Ozerova T. J., Moiseieva F. A.

Donetsk National University of Economy and Trade named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky




Postmodernism is a definite, general cultural situation end of the twentieth century and the early twenty-first century, which is manifested in all spheres of modern society. Postmodernism rightly considered as another aspect of the civilization of the late twentieth century, are creating a "new intellectual vision" which allows to review all previous cultural tradition.

In discussions of postmodernism, the first difficulties arise in connection with the transition to a new philosophical language.

 The ruling in the postmodernism eclectic and skepticism were engendering by the contradiction between the moral discomfort experienced by civilized human in modern Western society and comfortable conditions of his daily life. In philosophy, as well as in the culture at large, functioning mechanisms of deconstruction, leading to the collapse of systematic philosophical, philosophical concepts closer to the "literary debate" and "linguistic games", dominated by "non-strict way of thinking."

The most representatives of postmodern philosophical thoughts are Derrida J., Deleuze J., Foucault M., Bouriyyar J., Leotard J., Jamieson, Guattari, Klossowski, Kristeva,

 Batler K., Velsh V., Devis D., Dzhenks C., Le Bo A., Lodzh D., Madzaro J., Oliva A.B. , Speynos J., Steyner U. , Wilde A ., Fokkema D., Forvord D., Hassan.

In his writings, postmodern philosophers have repeatedly claimed that the exhausted traditional forms of philosophizing, it is necessary to move to a new - non-traditional, not bound by borders thinking. At the forefront of this philosophy out the problems of language, a new subjectivity, irony and culture "citations and quotation marks." Posmodernizm removes the problem of the objective reality, by switching to the subjectivity of the individual. As a result, the world is perceived as a convention, the reality as something imaginary, which is well described by the metaphor of a dream.

Status of the loss of values ​​perceived by thinkers of postmodernism positively. "Eternal Values​​" - is totalitarian and paranoid idea, which prevent creative implementation. The true ideal of the postmodernists is chaos, for Deleuze, the initial state of disorder, the condition free opportunities.

Posmodernism insist on the plurality of truth, each entity may make an object opposite, but equally valid opinions. Thus, for the postmodernist truth - only the word to the other human, reception allows to establish rapport. Word is a part of the text, messages. In a new analysis of the problem text, postmodernism believes that the text does not display properly the reality, and create it anew. Thus creating a lot of realities, because there is a corresponding number of interpretations of the text. So, the truth of reality is not there.

In general, modern Western philosophy, represented by the various trends and directions, essentially opposes the classic philosophizing based on the requirement of knowledge of the objective essence of man and nature for a reasonable conversion.

Non-classical philosophical tradition, no matter what the problem is not investigated at whatever position, it was coming primarily from real subjective human. We can say, that for modern philosophy problems in science, consciousness of society is only the verge of philosophical anthropology, philosophical understanding of man as an "existential" and the individual.


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