Zholdybayeva A.A., Dakenova K.T., Zholdybayev S.S.


Kazakh national medical university, Almaty


Methods of training are devoted to hundreds of basic research in the general theory of pedagogy, and in particular the methods of teaching specific disciplines. The concept of "method" is also given hundreds of definitions. For example, [1] by the method of teaching understand how succession of interaction between teacher and students, aimed at achieving a certain goal by the study of educational material.

According to [2], "every system is a method of successive realization of human actions that lead to success, appropriate target goals."

In - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, teaching method (from the Greek, etc. Μέθοδος - way) - the process of interaction between teachers and students, which results in the transfer and assimilation of knowledge and skills provided by the content of education.

Training admission (training method) - short-term interaction between teacher and students, aimed at the transfer and assimilation of specific knowledge, skills, skills. Training methods can be presented in a variety of classifications according to their practical functions and capabilities of the organization of learning interaction between the teachers and students. However, a complete unified classification of teaching methods, which in summary form would include all the characteristics of the classification methods, yet. Different authors use different features and approaches to their classification.

In the process of pedagogical innovative teaching methods include the introduction of innovations in the objectives, methods, content and form of training and education, the joint activity of teacher and student. These innovations can be specifically designed, developed, or have re-emerged thanks to the initiative of teaching [3]. We propose to consider some of the most curious and least known to the public methods.


The ability to summarize information, to express complex ideas, feelings and ideas in few words - an important skill. It requires thoughtful reflection, based on a rich conceptual stock. Sinkveyn word comes from the French word which means "five." Thus, sinkveyn - a poem consisting of five lines, which is based on the rules. For simplicity, the external shape, sinkveyn - fast, but powerful tool for reflection, synthesis and generalization of concepts and information. He teaches a meaningful use of the concept and to determine their attitude to the problem, using all five lines.

It is interesting to use sinkveyns and as a means of creative expression. Sinkveyn can use the lessons of literary reading, the Russian language and the world, the history of the city, traffic rules, life safety.

 Rules for constructing sinkveyn:

Line 1 - a keyword - a sinkveyn theme determining the content (usually a noun).

Line 2 - two adjectives that describe the topic.

Line 3 - 3 verb describing the action that makes a noun.

Line 4 - a short sentence, a phrase of 4 words shows your attitude to the subject-noun.

Line 5 - alias or your association of one word, which repeats the essence of the topic (usually a noun).

Sinkveyn (from Fr. Cinquains, Eng. Cinquain) – five row poetic form that originated in the United States at the beginning of the XX century under the influence of Japanese poetry. In what came to be used (recently, in 1997, and Russia) in the didactic purposes, as an effective method of figurative language, which allows you to quickly get a result. Some trainers believe that sinkveyn useful as a tool for synthesizing complex information, as the cut-off assessment of the conceptual baggage of students and vocabulary.

Sinkveyn in terms of pedagogy. Writing is a form of free sinkveyn creativity, which requires the author's ability to find information in the material of the most essential elements, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly. In addition to using the sinkveyn lessons literature [4] (for example, to summarize the passed material  [5]) and use sinkveyn practiced as a final assignment for the studied material of any other discipline.

Ease of construction. Easily build of sinkveyn making it one of the most effective methods of preschool age, which allows you to quickly get a result. In particular, familiarity with the concept of words and vocabulary to better express their thoughts [6].

Formation of analytical skills. Drawing sinkveyn, a brief summary, based on large amounts of information, it is useful to develop the capacity for analysis. In contrast, school essays, sinkveyn requires less time consuming, although it has a more rigid framework in the form of presentation, and writing a compiler requires the implementation of almost all of his personal abilities (intellectual, creative, imaginative). Thus, the procedure allows the preparation of sinkveyn harmoniously combine elements of all three major educational systems: information, activity and personality-oriented [7].

Variability. Variations to produce sinkveyn promote diverse compilation tasks. In addition to the self (as well as a couple, group) drawing up a new sinkveyn possibly with options: compilation of short stories ready to sinkveyn (using words and phrases that are part of sinkveyn);     correction and improvement of the finished sinkveyn; analysis of incomplete sinkveyn to determine the missing part (for example, is given without specifying sinkveyn topic - without the first line should be based on existing define it).

Six Hats method

Six Hats method - used during any discussion as a convenient way to manage and switch between thinking of it. One of the tools of creative thinking. The purpose of the method - to teach people to better understand the features of his thinking, to control their thinking and more accurately correlate it with the tasks assigned to more efficient use of the thinking process for solving problems.

  The method of "Six thinking hats". Other names of the method: "Six Hats method," "Six Hats de Bono".

 By the method of Edward de Bono, the 80-ies XX century.  It is used during any discussion as a convenient way to manage and switch between thinking of it. One of the tools of creative thinking [8].

The purpose of the method. Teach people to better understand the features of his thinking, to control their thinking and more accurately correlate it with the tasks assigned to more efficient use of the thinking process for solving problems.

The method Six Thinking Hats - a simple and practical way to overcome three fundamental challenges related to practical thinking: emotion, helplessness and confusion. The method allows to separate thinking into six types, or modes, each of which corresponds to a metaphorical colored "hat." This division allows the use of each mode is much better, and the whole process of thinking becomes more focused and sustainable.

Action plan.     Undergo training in the principles and application of a method that allows to remember the rules, learn how to use and consciously apply them in practice.     After that use certain "modes of thinking" in order to understand, control and adapt ways of thinking in solving specific problems.

Putting on, removing, replacing his hat, or just thinking of calling the "hat" to simply indicate their thinking, we will assume a role, which indicates that hat.
In color printing primary colors are applied to the paper separately. But in the end, they all mix and make color printing. Six Hats method - is to use the same principle in the mind: an attempt to learn to pay attention to different aspects of thinking, one at a time. As a result of the combination of these various aspects of the mind gives in full.
The six metaphorical hats of different colors represent each of the major types of thinking. The greater number of hats would be cumbersome and confusing. The smaller - not adequate. Six thinking hats are designed for creative and constructive thinking, which complement the analytical and evaluative.

How to use hats. Wearing the hat of thinking, we are taking on the role, which indicates that hat.     Taking off his hat a particular color, we are moving away from this type of thinking.     If you change one hat to another is instantaneous switching of thinking. This method allows you to call for a diversion of thought, without offending the person. We did not attack the ideas expressed, and ask about the change.   To indicate their opinion, you can simply call the hat, and thus to show what type of thinking will be used. For example, just saying that putting on a black hat, you get the opportunity to discuss the idea of ​​not attacking the person who proposed it.
The six thinking hats

Red Hat. The red color suggests the fire. Red Hat is associated with emotions, intuition, feelings and premonitions. There is no need to justify anything. Your feelings are there, and a red hat allows them to express.

The yellow hat. Yellow suggests sunshine and optimism. Under the yellow hat we are trying to find the merits and advantages of the offer, opportunities and potential winnings, identify hidden resources.

The black hat. Black is reminiscent of the mantle, and a judge means caution. Black hat - a mode of criticism and evaluation, it points to the disadvantages and risks, and say why something cannot happen.

The green hat. Green recalls the plants, growth, energy and life. Green Hat - a mode of creativity, generating ideas, innovative approaches and alternative points of view.
The white hat. White suggests the paper. In this mode, we focus on the information available to or required to make a decision: just the facts and figures.
The blue hat. Used in early discussions to put the task of thinking and decide what we want to achieve as a result. This mode of observing the very process of thinking and management (formulation of objectives, summarizing, etc.).

Additional Information: Why is the hat? Hat it is easy to put on and remove. This also applies to our situation, because we should be able to change different types of thinking with the same ease as colored hats. Up to 90% of the errors in thinking (in the non-technical areas) - this is an error of perception. Logical errors are very rare.

    Six Hats method enriches our thinking and makes it more comprehensive. If we simply ask others to think about something, they often come to confusion. but if they are invited to explore the subject, using a scheme of six hats, the breadth of their perception is growing rapidly.

Advantages of the method: visibility, ease of development and application; the ability to see the situation and the decision from several points of view; allows you to remove your ego from thinking.

The disadvantages of the method: the effective application requires a developed imagination and a thorough workout; most psychological stress; the expected result.

More efficient use of the thinking process for solving problems.



1.     Bespalko V.P. The terms of educational technology. - Moscow, 1989.

2.     Guzeev V. Educational technology: from acquisition to philosophy. - Moscow, September, 1996.

3.     Lyaudis V.J. Innovative teaching: strategy and practice. - Moscow, 1994.

4.     Chernilevsky D., Filatov, D.C. Learning technologies in higher education. Textbook. edition, ed. D.V. Chernilevskogo. - M.: Agent, 1996.

5.     Hannan, A. & Silver, H. (2000) Innovating in Higher Education: teaching, learning and institutional cultures. Buckingham: Open University Press.

6.     Johannessen, J.-A., Olsen, B. & Lumpkin, G. T. (2001) Innovation as newness: what is new, how new, and new to whom? European Journal of Innovation Management, 4 (1) [20 - 31].

7.     Laurillard, D. (2002) Rethinking University Teaching: a conversational framework for the effective use of learning technologies

8.     M.V. Volynkina Innovative element in the educational process / Innovative Methods in Education Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference May 3-10, 2008, Moscow.-C.42-46