Alibekova V.N. Master of Finans 

Taraz State University, Taraz




The big changes in the Kazakhstan economy connected with transition to market conditions affected all spheres of economic life of the country. During independence of RK in agrarian and industrial complex of the country considerable results are reached: constant increase in production on the basis of the market relations is observed, efficiency and labor productivity increase, updating of fixed assets and restoration of infrastructure of branch were made, self-reliance on the main food is reached, there was a significant growth in export of grain, oil-bearing crops, production of fishery.

The agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan represents one of the primary reproduction branches of economy of the republic. The one third part of National Income is produced in Agro-Industrial complex. The agro-industrial complex is a set of the branches in the national economy connected among themselves by the economic relations concerning production, distribution, an exchange and consumption of agricultural production. It includes the branches providing production of agricultural products, its processing, storage and realization, production of agrarian and industrial goods and services. More than 80 branches of a national economy indirectly participate in this complex at different stages of production and the address directly and indirectly.

The agro-industrial complex consists of three branches: agriculture, food industry and food retail. The agriculture is important part of economy of Kazakhstan and gives most of all workplaces among other branches which aren't connected with mining. In 2011 the share of agricultural production of gross domestic product (further GDP) the countries made 5,1%, agricultural labor productivity occupied since 2005 till 2011 changed from 304,2 thousand tenges on one occupied to 498 thousand tenges, with average annual growth rates of 9,3% a year, in rural areas lived about 7,48 million people or more than 45% of all population of Kazakhstan. In 2006 - 2011 the volume of agricultural production promptly increased mainly thanks to increase of productivity. So, the output in a meat segment grew on average for 12% a year, and in the grain – for 9%.

One of the main conditions of dynamic development of agrarian and industrial complex is balance of all three of spheres; on their contribution to the cost of the final product it is possible to judge the arising disproportions. In the developed countries the main part of the final product is created in the third sphere. It provides complex waste-free processing of agricultural raw materials, its storage, packing and packing of finished goods. In the USA in this sphere about 80% of retail cost of a product, in Western Europe – about 75%, whereas in Kazakhstan – no more than 40% are created.

There are 8 subcomplexes acording to branch signs: grain - grocery, potatoes - grocery, beet sugar, fruit-vegetable-canning, grape and wine-making, meat, dairy, oil and fat. All these subcomplexes aren't uniform formations as production of agricultural products, its processing and realization are carried out in several interconnected spheres presented by the independent enterprises. It is possible to allocate three leading subcomplexes: grain - grocery, meat and dairy. The grain-grocery subcomplex of the republic represents the vertically integrated structure, its organizational and production communications is characterized by insufficient balance and uneven rates of development of a complex of the forming productions.

Especially low rates of development increased in it the overworking and infrastructure spheres. Big losses of grain and grain products are connected with it. Annually on joints of the branches which are engaged in production of grain, and carrying out its storage and processing about 20% of the grown-up crop are lost.

Incomplete use of the available raw material resources, territorial dissociation of technologically interconnected branches is the main reasons of losses. The unreasonable interregional and interstate transportations of raw materials and production interfaced to heavy transportation costs and losses. The existing economic mechanism of a subcomplex doesn't meet requirements of the developing market economy and doesn't provide coordination, coherence and necessary joining of all links of production of the final products that eventually, conducts to destabilization of the consumer market of food stuff. Forming considerable part of fund of grain resources, the republic covers the needs for finished goods due to own production for 90-95%.

In structure of the grain made in the republic the greatest specific weight is made by wheat, mainly strong and firm grades for which cultivation in Kazakhstan there were favorable soil climatic conditions. However unreasonable placement of production and purchases of wheat on areas, without zone features led to placement of crops and formation of fodder cultures in the republic by the residual principle. It caused a disproportion between funds of food and fodder grain. At the level of security with the foodgrain exceeding norm, the need for the fodder is satisfied for only 80%.

At annual export of 3,5-4,0 million t. strong wheat and 200-400 thousand tons. solid wheat, the need for raw materials of the flour-grinding industry will be satisfied respectively for 70-75% and 40-50%.

In agrarian and industrial complex of Kazakhstan are allocated regional agro-industrial complexes (interregional, regional) and microcomplexes - agro-industrial formations (associations, agricultural firms, the agro-industrial enterprises).

The structure of agro-industrial complex of the republic is difficult, dynamic and is defined by extent of development of productive forces and level of public needs for its final product.

In 2011 in agriculture it was occupied 2196,1 thousand people (26% of total number occupied), from them hired - 604,8 thousand people (27,5% from occupied in sector), independently busy - 1591,3 thousand people (72,5% from occupied in sector).

Cultivated areas in RK in 2011 was 21083 thousand hectares. The wheat was about 65,7% (13 848,9 thousand hectares) of all cultivated areas. The grain crops were taken over 76,9% (16 219,4 thousand hectares) of all cultivated areas in 2011. Livestock number for the beginning of 2012 made 5,7 million heads of KRS (further - KRS), 18,1 million heads of a small cattle (further - MRS), 1,6 million heads of horses, 1,2 million heads of pigs, 0,17 million heads of camels and 32,9 million heads of birds.

Suitable for agriculture (without preliminary melioration) the areas make 39 million hectares. Indicators the characterizing agrarian and industrial complexes of Kazakhstan, are presented in table 1.

Table 1. Production of processing, one billion tenges







Production of food






Processing and conservation of meat and production of meat products






Processing and conservation of fish, Crustacean and mollusks






Processing and conservation of fruit and vegetables






Production of vegetable and animal oils and fats






Production of dairy products






Production of products of the flour-grinding industry, starches and starched products






Production of bakery and flour products






Production of other food






Production of ready-made feeds for animals






Source: RK statistically agency

At the same time at strategic planning of development of agro-industrial production it is necessary to consider a number of the factors which are negatively influencing efficiency of agricultural production:

– soils of Kazakhstan in the natural state have low productive properties and constantly need improvement;

– desertification captured 66% (179,9 million hectares) of the territory of the republic;

– arable lands lost about 1/3 humuses;

– the arable land loses in 240 times more of nutrients, than receives as a result of introduction of mineral fertilizers;

– the contamination of fields a sow-thistle and a wormwood sharply reduces quality of the collected grain which according to the characteristics comes nearer to fodder  more and more.

Are the most essential reasons of decline in production in agriculture:

– destruction of the existing control system of a national economy without creation of the new forms adequate of market economy,

– the fast, unprepared and unreasoned privatization which isn't considering territorial and branch specifics of a national economy, especially in agriculture;

– low marketability of country farms;

– reduction of investment activity of the state and loss of control of monetary circulation;

– strengthening of disparity of prices for products of the industry and agriculture;

– existence of interregional trade barriers;

– backwardness of the markets of agricultural production;

– demographic and personnel problems in agrarian and industrial complex;

– rise in price of credit resources.

One more problem is violation of integration communications between producers of agricultural raw materials and its processors. The considerable part of the income because of imperfection of its inter industry redistribution is withdrawn from a rural producer. As a result in products cost the share of expenses of producers of agricultural raw materials makes 60-80%, and in profit it doesn't exceed 15% as the bulk of an additional product is appropriated by the overworking and trade enterprises, and also is withdrawn through taxes by the state. Government procurements stopped being the effective motivational mechanism for farmers, and the enterprises of processing industry have no sufficient means for a solution of the problem of high prices of agricultural raw materials [3].

Present situation in agrofood sector of economy have been stabilized production of main types plant growing and in recent years the considered period the steady growth of a grain yield, potatoes and vegetables is observed.


List of materials

1. The program for development of Agro-industrial complex in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013-2020 (Agrobusiness - 2020), Astana, 2012

2. RK agency statistically. Kazakhstan: 1991-2011, Information and analytical collection. Almaty, 2011

3. Management problems in the conditions of transition to the market. - Almaty: Gylym, 2009.-150