizen of a civilized society, a citizen of their country. Civicism is formed in the process of assimilation of the moral and legal norms of consciousness, of feeling and behavior, ie in the accumulation of social and moral experience, which is the result of the educational impact of pre-school, family and social environment, and as a result of self.

Civic education for preschool age children is possible in solving complex of problems:

·       Education of the child love and affection to his family, home, children's garden, street, city;

·       The development of respect for labor;

·       Children familiar with the symbols of state (flag, anthem);

·       Development of a sense of responsibility and pride in the achievements of the country;

·       Tolerance, respect for the feelings of other people, their traditions.

These problems are solved in all kinds of children's activities: in the classroom, in games, at work, at home - as a child brought up not only citizenship but also the shape of its relationships with adults and peers.

Accounting for the integrative nature of citizenship, allows defining the contents of several parts: patriotism, civil rights and obligations, inter-ethnic tolerance. Exactly, these characteristics are determined by the conditions of teaching civic education for children under school age.

Patriotism includes: forming a child's universal moral qualities of the person (to do good deeds and actions, a sense of belonging to the environment and the development of such qualities as compassion, empathy, inventiveness, curiosity), introduction to the origins of the national regional culture, the formation of spiritual and moral attitudes to the nature of his native land and feeling of belonging to it; bringing love and respect for their nation, their understanding of their national characteristics, self-esteem, as a representative of his people, and tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities (peers and their parents, neighbors and other people).

Children can and should learn to respect each other's rights to live in a group of his true "laws" that "establish" themselves.

Inter-ethnic tolerance, which is the cultural orientation, the ratio of the individual, who lives in peace and harmony, and assumes that every human qualities such as responsibility, kindness, humility, tolerance.

Considerable importance for the education of children's interest and love for their land has immediate surroundings. Gradually the child becomes acquainted with the children's garden, his street, city, and then the country, its capital, and symbols. Then he learns of their rights and responsibilities.

Humane attitude to the people of different nationalities creates a child in the first place under the influence of parents and teachers, that is, adults who are close to him. That is why it is important in the preschool support and guide the child's interest to children of other nationalities, to tell where this nation live geographically, the peculiarity of the nature and climatic conditions that affect his life, the nature of work, etc.

An important part of citizenship education is to develop children's representation of the people native country, the people who brought fame to our country (artists, composers, inventors, scientists and travelers).

Thus, the civic education of preschool age children is in the education of the man-citizen.


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