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Vasiliev Y. A., Gubanova A. V., Yaitskaya N. V.

Novgorod branch of the Sankt-Peterburg State University of economic.



Training of future specialists assumes studying of a number of special disciplines, including economic history of the native land. Historical process is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, one of the important components of which is the economy. In this regard acquaintance of students with the past and the present of economic life of the native land since the most ancient times to the beginning of XXI century becomes very relevant. Thus, the history can be viewed through a prism of economic development, however, without exaggerating its role. On the other hand, the reasons of many historical events of the past and the present and conditions of social bases formation can't be understood without knowledge of economic history.

Currently, students in economic universities in Russia study the discipline Economic History which program provides both studying of universal, foreign, and national economic history. However, the economy history of regions and subjects of federation is not studied in details. But it is rather important aspect of future economists training because they will be demanded, primarily, in the region where they are getting their education. Introduction of special courses on regional economic history of our country is necessary not only for the training of specialists- historians, but also for  economists who have to possess  not only a certain set of highly specialized knowledge but also be able to explain them in the context of the general historical and economic development. The need for creation of such special courses has already ripened. First of all, it is necessary to generalize experience in researching economic development of various regions and subjects of federation.

Up to the present, the economic history of particular regions as solid and long-lasting institute has not received proper lighting and did not become a subject of intense research. The quantity of educational literature on this subject is absolutely insufficient and therefore publishing of the editions, capable at least partly to fill the existing gap in a historiography, is necessary. One of the main goals of such research should be the elucidation of the history of the regional economy as part of national and global economic development. However, in choosing the way of further development of Russia simply copying Western designs and ignoring our own experience seems unjustified, as evidenced by the fate of the recent transformations in the domestic economy. In this regard, such publications and courses will be of a great practical value.

A certain place in them must be allocated for studying of objective and subjective factors influence on economic development of regions. For example, objective factors impact on regions economic life – the environment promoting or interfering agriculture and trade. Subjective factors also had considerable impact, for example, to tradition of freedom, the relation with other people, maintenance costs of a regular army and a considerable government, etc. In many respects it (among, of course, and other factors) also predetermined higher or low rates of economy development and its productivity.

Besides, the appeal to an economic component of regional history is also determined by the time requirements as a modern specialist historian can't but consider economy influence on the political and cultural processes. On the other hand, a specialist economist also can't do without studying of historical experience of the previous economic development. Studying any economic event, it is necessary to predict also its development, but it is not possible without knowing its past. Special importance it has in the conditions of creation of new economy.

Thus, the History of Economy carries out a certain predictive task. Another important task is the extension of a scientific outlook, formation of a future expert’s historical and economic culture. Here the History of Economy not only is a source of the knowledge and experience received by the previous generations during implementation of numerous economic experiments but also acts as the collective memory of the nation and mankind. The systematized, analyzed facts of economic history create not only a good base for studying of the discipline, but also for checking and criticism of many theories.

However the History of Economy carries out not only world outlook, but also humanistic function – it gives the idea that any economic event has its price - material, moral, and human. Besides, in the course of training it carries out some more important functions: helps to acquire special terminology on concrete examples, forms special type of thinking which distinctive features are realism, historicism and scale.

A certain place in special courses on the History of Regional Economy has to be given to a role of particular persons in formation of local economic life. It concerns not only large statesmen, ministers, etc., but, first of all, local businessmen, craftsmen, merchants, peasants, workers, workmen, managers who left a noticeable trace in the history of the native land.

Features of the proposed special courses have to become a broad chronological coverage of material from ancient times up to the beginning of the XXI century and identification of economic development continuity. The chronological principle can be taken as the basis for the special courses, however within each section the main economy sectors, such as agriculture, crafts, trade, industry, etc. have to be considered.

Drawing up special courses it is necessary to take into account the lack of special, both educational and general, literature on the History of Regional Economy. In this regard you need to attract not only works on History of Russia Economy, but also new data and recent publications, leaning on which it is possible to expand and optimize stated material to the maximum. Hence, students should plan their independent work on searching and studying additional and, first of all, new literature on this problem.