Ph.D., Assoc. Belozerova Y.M.

Humanities Institute of Television and Radio them. M.A. Litovchin


Innovation as a factor in improving the quality of tourist services


The Russian scientific and practical field interpretation of the concept of "innovation" is based on his explanation in the strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation. In this document, innovation is interpreted as "bringing to market a new product or service, the introduction of a new production process, the development of new business models, new markets."

The innovation process in tourism is quite specific. He gets his recognition, on the one hand, through the tourist market and customer satisfaction, and on the other hand, mainly due to the adoption of joint decisions tourism organizations, governments in the region, industry, local authorities and public organizations whose activities are related to tourism as well as by assessing the industry by the local population.

Most progressive innovation (innovation) is used in complex, high-tech products, energy-saving and high-tech services sector. Despite the diversity of innovation is very important condition for their implementation in innovation is timely and sufficient allocation of investment in innovation.

At the modern stage of development of the tourist industry as never increases the value of intellectual work, without which it is impossible to master high-tech service, to have a strong position on the market. To business and managerial innovations aimed at activation of intellectual activity and innovation processes, can be attributed mobilization (attraction) resources for development priorities in the creation of high-tech products and improving services. All these innovations necessitate realignment of the industry organization of production, Economics and management system.

Innovation in tourism should be considered as a system of measures with qualitative novelty and leading to positive changes, ensure sustainable operation and development of the industry in the region. So, the idea of creation and implementation of tourism projects, not even bringing the first significant profit, can give impetus to the development of tourism and, thereby, contribute to the creation of additional jobs and increase incomes.

The innovation process in tourism is quite specific. He gets his recognition, on the one hand, through the tourist market and customer satisfaction, and on the other hand, mainly due to the joint decision-making tourist organizations, bodies of management of the industry in the region, local authorities and public organisations whose activities are related to tourism, as well as assessing industry local population.
The rapidly growing tourism industry, using obvious lying on the surface of the reserves development, needs a new impetus in the search for innovations to justify their positions in the competitive struggle. Especially large risks undertake the organization, implementing the strategic guidelines. Russian tourism, forming their own way, needs a generalization of cumulative experience.

Analysis of international and Russian experience in the use of innovative technologies in the sphere of tourism showed that tourism is a business, where do you find successful application of almost all the leading branches of science and technology. The innovation of the tourism enterprises today are quite high. The innovation process in tourism services is one of the keys to non-price competition in this segment.

The main factors influencing the development of innovative activities of tourist companies on the macro level economic and technological - lack of funding, poor facilities and equipment, outdated technology; political, legal - political instability, criminality, restrictions imposed by law; organizational management - excessive centralization, focus on short-term payback, the complexity of the coordination of interests of the participants in the innovation processes, the dominance of vertical flows of information; socio-psychological and cultural resistance to innovation, everything new that comes from the outside, fear of uncertainty) and micro level (excessive centralization of control can cause dependency in the economy, to suppress interest in innovations; undeveloped competition promotes the replication of the traditional volume and quality of services; similar organizational "face" of the tourism industry with a predominance of large organizations will exacerbate the problem of innovation; shortcomings in the organizational culture of the firm - the absence or underdevelopment of the values associated with the innovation; the lack of diversity in the forms and methods of control will produce a uniform and insoluble innovative problem).

In General, it should be noted, in the leading tourist companies innovation is programmed by the enterprise and are a standard part of corporate decision-making about resource allocation. Modern companies reserve a significant portion of their total budget on research and development and has made innovation a part of daily planning. Innovation has become predictable and controlled bureaucratic process, which is now the objective of the additional factor of production.

Innovation in tourism are represented by means of high complexity. They usually are implemented through a series of small steps that lead to the gradual development and is a process with feedback. One innovation inevitably leads to another. Thus, the fulfillment of the "road map" to improve the innovativeness of tourism sector will bring a tiered effect.


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