Onalbekov Ye.S., Mirzagulov A.

Al-Farabi  Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Formation of skills of self-education primary school children in learning the subject "Self-cognition"

State Education Development Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan specify "formation in secondary schools of intellectual, physical and spiritual development of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the satisfaction of his needs in education, ensuring success in a rapidly changing world, the development of competitive human capital for economic prosperity of the country.

In this regard, the main task of the school is to develop the creative abilities of pupils by means of the search of effective methods and techniques of training, the formation of a positive motive in the learning process, provide transition training and learning of students in the creative and effective level, in terms of innovative learning approach.

At the present time the individual development of students Input a word in connection with training through the organization of their educational activities. Education in culture is explained as a technique to develop new opportunities in the form of an ideal. From this perspective, educational activities of students is known as a method of studying the development of the organization of the ideal forms of culture. Such a scheme for the formation of subjective ideal forms represent the characteristics of self.

The problem of self - relevant for students grades 5-6 in connection with the development of training activities. Skills training itself formed at this age have a direct effect on willpower and self-organization in adolescence and early periods. Younger students only taking the first tentative steps into the world of society, they are just beginning to know yourself as a person and are already looking for the answer to the question: "How can I establish? How to get better? ". The child of primary school age, we are constantly repeats: "Here I am! I - am".What exactly is self-education?

Self-education - a systematic human activities aimed at developing or improving the moral, physical, aesthetic qualities, habits, behavior in accordance with a certain ideal of social conditioning.

Self-education - a systematic and conscious human activity aimed at self-development and the formation of its basic culture (V.A. Slastenin).

Self-education - a conscious and systematic work on oneself, aimed at creating such properties and qualities that meet the requirements of society and personal development program (A.I. Kochetov).

It should be noted, it would seem obvious, but incredibly important fact

which consists in the fact that the formation of personality traits junior student by self occurs in all social areas: family, school, peers in a team, in leisure centers, clubs. What is the motivations of self? The answer to this question is obvious - it is the desire of the child to be strong, good, better waiting for parents and among a group of children, the desire to earn a positive evaluation of their actions, the desire to raise its credibility among peers and the people around them ... A provision stating that the student - it is not only the object but also the subject of education, is the foundation on which to base both training and the formation of personal qualities of students. That is why the primary task of the educational process is to develop and maintain a high activity of younger schoolboys in the cognitive, labor, moral and aesthetic activity. In this regard, S.L. Rubinstein said: All the educational work has its own internal condition educability own work, which, of course, tied to each any thoughtful and sensitive person around their own actions and the actions of others... The success of the formation of the spiritual aspect of a person depends on the inner workings of this, on how education is in a position to encourage and guide".

On the basis of this judgment, we can conclude that a properly organized education is nothing but as skillful internal stimulation activity of the person to work on himself, prompting her to have their own development and improvement. In other words, in the process of education takes place very educational work of students. But this work is due to stimulated and specially organized educational influence teachers. Teachers pose educational problems, form the students related requirements (activity), include them in activities, and thus encourage them to work on yourself. It should be noted that younger students themselves often set themselves certain goals and objectives of their own development and self-improvement, plan ways to solve them and urging the inner desire, start persevere.

Teachers - the practice argue that elementary school students begin to engage in self-education only when they already give yourself a clear report their actions and deeds when they develop sposobnostk self-esteem, to understanding their positive and negative qualities, and there is a need in their own improvement.

Stages of formation of skills of self:

1. Decision. (Selection or formation ideal to you can seek in the process of self-education)

2. Self-cognition. (Identification and self-esteem development level quality and other characteristics of a person)

3. The choice of means, a plan. (Provision required the very plants that can help a person achieve a particular purpose of self)

4. Implementation Plans (Practical work aimed at achieving formulated earlier of values) (by A.I. Kochetov)

Methods of formation of skills of self:

1. A method of self-persuasion (the child himself reveals its flaws -naprimer: inability to keep his word, the child convinces himself of the need to get rid of their disadvantage. Effective method of self-persuasion is the recitation aloud: "It is not good to give slovoi not keep it", "We must try to keep his word").

2. The method of self-hypnosis (the child himself to seek to influence their own mind and feelings, often tell myself out loud how he will behave and what actions he would not perform. For example, a student who has decided to do away with swearing inspire myself muttering aloud: " I'm never eating bad words, "" I do not suppose the speech of words").

3. Method itself liabilities (Students are out to overcome at a particular disadvantage or develop some positive quality, such as "neat homework in math," undertakes to not be hasty, well think about the order to execute a teacher exercises, to avoid errors and erasures. This obligation itself must repeatedly utter that it was fixed in the minds).

4. The method of self-criticism (student who revealed at a particular disadvantage, and set a goal to get rid of it, exposes himself to self-criticism in order to mobilize their volitional efforts to overcome its early. For example, the student drew attention to the neglect of their notebooks starting to blame themselves in this: "What I relaxed. What dirt in my notebooks. It is necessary to me all laugh in class!" It should also be noted that such self-criticism must be practiced until not achieved the goal).

5. The method of empathy (mentally transfer yourself in the position of another person, his feelings of empathy). (In the process of self-disciple develops at his positive qualities and overcomes the negative, putting yourself in the position of another person, sharing his feelings, and thus encourages himself to self-improvement).

6. The method of self-constraint (self order). (Only applicable in cases where the student has defined for itself certain rules of behavior. For example - "get up every day at 7 am." Waking up at the appointed time, the student must bring myself to get out of bed, muttering aloud or following words: "Immediately get up! Stop lying for 7 hours").

7. The method of self-punishment (in the process of self-disciple makes those or other deviations from the planned rules. For example, the student do his homework, he called and invited to walk. He agreed, but in the manner of self-punishment in the next time it will deprive themselves of the opportunity to go for a walk.) (by A.I. Kochetov).

To provide practical assistance to students in self-education.

For this purpose, useful to discuss with their children the way you need to set goals for self overcome any deficiencies in the conduct and character, how to use the methods of self-persuasion, self-hypnosis, self coercion and other work on themselves.

Practical work on the development of skills of self-education of younger schoolboys. First example of how to teach children of primary school age different methods for the formation of self-education in extracurricular activities are classes in the afternoon, most of these studies relate to daycare or with the whole class class (small groups of children), a class on the subject "Self-cognition" that are included in the basic curriculum of schools of Kazakhstan.

Self-cognition as a subject is intended to fulfill a key role in creating the conditions for the formation of the moral foundations of personality, its spiritual development and self-realization. Moral and spiritual education that allows the individual to achieve harmony in the physical, mental, spiritual, social and creative development, implemented in a real educational practice in different ways and especially through the subject "Self-cognition".

"Self-cognition" - this is a unique piece with a priceless spiritual treasure, which makes the introduction to each person's spiritual and moral, happy and joyful, kind and wise. The subject of "Self-cognition" is a prerequisite for self-development and self-actualization, supports and assists students in acquiring essential skills of a wide spectrum.

G.G. Solovyova notes that Self-cognition - a meta subject is to change the paradigm of the educational process, go to the new philosophical foundations with a focus on spiritual priorities, on the understanding of human beings as an integral unity of  body and soul, mind and heart. This creates favorable conditions for self-education of students.

At lessons the students closer acquainted with their own "I", learn to evaluate yourself to see yourself from the outside: its appearance, features and behaviors, individual traits, subject to analysis their own successes and achievements. Love, kindness, friendship - these simple words in the lesson on self-knowledge takes on new meaning, become magical. The role of the subject "Self-cognition" rated as important, significant and integral part of the learning process. Students raise the level of self-education and development, realize their creative potential.

At these sessions the students can make offer "Card self-identity. In "Map of self" students are asked to identify the following components:

- Analysis, assessment of its shortcomings, setting a specific goal


- Development of a program of self-education;

- Identification of methods of self;

- The work of a person;

- Self control.

In "Map of self" students make a list of your negative personality traits, negative qualities are deleted and translated into positive ones. Then ranked in order of importance: very important, important, desirable. And then put a specific goal and specific tasks to work on 2-3 qualities.

Another form of work is "time management" - the act or process of exercise conscious control over the amount of time. This type of work can be organized in a group (class schedule) and individually (schedule specific pupil). Students are encouraged to make a clear schedule for hours.

On self-education is also necessary to conduct ethical conversation, to make these questions for discussion of student meetings, devote their school evenings, meetings with famous people, etc. The subjects of these forms of educational work can cover a variety of aspects of the problem: "What is self-education," "How to overcome their shortcomings", "Methods of self", "How great people to work on his own perfection" and others. It is useful to students before to these issues were not only teachers but also scientists, authors of works of children's literature, psychologists, representatives of other professions. In conclusion, it should be noted that self-education serves as an important means of personal development and formation of students only on the condition that teachers pay due attention to its organization and be able to skillfully and competently his guide.


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