Ye.T. Kadenov – master of pedagogical sciences

I.Ye. Khadyrbayeva – master of social sciences


The new principle in approach to development and improvement of the identity of the person is necessary. What it for the principle? The new principle assumes recognition of existence in the person of three realities, components: bodies, soul and spirit. To bring up the person in every respect, it is necessary to know him in every respect.

The modern science practically recognized existence of the thin worlds (A. Akimov, V. Volchenko, A. Dubov, Yu. Kulakov, G. Shipov, V. Troitsky, V. Pushkin, etc.). In the nineties our century the fifth fundamental interaction - information and power (IP) which material carrier are so-called torsion fields (a torsion field) of physical vacuum was open. The mathematical theory and physical model of backs - the torsion interactions is created even (A. Akimov, V. Volchenko, G. Shipov, etc.). The torsion fields possess such properties which are able to explain properties of the thin world, and also phenomena of so-called ekstrasensorny interaction known for much. It - "absence the energy", superlight speed of distribution, overcoming of natural material environments practically without absorption, etc. According to heuristic IE-model of the Installed Volchenko, the Universe develops at this stage from live to live and further, through consciousness of the person, to the thin worlds of Consciousness of Space. Top of the Inner World of God is the Absolute - absolute EVERYTHING where there is a World Reason, i.e. all information and all programs of evolution of all Universe. Therefore the consciousness of the person is an integral part of Consciousness of the Universe as live system. Due to the above, and the essence of the person can be considered by analogy with system of the World in the form of a triad: Ideas (Spirit, reason), Contents (Souls, Consciousnesses) and Forms (Body). Thus, the consciousness of the person connects, on the one hand, reason and a body (transferring programs of reason to a form, to a biological body), and with another - transferring to reason information processed by it from internal and environment, enriches reason. So, it turns out that the IDEA of the Uniform law of the Universe is enclosed in our nature. The content of idea is, essence of genetics of biological structure and highest IE-structure - reason. The content of human nature - its character, instincts thinking, incentives, etc. The form is our organism, difficult biomechanical and bio-power information system. At such understanding of essence of the person a main goal of his life is improvement of the personality and her participation in evolutionary development of the whole world, the Universe. Then it is necessary to understand process of self-development of the personality to achievement of harmony with the highest reality as spiritual development of the personality. Spiritual development assumes the development of our consciousness, reorganization of a world view allowing is frictionless to combine the highest truth, the real cultural wealth with usual terrestrial cares, with real life of other people. For any person it is important to become harmoniously developed personality. Taking into account the above, we understand as harmoniously developed personality such which in vital process the first place allocates for spiritual development, the second - intellectual and the third - to material welfare. As we already spoke, communication of the person with Space Spirit (God) is carried out by means of consciousness, therefore, the more widely consciousness of the person, the it is more spiritual, by that is more connected good luck, that more it possesses qualities of the Creator in whom are inherent Universal love, Power (will, energy of life) and Wisdom.

The material human nature is inherited from the birth, subsequently it develops in that we can designate as "egoism" (personality) who is shown in various desires and passions. Power of these desires and passions enough bike also attracts to itself intelligence of the person by means of which realizes the requirements. Thus, the intelligence of the person gets to dependence on egoism.

Basis of "egoism" is the egoism generating ignorance, hatred, anger, rancor, falsity, hypocrisy, jealousy, envy, arrogance, alarm, impudence, fear, laziness, avidity, love of power, absent-mindedness, sensitivity.

What ways of spiritual self-improvement of the personality?

It is necessary to make "egoism" the ally true "I". For this purpose it is necessary to change an orientation of the consciousness, to turn it from the outside world on the inner world, on process of spiritual development, on knowledge of God of itself. Value has a way as life process. The choice of a way will also define, whom and what will become the person what will be his life. If the person chooses a way of passions and a profit, that is will live at the level of requirements of "egoism", to look for happiness outside, it is a way to degradation. If the person turns consciousness in himself, will choose a spiritual way, to look for happiness in itself by the principle: "Look for treasure in the heart", it will develop on ascending, it and will be harmonious development as it will completely be coordinated with evolutionary development of the Universe.

The person has to realize that trouble, an illness - result of our imperfection. People losers to whom constantly there are troubles, are guilty of it as their thoughts containing uncertainty, offense, misfortune, negativism etc. at the subconscious level create appropriate programs of actions and carry out them. Negative thoughts cause deformation of field structures of the person, and deformation of field structures causes various diseases and failures.

Therefore it is necessary to begin spiritual revival with the thoughts because thoughts define nature of our actions, acts, and finally - our destiny: you will seed thoughts - you will reap an act, you will seed an act - you will reap a habit, you will seed a habit - you will reap character, you will seed character - you will reap destiny. Useful, kind thoughts, desires, acts increase the kind will power, a positive biofield and harmful and angry - evil will power, a negative biofield. Malignant gossip concerning itself, darling and native is especially harmful. The nasty thought, the bad word - attack at the power level, for what follows inevitable payment: destruction of own field structure, energy loss, breakdown. Hatred and discontent which deform a biofield first of all of the hater, and then and people surrounding it are not less dangerous to the person.

Negative thoughts of parents concerning the children are very dangerous. The matter is that the biofield of the person has protection, but the biofield of the child is absolutely opened for parents and therefore the slightest sins of parents during pregnancy and after the child's birth (unwillingness to have the child, offense on the husband, discontent with a floor, appearance, the newborn's capriciousness if it isn't blocked by love to it) can easily deform a fragile biofield of the child, causing diseases and even death.

However the love has the greatest impact on spiritual development of the personality. Love - the main spiritual structure, and if it is whole, violation of other structures doesn't cause catastrophic consequences. Therefore to leave crisis, it is necessary to fall in love with all, all on the earth, in the Universe. Then we fully will feel harmony, pleasure of life, health. Having seeded kind thoughts in the soul, it is important to pass to good deeds, and it is necessary to do all with love or not to do at all because everything that we do without love, tires, oppresses, poisons us (it is proved by biochemists). Therefore work free, creative, favourite - a powerful tool of spiritual improvement of preservation and accumulation of vital forces. Spiritual growth is promoted by the help especially poor, to the patient offended, needing.

It is important to pass on experience of these good deeds, but without being praised and without towering thus, and without expecting a praise and an award for it, and finding pleasure and an award in the process of execution of good deeds. Then at any time it is possible to give itself pleasure and our life will be filled with the new useful and pleasant contents. Spiritual improvement, improvement of a biopower field, increase of self-confidence and feeling of pleasure are promoted by improvement of the relations with people around. The happiness, is visible that the person finds the place in life of society, in harmony with the whole world. Otherwise people chase ghosts, live in rage, envy, temporary delights, continuously adjusted by an irrepressible scourge of desires.

Thus, spiritual self-improvement provides to the person mental and physical health, harmony with world around, creative, happy life.


Key words: personality, self-improvement, spirituality, bio-power, egoism