Педагогические науки/5.Современные методы преподавания


ассистент кафедры иностранных языков и методики их преподавания

Султанбаева Ю.Н.

Мурманский государственный гуманитарный университет, Россия

Innovative approach in teaching lexical material

at the English lessons

Nowadays the modern conditions show the increased requirements to professional skills of specialists in the different fields of higher education. Besides professional competence the special importance is taken  ability in solving non-standard, but creative problems. And in the  most cases the intellectual activity of  bigger part of the students bases on mechanical memorization of different foreign materials, memory domination over thinking, aspiration to remember a material instead of understanding and interpreting thought independently, creatively, that, in turn defines the  intellectual-creative language person. So to solve this problem in educational process gets the innovative approaches that are more full integrated in creative educational technology. Activization of creative potential of thinking of each students  in educational process and involving them  in  decision of educational and sociocultural problems becomes a main objective of such approach.

The considerable contribution to development of scientific bases of the given problem, was brought by known scientists as L.S. Vygotsky, B.V.Belyaev, P.Y.Galperin, I.Y.Zimnyaya, A.A.Leontyev, V.V.Ryzhov, I.I.Haleeva and others.

         I.Y. Zimnyaya noted that success of mastering of foreign speech is the  difficult  phenomenon, caused not only a training technique, but also variety of other factors, which influence and interaction is difficult to consider. One of such factors is individually - psychological factor, where such mental processes as thinking, perception and memory are the center language and foreign speech abilities of the person. [Zimnyaya,1991:173]                                             
         Also it would be desirable to emphasize that thinking characteristics, in particular creative thinking and memory are closely connected with verbal and associations and with associative processes as a whole. There are assumptions that the riches of verbal associations essentially affect size of memorization of  foreign language material  and are closely connected with abilities to the  speech guess.
[Palermo, 1966:241; Belyaev, 1965 :17; Leontyev, 1969:107]        
         Considering an example of use of verbal associations and creative thinking, at studying of one of components of foreign speaking abilities as lexical the following has been revealed that the students who were offered to use  the techniques of memorization of foreign words on the basis of ready "sample" verbal and sound associations, have remembered such foreign words several times faster and more effectively, than doing the same thing with the use of the mechanical memorization.

         Here is used the following  technique for remembering of  foreign word:

1.To choose the relevant sounding native language word (Russian) to foreign word (English).

                     Брать, взять-TAKE-[teik]

                     Consonance in russian- ТАЙКом

2.To make the sentence from consonance in russian and

translation of foreign word.

Sentence: «собака ТАЙКом берет колбасу со стола»

3.To image the picture of your                         sentence or

to make drawing of the foreign                          word.


4.To remember life experience associations relating to this

 foreign word and translation (examples of life experience)


5.To join the first letter of a foreign word to a picture.

(A visual support in remembering the word)


Using this technique the students can remember the foreign words very fast and learn foreign language with pleasure because they find out quick results of their learning process.

It would be desirable to notice that using such "sample" verbal and phonetic associations in teaching foreign language it is not necessary to forget that the given ready associative templates as though "save" thinking, promoting formation of rather same sample thinking. In this case it is not necessary to rely only on verbal associations as here there is a speech about formation of easily seen orientation of thinking in the course of teaching foreign languages.

Therefore in the course of teaching foreign language it is necessary to develop in students the skills of making and use not only sample associations, but also the personal verbal and sound associations which directly are connected with life experience of the students that promotes constant maintenance of active work of  creative thinking of students and helps to put new foreign words in long term memory and study foreign language with pleasure.[Matugin,2007:12]
         Thus the conclusion is that development of foreign creative thinking which characterizes itself as the intellectual process providing possibility to acquire a foreign language teaching materials quickly and easily in teaching foreign languages is an integral part in this process and promotes development of the  intellectual-creative language person.



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